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OMOTUYI Iyanuoluwa Peter
Department of Chemical Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
[E-mail :]
This study aimed to investigate the levels of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) at
six LPG skid stations located in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Measurements were conducted
using three distinct devices: Bosean, AQD1, and AQD2.The findings of this study revealed a
comprehensive analysis of TVOC concentrations at selected LPG skid stations. The data
collected underscored the variability of TVOC levels across the different sites, suggesting a
range of factors influencing emissions. This study highlights the importance of air quality
monitoring as a crucial step toward understanding and mitigating the potential risks
associated with TVOC exposure. Effective ventilation measures tailored to address specific
pollutants, including TVOCs, have emerged as a potential avenue for enhancing the quality of
air in and around LPG skid stations. Furthermore, the study underscores the significance of
continuous monitoring and regular maintenance in sustaining occupant health and comfort in
these settings. These findings underscore the potential for enhancing air quality through the
implementation of focused strategies. The study outcomes also emphasize the importance of
ongoing investigations and interventions to address air quality concerns. Overall, this study
contributes to the broader discourse on managing air quality and its implications for the
health and well-being of individuals in industrial settings.
1. Introduction
The main objective of a hygiene research is to establish a comfortable and healthful
atmosphere for individuals. This requires a sufficient supply of fresh air and the setting of
climatic parameters that lead to thermal comfort (Parsons 2002). Nonetheless, it is crucial to
maintain minimal air pollution levels. Comprehensive air quality assessments can be resource
intensive. Thus, readily measurable parameters are commonly employed for initial
evaluation. Among these parameters, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) are
convenient and swift options.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) include a variety of low-molecular-weight compounds

with both human and natural origins that readily evaporate at ambient temperatures, and are
therefore emitted as gases to the atmosphere (Liu et al., 2016). These compounds act as
precursors of the tropospheric ozone, so they are very important in terms of photochemical
reactions. Additionally, some VOCs such as Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene
(BTEX) are toxic and considered as major atmospheric pollutants which contribute to
potential threats to human health and wellbeing (Wu et al., 2006). Volatile organic
compounds are a group of substances known for their carcinogenic properties, including
BTEX. Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs), such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene,
and xylenes (BTEX), are pollutants in the atmosphere that pose a significant risk to human
health. They are released into the environment from mobile sources in urban settings, but
newly polluted areas are gaining importance in countries where accelerated industrialization
is taking place in suburban or rural settings (Dehghani et al., 2018).

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exhibit diverse properties when comprised of a wide
range of substances with notable vapour pressures. Exposure to these substances can cause
asthma, headaches, mucosal symptoms (Steinemann et al., 2008), and, in some situations
(e.g., benzene), an elevated risk of cancer (Ott et al., 1978). In Europe, benzene is the sole
VOC subject to official air quality regulations (Directives 2000/69/EC and 2008/50/EC).
VOCs have indirect health impacts by serving as precursors to ozone and other
photochemical pollutants. Metropolitan areas find LPG skid stations to be significant VOC
sources, alongside traffic and small-scale enterprises utilizing organic chemicals such as
solvents in processes such as painting and gluing. Particular emphasis has been placed on
developing and assessing control systems to mitigate environmental concerns and emissions,
particularly regarding their impact on employees and the environment.

Substantial changes in ecosystem behaviour and the resulting biodiversity loss caused by
environmental pollution pose a significant challenge for humanity. Additionally, this pollution
can cause various diseases and physiological disorders in humans. Pollutants that impact air
quality include Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are introduced into the
atmosphere through anthropogenic or biogenic activities and add to problems in the
formation of tropospheric ozone and particles lower than 2.5 µm in large cities (Montero-
Montoya et al., 2018).

