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cách có sức khỏe

(ou) Our health is limited. If we don't know how to take proper care(ke), we
will get sick and not be healthy. To stay healthy, I have a reasonable(nờ bồ)
diet(đai ệt) and regularly( rây guy lơ ly) play sports. I usually run or take a
light( lai t) walk every morning. I eat a lot of meat, fish and green vegetables.
( vet thây bồ) I limit eating fast food and foods that contain a lot of fat. I try
to drink two liters( li thồ) of water a day. Drinking plenty of water helps the
digestive( đai gets tâts ) process ( po sệs) work better( be đờ). At the same
time, when the body is well-hydrated( hai duye đệt), my skin will also be
more beautiful. Due to busy work, I can't go to bed early( ơ li). However, I
also try not to stay up too late. Thanks to a scientific( sai cen ti fịt) diet along
with a reasonable time to play sports, my health is relatively( reo lơ tiv li)
good. I rarely get sick. I always try to live a healthy life to bring good things
to my family, loved ones and society.( sơ sai ơ đì)

2. lần đầu tiên đi tham quan lớp 8

I want to tell about the first time I went to Nui Coc Lake six years ago, when I
was in eighth grade( guêt.). it is a feeling of eagerness ( i gờ nis), eager( i gờ)
to go with friends but worried( gua rịt) because away from home, without
father to accompany( ấc con pơ ni). The trip departs( đi patst) at 6:30 and
arrives( ơ roaiv) at 10:00 o clock. But, the feeling of anxiety( an xai ơ ti)
disappeared ( dis sấp pia tật) when I arrived( ơ roaid), was guided( gai đệt) by
the teacher wholeheartedly( hu ho đợt ly) and also played a lot of games with
my friends, swimming ( suyh ming), eating... The feeling was so happy and
also so tired( thai ợt) that when I sat down, on the way home from school. I
didn't know when I fell asleep (aass lip) in the car until the bus stopped at
school. It was my first time sightseeing( sệt singing) trip and it was really a
great( gệt) experience.( x pie ri ần)

3. cv tl

Actually, I don't know what job I like, this is a difficult question for myself,
so it's difficult to answer right now. Although I can't tell the job I dream of
and will do in the future, I have I can say that I really enjoy traveling, being
able to go here and there, visit many places, see the beautiful scenery, the
people where I go. Therefore, I know for sure what I need to transfer is
money and a healthy body. strong to be able to fulfill his dream of traveling to
many places. I will work to earn money, exercise to be healthy to prepare for
that satisfying dream of traveling.

4. kể về ngày lễ tết

Tet is a national( na sần nồ) and family festival( s bồ). It is an occasion( ơ cây
sần) for every Vietnamese to have a good time while thinking about the last
year and the next year. At Tet, spring fairs( fas) are organized( ô gần nai),
streets( s truýt) and public( po b lật) buildings are brightly( braitly) decorated
(đếc co roai) and almost all shops are crowded( c rao đệt) with people
shopping for Tet. At home, every is tidied( thai dì), special food is cooked,
offerings(o phờ ring) of food, fresh water, flowers( flao ợt) and betel( bi thồ)
are made on the family altar(o thờ) with burning joss- sticks scenting the
air( e). First-footing is made when the lucky visitor comes and children are
given lucky money wrapped( wrap) in a red tiny envelope. Tet is also a time
for peace and love. During Tet, children often be have well and friends,
relatives and neighbors give each other best wishes for the new year.

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