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Behavioral Approach

Woo yeon woo & Valentine Reszler

How does behavioral approach views the behavior?

● Interactions - rather than innate or

inherited factors.
● Reinforcement, punishment, and
● Observable behaviors are the focus.
● Modifying and changing through
What is the cause of abnormality according behavioral approach?

● Abnormal behavior is learned through conditioning, reinforcement, and

● Environmental factors.
● Phobias
What type of treatment is provided by behavioral approach?

● Classical conditioning
● Operant conditioning - Specific consequences
associated with voluntary behavior.
● Exposure therapy - Associating the fear to
something good.
● Systematic desensitization - Controlling the
variables of the situation.(Little by little)
● Flooding - Exposing a person to what they fear
in with images or videos.(All at once)
What is the focus of treatment of behavioral approach?

● Understanding and modifying individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

● Changing specific thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
● Replacing maladaptive ones with adaptive ones.
Example of a disorder treated with behavioral approach - 1:20~3:20

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