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The role of Jesus

in Christianity.
Angelina Khudiakova
Year 12
Christianity is a religion based on the teachings and life of
Jesus Christ, who is considered the central figure of the
Christian faith. The leading texts of Christianity include
the Gospels of the New Testament, such as the Gospel of
Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the
Gospel of John.
Life and
of Jesus
Jesus Christ was born approximately
2,000 years ago in Bethlehem. His life
and teachings, as described in the
Gospels, are of paramount
importance to the Christian faith.
They include key moments such as
his virgin birth to Mary, baptism by
John the Baptist, preaching about
the Kingdom of God, performing
miracles and parables, as well as
examples of love, mercy, and
02 The Role of Jesus
in Christian
Jesus Christ holds a central place in
Christian tradition. He is regarded as
the Christ (Messiah) and Savior,
fulfilling the prophecies of the Old
Testament. Believers see Jesus as the
foundation for humanity's salvation
from sin and restoration of a
relationship with God.
03 The Death and
Resurrection of Jesus
The death of Jesus on the cross plays a
significant role in the Christian faith. Christians
believe that his sacrifice on the cross was
redemptive and brought salvation to humanity.
The resurrection of Jesus after three days is
one of the key moments in the history and
teachings of Christianity. It symbolizes victory
over death and the promise of eternal life.
04 Jesus in Art and Literature
The portrayal of Jesus in art and literature
has a long history. Artists and writers have
depicted him in various forms and styles.
Religious artworks such as paintings and
sculptures, as well as literary works that
include biblical narratives, reflect the
importance of Jesus in Christian culture and
his influence on world literature.
The Influence of Jesus
on Christian Ethics
The teachings of Jesus on love,
mercy, forgiveness, and justice have
profound significance for Christian
ethics. They inspire Christians to
strive for morality and service to
others. Examples of saints and
religious figures, such as St. Francis
of Assisi and Mother Teresa, testify to
how the teachings of Jesus were
embodied in their lives and service.
The Significance of
Jesus in Modern
Jesus Christ continues to play a crucial
role in modern Christianity. His
teachings and examples remain a
source of inspiration and guidance for
believers. He influences moral and
ethical issues in contemporary society,
inspiring people to practice love, mercy,
and service.
The project summarizes the importance
and relevance of Jesus in the Christian
faith. His life, teachings, death, and
resurrection, as well as his impact on

artistic, literary, and ethical heritage,
make him an enduring symbol and
foundation of Christianity.

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for your attention

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