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The 12 Universal Laws Explained

July 5, 2021 Emily Wheeler

Many different interpretations of Universal Laws & where they come from exist; here are my definitions.

These laws keep the universe in a dynamic order; In the same way, we have laws of gravity and motion.
Universal Laws have been referenced and taught for over 10,000 years. Many different interpretations
exist as to where these laws originated and what the laws truthfully are. For instance, the Bible
references the "ordinances of heaven and earth” as mentioned in Jeremiah 33:25, translating to the
"laws of the universe", Socrates, the Greek philosopher, believed that the universe itself is guided by a
sense of purpose for the betterment and expansion of consciousness. He explained that whether we
understand them or not, the world is governed by laws and a system of order that creates our
perception of reality. Ancient Vedic traditions speak to Natural Laws created by something other than
humankind and are regulated by a higher power. They speak to no judgment, persecution, penalties, or
rewards. They are neither good nor bad; they simply create guidelines, lessons, and experiences for
everyone and everything in the universe. Those who teach and share these laws are called seers, sages,
prophets, mystics, philosophers, and children of consciousness. In Ancient Egypt, the Kybalion teaches
of the 7 hermetic laws that make up the constitution of the universe. The first three laws are immutable,
meaning that they are eternal, absolute laws that cannot be changed or transcended. The other 5 are
mutable, which means that they can be transcended or practiced in a way to better create your realities.
They have no construct that binds them from evolving, just as consciousness evolves the universe.

We will address 12 total universal laws, 7 of which are from the Kybalion and 5 that have been taught
throughout spiritual, philological, and mystical history. The constitution of these laws exists to achieve
self-mastery so that you may become aware of your thoughts, intentions, actions, and ultimately, your
inner state of being as you learn to find balance in your heart, mind, body, and soul for the betterment
of the evolution of consciousness and the human collective. There is no judgment or penalty for
breaking these laws. For with these laws, things, events, emotions, actions, and reactions are neither
good nor bad. They exist from the perspective of the observer. That without dark, there would not be
light, and vise versa. We need both to understand the other. All laws exist from the position of the
observer, and therefore no punishment or reward is ever viewed as punishment or reward.

1.Law of Mentalism (Immutable)

The very first notion created in our universe was the power of thought. Thought alone teaches that the
universe is mental in nature, and in it lies the one absolute mind of consciousness that has always
existed and lives within each one of us. This means that consciousness is the underlying essence of the
entire Universe and that this consciousness is the Mind of The Absolute. Being an Immutable Law,
nothing can, or ever will change or transcend this law. It holds true on all planes; the Physical, the
Mental, and the Spiritual. However, within the absolute consciousness exists infinite universes, and each
of us is an infinite universe within ourselves; therefore, the power of our own mind is immeasurable.
This does not mean that everything belongs to the Mental Plane. Rather, the Mental Plane is associated
with what we consider to be mental activities such as thinking, imagination, and your overall mental
state. Your consciousness is of the universal mind; they are one and the same, and due to your
immeasurable power, your reality is what you make it. It is but a manifestation of your mind, a
projection of your consciousness. And because everything is thought and thought is the mind and the
consciousness, this means you do not simply have a mind; it means you are your mind. Mentalism tells
us that we are co-creators of the universe because our thoughts become our reality whether we are
aware of it or not.

So, how do you master this law, you might be asking? Napoleon Hill speaks to this beautifully
constructed sentence that goes with me, even in times of doubt; "whatever the mind can conceive, the
mind can achieve". What you think and believe within the constructs of your mind is what is reflected
back to you in the physical world. Your confidence in what has yet to come is the practice for your
manifestations. Believing that you have an abundant life of love, finances, success, joy, friendship, and
gratitude will bring you a life full of such. If in the deepest recesses of your soul, you do not believe that
this is true, what you desire will not present itself to you; instead, it will show you what you truly hold
inside. Manifestation is neither good nor bad; it is not punishment; it's a mirror of your self-worth and
mindset. Every day you are surrounded by outcomes and decisions. When your decisions change, your
outcomes will change. So, if you have repeated the same actions hoping for a different result, now you
know why what you want has not manifested in your life. Always return to this Law and remember,
"Whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve".