In addition to natural sources, the primary contributors to VOC emissions include the
petroleum and petrochemical sectors of which the LPG skid station is part and also the
evaporation or combustion of fossil fuels in industries, residences, and vehicles; and
emissions from chemical manufacturing and industrial procedures involving products such as
paints, lubricants, and adhesives. A significant emission source arises from the evaporation of
harmful VOCs at fuel distribution stations, which often occurs during fuel storage tank
filling/emptying or vehicle refuelling and injection at gas stations. Factors such as
inappropriate sealing of the equipment used in the fuel distribution systems along with the air
temperature and the number of refuelling cases can affect the release of the VOCs in gas
stations (Hsieh et al., 2021). Given that excessive discharge of VOCs can lead to negative
physiological and economic consequences, it is essential to accurately measure, monitor, and
efficiently control these compounds.

LPG skid stations play a crucial role in the energy and industrial sectors. They ensure the
distribution of LPG, which is a versatile and clean-burning energy source used for cooking,
heating, and vehicles. These stations are vital in areas that lack natural gas infrastructure and
provide an accessible energy solution. Industries rely on LPG for manufacturing, agriculture,
and construction, benefiting from consistent supply through skid stations. LPG’s reduced
emissions of LPG align with environmental goals and skid stations promote cleaner energy
choices. They also support LPG’s use of LPG as an alternative vehicle fuel. Additionally,
LPG serves as a reliable backup energy source during disruptions. LPG’s cost-effectiveness
of LPG is bolstered by skid stations, maintaining stable pricing. LPG skid stations are central
to delivering versatile, cleaner, and economically viable energy solutions.

Although LPG skid stations play a pivotal role in distributing LPG and promoting cleaner
energy, accurate measurements are integral to their safe and efficient operation of LPG skid
stations. They help prevent accidents, ensure compliance with regulations, protect public
health and the environment, and enable informed decision making. Therefore, accurate
measurements, which are the primary objective of this study, are indispensable for
maintaining the integrity, safety, and compliance of LPG-skid stations.

2. Methodology
2.1 Study area description
The study area consists of six LPG skid stations located in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. It is
located between latitude 7°31 n and 7°34’ N at the equator and between 4°30’E and 4°34’E at
the prime meridian. It is characterized by marked wet and dry seasons. The wet season varies
between seven and nine months. It lasts from April to November, whereas the dry season lasts
from December to March. Temperature and relative humidity are generally high. The mean
monthly temperature ranges from 23°C to 27°C (Ojo, 1977). In the dry season, the
temperature can be as high as 29.4°C and in the rainy season, it can be as low as 25.6°C. The
relative humidity was very high, between 67 and 88%. The dry season usually begins
towards the end of October and ends around March, lasting five months. The rainy season
began in April and it should end sometime in October. LPG skid stations in this location have
increased commercial activities in the study area. Initially, eight LPG skid stations were
selected; they were then narrowed down to six because two of the skid stations were no
longer in operation for unknown reasons. The map of the study area is seen in Figure 1 and
the skid stations and their respective coordinates are represented in Table 2.1.

Figure 1: Map of the Study Area.

2.2 Sampling TVOCs

TVOC measurements were carried out using a portable multi-gas analyser placed on a tripod
stand at a height of 1m and a distance of 5 feet from the sampling point. It measures
pollutants such as CO, CO2, PM2.5, PM10, HCHO, AQI and TVOC. This instrument
enabled real-time monitoring of TVOC concentrations. Prior to conducting measurements,
the multi-gas analysers underwent calibration in accordance with the manufacturer’s
guidelines. Measurement was carried out during the rainy season at each of the designated
location over a span of three days, specifically between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM. The chosen
timeframe aimed to capture varying conditions within the LPG skid stations.

Measurements were taken at multiple points across each skid station, encompassing key areas
such as the LPG skid point which is the source point, and vicinity of the LPG; the entrance.
The selection of each sampling location was meticulous, with the intention of representing
distinct areas within the skid stations. This comprehensive approach facilitated a
comprehensive assessment of TVOC concentrations throughout the facilities. The
concentrations that were measured were extrapolated to derive their average concentrations
over 1 hour, 8 hours, and 24 hours using the atmospheric stability formula (Bashar, Kamel, &
Khaldoun, 2009) given in Equation (1).

