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Introduction to Electrical Engineering Problem Set 1 -1/2

Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi

ELL101 Introduction to Electrical Engg: Problem Set 1

1. Using a suitable method, evaluate an expression for the current through

R5 in the following circuit.

2. Compute the loop currents specified in the figure to the left, and the node
voltages specified in the figure to the right.

EE, IITD 1/2

Introduction to Electrical Engineering Problem Set 1 -2/2

3. In the following circuit, find the current through R3 using a suitable



4. (a) Loop currents are show in the circuit to the left. Solve for the three
(b) The previous circuit has been redrawn (to the right), for solution by
the node voltage method. Obtain node voltages V1 and V2 and verify
the currents obtained in the previous part.

EE, IITD 2/2

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