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It is disheartening that a majority of movie-goers prefer to be entertained by foreign films rather than

consuming domestic products. This essay will justify on the grounds that this fact is emerging and argue
why governments should invest more in the film industry.

The failure of domestic movies arises from several reasons. The first factor is evident to fellow
audiences: local films are less intriguing, captivating and professional compared to overseas ones. This
can be attributed to the fact that local filmmakers have a lower level of expertise and factual experience,
therefore their products remain absurdity and illogicality in certain scenes, and viewers can easily notice
gigantic pebbles. Moreover, insufficient funds for filmmaking lead to a shortage of crucial resources. For
example, the movie 'Cù Lao Xác Sống' failed owing to inadequate background settings, amatour
costumes ,unsuitable artistic elements, middle-of-the-road content, and notably, unreal acting.
Additionally, movies can be influenced by the nation's endemic factors. Some films intended for
entertainment excessively incorporate political or advertising propaganda instead of focusing on their
main purpose. Others are hindered by strict censorship processes, which limit the variety of films. When
these practices are not implemented appropriately, they can provoke apathy and annoyance among

To address these problematic issues, more sponsorships should be supported by the government in
cinemagraphy. Firstly, a suitable amount of money helps individual filmaking businesses who are
struggling to cope with financial issues and save some budget, therefore more quality products will be
introduced. Secondly, enhancement in facilities and improvements in educational quality will nurture
more talented filmakers. Inparenthesis, government and companies ought to try to lessen inappropriate
use of political and advertising purpose in order to allow movies only contain their original content.

In sum, the consumption of locally produced films falls behind their foreign counterparts due to various
reasons. To compete with the international market, it is necessary that more money should be poured
into the film industry.

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