C0 = C 1 × F (1)
where C0 = The concentration at the averaging period t 0, C1 = The concentration at the
averaging n period t1, F = Factor to convert from the averaging period t1 to the averaging
period t0 = ¿ )n n = 0.28, the stability dependent exponent.

3. Results and Discussion

Phase 2 Mobil Gas (Source): The measured and extrapolated data from Phase 2 Mobil Gas
(Source) indicate elevated levels of formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organic compounds
(TVOCs), and carbon monoxide (CO). However, particulate matter concentrations (PM 2.5 and
PM10) are within acceptable limits. Despite elevated carbon dioxide (CO 2) levels, they remain
within acceptable ranges. The findings suggest that air quality at this location might be a
concern due to the heightened levels of volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde. To
address these concerns, it is recommended to focus on proper ventilation and source control

Phase 2 Mobil Gas (Entrance): Elevated levels of TVOCs and PM 2.5 at the entrance of Phase
2 Mobil Gas raise concerns regarding air quality. Although carbon monoxide (CO) levels are
elevated, they exhibit a decreasing trend over longer periods. Similar to the source area,
elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are observed but remain within acceptable limits. To
enhance air quality at the entrance of Phase 2 Mobil Gas, continuous monitoring and effective
ventilation strategies are recommended.

Student Village (Source): The data collected from Student Village (Source) reveals elevated
levels of formaldehyde (HCHO), TVOCs, and carbon monoxide (CO). However, particulate
matter concentrations are found to be within acceptable limits. While carbon dioxide (CO 2)
concentrations are elevated, they are within acceptable ranges. The findings indicate the
potential for improving air quality within the Student Village area by addressing the elevated
levels of volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde.

Student Village (Entrance): The entrance of Student Village displays elevated levels of
TVOCs and PM2.5, signalling air quality concerns. Although carbon monoxide (CO)
concentrations are higher, they exhibit a declining trend over longer periods. Like other
locations, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations are elevated but remain within acceptable
ranges. To alleviate air quality issues, implementing enhanced ventilation measures and
addressing sources of pollutants are advised.

AJ Gas (Source): Measurements from AJ Gas (Source) demonstrate elevated levels of

formaldehyde (HCHO) and TVOCs. However, particulate matter concentrations (PM 2.5 and
PM10) fall within acceptable limits. Despite elevated carbon dioxide (CO 2) levels, they remain
within acceptable ranges. Elevated levels of carbon monoxide (CO) are also observed but
decrease over extended periods. To improve air quality, it is recommended to focus on
reducing volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde concentrations.

AJ Gas (Entrance): Elevated levels of TVOCs and PM 2.5 at the entrance of AJ Gas raise
concerns about air quality. Similar to other sites, carbon monoxide (CO) levels are elevated
but show a decreasing trend over longer periods. Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations,
although elevated, are within acceptable limits. To address air quality concerns, it is
suggested to implement effective ventilation strategies and pollution source control.

FAJUYI Mobil Gas (Source): The measured and extrapolated data from FAJUYI Mobil Gas
(Source) indicate elevated levels of formaldehyde (HCHO), TVOCs, and carbon monoxide
(CO). However, particulate matter concentrations remain within acceptable limits. Elevated
carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are observed, yet they remain within acceptable ranges. To
enhance air quality at this location, focusing on reducing volatile organic compounds and
formaldehyde concentrations is recommended.

FAJUYI Mobil Gas (Entrance): The entrance of FAJUYI Mobil Gas shows elevated levels of
TVOCs and PM2.5, which raise concerns about air quality. Carbon monoxide (CO)
concentrations are elevated but exhibit a decreasing trend over longer periods. Elevated
carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, although within acceptable limits, are noted. To achieve
improved air quality, implementing proper ventilation measures and addressing sources of
pollutants are advised.

