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Nowadays, a huge of individuals love watching oversea movie than local movie.

There are a lot of

problem that cause this problem, and the authority ought to invest more money to develop the local


On the one hand, the domes c movie cannot compare foreign film. The obvious reason for that is the

foreign films have famous actor which popular all over the world and they can act more professional

than the local actor because the domes c actor they do not put the passion in their role, so it leads to

the reputa on of the movie increase and the local viewer love to watch it. For example, whenever Tom

Cruise appears in the films, it can be rapidly be famous. Moreover, the special effect of oversea films are

more be er than domes c film and the films are made more carefully, so it can a ract more people

watching it. For instance, the Hollywood they prefer to use realis c shot than make special effect, and

before release the film to the market, the movie is checked by a huge of people.

On the other hand, the government should spend more money to develop the film industry. The reason

is the government have to improve the way movies are made, and the ability of the actor. Because some

of them do not have ap tude to act. Furthermore, the authority ought to invest more on the film

industry in order to make it more a rac ve for the ci zen. For example, the government should pay on

special effect and sound effect to make the movie more interes ng and a rac ve.

In conclusion, the cause which cause the problem are poor actor and do not have enough special effect.

In addi on, the authority should give financial support on develop the actor and improve the special

effect and sound effect.

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