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Nowadays, knowing mathematics is the best way to be successful in commerce. In my point of view, | partly agree with this statement because people have to know some other skill if they want to be successful in their own enterprise, On the one hand, itis undeniable that being good at math is an advantage. The reason for its, in the commercial people have to calculate in order to have as much as money. For example, starting the company people have to calculate a lot about the price, tax, salary for their employees to have a profit. Moreover, studying math can help the individuals have logical thinking so they can solve the problem faster and correctly. t's lead to, their own company can develop and have more profit in order to their can increase the employees’ salary. On the other hand, people have to learn soft skill to be achievement in business. The obvious reason for that is people have to learn negotiation skill to be accomplishment, because the more clients they convince the more contracts they have. Moreover, sometime people have to cooperate with others to complete their work so teamwork skill is one of the important skills. For instance, if people know how to work with others and will finish their tasks faster than other who do not that skill To conclude, people who know math is the key to achievernent, but it is not enough they have to know some soft sill like teamwork, negotiation to be more successful,

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