2.Law of Correspondence (immutable)

This law has also been known to be called the law of attraction. There is harmony, cooperation, and
communication between the physical, mental, and spiritual realms through correspondence. If you
choose to do the inner work as you focus on finding inner peace, joy, and happiness without the need
for external fulfillment, you will see the world in a new light with a greater understanding.

"As above so below, as below so above", and "As within so without, as without so within"

This means that there is harmony, agreement, and correspondence always. Not only in between the
Physical, Mental and Spiritual Planes; but also within your inner and outer experience. I bet you're
wondering what this all means and how you can integrate intentional correspondence into your life?
Every human has their own unique perception of reality created by subconscious patterns, limiting
beliefs, values, and actions that are often integrated from childhood and passed down our family tree.
These reactions to perceptions repeat themselves throughout life unless you choose to break them and
relearn foundational structures that serve you and your divine purpose. The key is to recognize patterns
in your life that are not inherently yours so that you can take action and accountability towards
continuing with the positive patterns you hold and/or changing the patterns that no longer serve you,
thus creating intentional correspondence in your life and attracting that which you desire. For instance,
by understanding the creative aspect of the universal Mind, you can accurately understand how your
mind creates your reality. You can understand the state of your outer physical world by looking at your
inner mental world. Similarly, your inner mental world can be revealed to you by looking at your outer
physical world.

3.Law of Vibration/Energy (immutable)

Everything in the universe is and has a frequency and vibration attached to it, meaning that everything is
vibrating at a subatomic level all the time. These vibrations find other-like vibrations to attract one
another. At the subatomic level of particles, everything vibrates; therefore, high vibrating particles are
attracted to other high vibrating particles, while lower vibrating particles are attracted to lower vibrating
particles. This is where the phrase “like attracts like” comes from. Everything we do and say has a
vibration attached to it. As seekers of knowledge and wisdom, we attract our tribe of fellow souls in this
practice “Your vibe attracts your tribe”. I want you to take a good look at the people in your life. Friends,
family, coworkers; this will give you a good indication of your vibratory frequency. In order to change
anything in your life, you simply need to alter your frequency, and by doing so, you will attract a new

4.Law of Polarity/Duality (mutable)

Everything in our universe has a polar opposite. If there’s light, there’s dark. If there is up, there is down.
One cannot exist without the other. Many humans want world peace and complete universal coherence
between all beings, and yes, we will get closer to heart coherence; however, our world will never
experience complete "unified peace" because the human experience was created with duality in mind.