In conclusion, the comprehensive air quality monitoring data underscores the presence of
varying levels of air pollution across the monitored sites. The potential for improving air
quality is highlighted by addressing specific pollutants and implementing effective ventilation
strategies. Moreover, continuous monitoring and maintenance are emphasized as essential for
ensuring occupant health and comfort. Further investigations and interventions are
recommended to effectively address air quality concerns at the monitored locations.
Table 1 LPG skid stations and the corresponding addresses and


AL GAS (Opp. CAC, Moore Ife) 7.48835°N, 4.56547°E
HAFA LPG Phase 2, OAUTHC, Along Ilesha Exp. 7.50317°N, 4.57235°E
MOBIL (Phase 2, OAUTHC) 7.50808°N, 4.57536°E
AJ GAS (Beside WURA Event Centre Aladanla, 7.49803°N, 4.56996°E
Ilesha Road)
STUDENT VILLAGE Along Ede Road 7.499811°N, 4.512336°E
MOBIL FILLING (Along Fajuyi, Ile-Ife) 7.499525°N, 4.572920°E

Table 1. Measured 5-mins averaging period concentration of TVOCs at the Source

Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 5.00
HAFA Gas 1.00
Student Village 4.00
AJ Gas 5.00
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 11.00
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 4.00

Table 2. Extrapolated 1-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Source
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 2.49
HAFA Gas 0.5
Student Village 1.99
AJ Gas 2.49
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 5.49
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 1.99
Table 3. Extrapolated 8-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Source
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 1.39
HAFA Gas 3.34
Student Village 2.65
AJ Gas 1.39
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 3.06
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 1.11

Table 4. Extrapolated 24-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Source
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 1.02
HAFA Gas 2.46
Student Village 1.95
AJ Gas 1.02
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 2.25
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 0.82

Table 5. Measured 5-mins averaging period concentration of TVOCs at the Entrance

Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 3.00
HAFA Gas 1.00
Student Village 2.00
AJ Gas 4.00
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 7.00
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 5.00
Table 6. Extrapolated 1-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Entrance
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 1.50
HAFA Gas 0.50
Student Village 1.00
AJ Gas 1.99
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 3.49
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 2.49

Table 7. Extrapolated 8-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Entrance
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 4.18
HAFA Gas 3.34
Student Village 0.56
AJ Gas 1.11
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 1.95
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 1.39

Table 8. Extrapolated 24-h averaging period TVOCs from the measured levels at the Entrance
Study Locations BOSEAN (µg/m3)
AL Gas 3.07
HAFA Gas 2.46
Student Village 0.41
AJ Gas 0.82
Mobil Gas (Fajuyi) 1.43
Mobil Gas (Phase 2) 1.02

4. Conclusion
In this study, profound research focused on measuring of Total Volatile Organic Compounds
(TVOCs) was done in the ambient environment of LPG skid stations. Measurements of
TVOCs were done at six different LPG skid stations using the Bosean, AQD1and AQD2
multi-gas analysers. For the aim of assessment, the 1-h, 8-h, and 24-h concentrations of the
measured TVOCs were extrapolated. The result examined from (Hsieh , Shearston, & Hilpert
, 2021) this study shows elevated TVOC levels were particularly notable at "Phase 2 Mobil
Gas," "Student Village," "AJ Gas," and "FAJUYI Mobil Gas," TVOC concentrations ranged
from 7.00 to 11.00 µg/m³, 9.00 to 16.00 µg/m³, 11.00 to 16.00 µg/m³, and 11.00 to 16.00
µg/m³, respectively. These concentrations were higher compared to other locations and the
standards used, raising concerns about air quality. Higher levels of TVOCs can lead to
discomfort, odour, and could potentially contribute to health issues if not properly managed.

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