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Questions for Quiz

Title: Quiz: Synonyms and Antonyms

Subject: English

1. What is the synonym of quiet?

a. Noisy
b. Silent
c. Loud
d. Clear

2. Choose the words that are similar to happy.

a. Cheerful
b. Joyful
c. Sad
d. Delighted
e. Gloomy

3. Antonym is a word opposite in meaning to another.

a. True
b. False

4. What is the synonym of cheap in this sentence?

Homes are inexpensive at the moment.

Answer: inexpensive

Other Question: What is the synonym of cheap?

Answer: Inexpensive/Affordable

5. Select the antonym of each word from the available list.

a. Alive – Dead
b. Ancient – Modern
c. Cruel – Kind
d. Deep – Shallow
e. Strong – Weak

6. Write a paragraph using the 5 synonyms of the word BEAUTIFUL. Highlight the
synonyms in red.

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