Let's look into a very relevant and comprehensive example. Within a 25,860-year cycle, we move
through each of the 12 zodiac signs. Each sign has an Astrological period of about 2,150 years with some
deviation because the earth's rotations vary in length, and the sizes of the constellations are
disproportionate. In sun-sign astrology, the first sign is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, whereupon the cycle returns to Aries
and through the zodiacal signs again. The 2,000+ year period of each zodiac sign consists of major
changes in the development of Earth's inhabitants, particularly relating to culture, society, and politics
correlated to the theme of each zodiac sign. Each sign cycle begins with a dramatic unshakable change in
order to make room for new growth so that we may evolve. For instance, as we entered the Age of the
Pisces, the world experienced the birth of Jesus (whose rising sign was Pisces) and modern Christianity;
Rome fell, and we moved into the middle ages. There are several references to water and fluidity in the
Bible, from Moses, parting the red sea to walking on water, Noah's Ark, and turning water into wine.
This cycle is prominently Christian; even Dionysius Exiguus established a Christian chronology timeline
labeled BC (before Christ) and AD (after Christ). This is the most common depiction of the linear timeline
used. Not many people practice the Gregorian timeline terms, BTC (before the common era) or
CE(common era), even though we use the gregorian monthly calendar. I believe this is due to the fact
that at one point, more than 80% of humans believed that Jesus was the 1 and only god. That number is
down to 31% globally. When we entered the Age of Pisces, we transitioned out of the age of Aries. Little
synchronicity fact, when Jesus, who was called the lamb of god (the sign of Aries is a Ram) sacrificed
himself, his death symbolized the passing of the Age of Aries and birthing the way for The Age of Pisces
that would last over 2,000 years. This age cultivated themes of 1 monolithic God (belief structures with
multiple gods were deemed mythology), money, power, and control. All Government, education, and
finances are controlled by the 1% who created a patriarchal society that punishes anyone and everyone
who dare to challenge the system. During this age, the collective was told what to believe through
religions, politicians, authority figures, dictators, etc. These powers are now beginning to lose their
stable ground, and the shift towards self-power is igniting within the collective. On December 21st,
2021, we enter the Age of the Aquarius. A 2,000+ year cycle where we truly realize that the love we
show towards others is the love we feel towards ourselves. We begin to accurately understand the law
of oneness, and with that, equality becomes a human right, not a political stance. Humans will finally
realize that they are not victims of their circumstances but rather creators of their experiences.
Humanity moves into a broader understanding of spirituality and extraordinary states of consciousness
so that we may step into the unknown with inquisitive minds as we find expansive answers.

So, how does all of this explain polarity? Okay, for starters, this law is mutable, meaning it evolves and
grows; however, the law is called "The Law of Polarity", meaning; there will always be duality.
Everything in this Universe has an opposite, as we have discussed. Happiness must have sadness, hot
must-have cold, up must have down, and day must have a night, for, without each, we would not be
able to distinguish the difference. Our species is evolving, and with this cycle, we will experience growth
that, yes, we have experienced before, but our history has been undisclosed to us, and therefore we
don't truly know what these cycles have done for humanity in the past. We know that the age of Pisces
was the beginning of a new 25,860-year cycle and that during the Age of Aquarius, we are tipping the
scale and shifting towards healing change for both the divine masculine and the divine feminine.

This does not mean that our world will turn into a utopian society or that even any part of our world will
become utopian. You know why? Yup, you guessed it, the law of polarity. As these mutable laws grow
and shift, the scale will tilt, and we will go back and forth with some epoch cycles representing healing,
some shedding, some destruction for the betterment of the future, and some with spiritual growth and

5.Law of Motion/Rhythm. (mutable)

Everything in our universe has motion and rhythm. Seasons are ever-changing, our moon cycles through
waxing and waning sequences, and the ocean tides dance as they rise and fall. As humans, we may find
ourselves in a long-term relationship and then find ourselves single as we change and evolve, or perhaps
having lived with no material wealth, to coming into complete abundance. These are the fundamental
cycles of the universe. One of my favorite guided meditations is the practice of being unattached to an
outcome. knowing that things might happen, and they may not. As you understand and acknowledge
these cycles, you allow yourself to become unattached to a specific outcome; you become fluid and
flexible as you know that your circumstances could change at any moment. Without this flexibility, we
become rigid, and discontent arises, unable to be fully at peace with whatever life throws at you. The
Law of Motion allows us to recognize the fluidity of life. When we recognize this and practice fluidity, it
brings us lessons, wisdom, and understanding.

6.Law of Cause and Effect (mutable)

The Law of cause and effect, also known as the Law of Karma (we will dive deeper into the topic of
Karma in another leaflet), states that any action causes a reaction. Have you ever heard the term "what
you give out comes back 3x fold"? This is about the energetic frequency you put out into the world; the
more good you do, the more you will receive and vice versa. To harness this, you must become aware of
how your actions affect you and those around you. This law manifests itself in your life in many ways. It's
here to allow you to see and understand how your decisions affect others in the collective and your
intimate community. Sound familiar? If it doesn't, we'll get to explaining the Law of Oneness below,
which aligns with The Law of Cause and Effect. Everything and everyone is connected, which means that
everything we do to one another, we do unto ourselves. I want to state that Karma is not punishment.
So often, people view karma as "good" or "bad", but if you view it that way, it denotes all the other laws.
The universe does not punish; it gives lessons. Karma is all about learning from your mistakes and
challenges to bring you greater awareness so that you can better yourself and the experiences around

7.Law of Gender (mutable)

The Law of Gender is not to be seen in the human mind as someone's born sex; rather, it embodies that
everything exists both as female and male, meaning there cannot be one without the other. We all have
masculine and feminine traits that exist within us. Societies have placed gender normalities on us for
centuries; this is not what the universe subscribes to. It notes that both energies bring divine wisdom, as
well as strength. Yin and yang coexist; yin is within yang, not positioned against yang, and vice versa. The
Law of Gender subscribes to the understanding that a person can exhibit two opposing vibrations
simultaneously as long as you embrace the balance between these energies.

8.Law of Compensation

This law is similar to the law of Cause and Effect; however, the Law of Compensation is not just what you
say to others and how you treat them; it's what's truly in your heart. Words and actions hold an
immense amount of power, but your feelings, values, and belief structures are actually what powers
your ability to manifest your thoughts into actuality. For example, if you extended a good deed to
someone, but you did so with the intent to manipulate, or you acted out of guilt, then what will actually
be returned to you is manipulation and guilt. It's important to act from the kindness of your heart in
order to receive such. This is not limited to financial transactions or compensation from your job; it goes
beyond that. It's about receiving compensation for all of your offerings and contributions to those
around you and those of the universal collective. The gratitude you share, the love you give, and the
compassion you show will always be returned to you 3x fold.

9.Law of Relativity

No one person or thing is inherently good or bad. These labels are placed due to the perception of an
individual's understanding of the situation. The Law of Relativity teaches us to understand our own
perception and the perception of others. It asks us to become the observer and witness in our daily lives
so that we may have compassion and understanding, reliving any judgment and allowing acceptance to
move through us as we see every situation from a broader perspective.

10.Law of Inspired Action

In order to manifest what we want using the Law of Attraction, we must utilize the Law of Inspired
Action. By engaging in intentional action, you tell the universe that you support what you wish to
manifest. By all means, continue to practice manifestation exercises like scripting, vision boards, and
meditation; know that the physical steps you take, no matter if they are big or small, affect how your
aspirations come to fruition. Return to this question whenever you practice manifestation: Do your
actions support your desired outcome and the life you are working so hard to create for yourself? Allow
this question to be a roadmap of sorts whenever you seek inner wisdom and guidance on your path to
11.Law of Divine Oneness

Know that within all of us is the unshakable understanding that everything and everyone is connected
through creation. Your sadness is not yours alone; it is also someone else's, just as your happiness is
shared through every living thing in this universe. Wherever you go, you will find others who mirror
emotions, memories, behaviors, and actions back to you. Some may feel comfortably familiar, while
others may be difficult to process and interpret. Each and every one of us creates a shared collective
human experience. This law is not about singularity in one individual; it's about the oneness in all of us.
It helps us show compassion for others, better understand ourselves, and call upon self-awareness to
leave this world better than we found it. We live in a matrix of sorts, and every action you make affects
the collective as a whole. It is the butterfly effect; like the Beatles say, "I am he, as you are he, as you are
me and we are all together" this helps us expand empathy and compassion for others in order to lessen
the divide and create a coherent energetic message that seeks to better the collective as a whole.

12.Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that we possess the power to change the circumstances of our lives. At any time, we can
CHOOSE compassion, gratitude, acceptance, and understanding. It may take practice to integrate new
ways of thought; however, we hold the ability to alter the conditions of our lives at any time. Higher
vibrational energy will always transform lower vibrational energy. By understanding how all the
universal laws work together, you can practice them in a way that cultivates positive change. Reflect on
this statement from Napoleon Hill, a wise man who believed in the Philosophy of Achievement:
"Anything the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve". Do not limit yourself to your past or current
circumstances, for you have the power to create your own reality in which you live.

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