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The Day I Met My Local Hero

The trees sang in the breeze outside the window, as I opened my eyes to the morning sun. I
rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and raised up out of bed.

My bunny slippers found my feet and walked to me. I push invisible walls apart, stretching
and go into the bathroom.

My ‘Love Nawntiti’ ringtone flows through the bedroom. A strange number, but I decide to
answer it. “Hello?” I answered in a careful tone, unsure of who was on the next side of the line.
There was quiet for a few seconds on the other side.
“Hi! Yes, hello? Is this Ifalade?” an average female voice asks.

“ Yes, who is this?” My brain was trying to figure out the person’s voice.

“Oh wonderful! I’m glad I found the right number. This is Dr. Camille Alleyne from NASA. Do
you remember me?”

Immediately I flashed back to a few months ago we; five top science students were hand-
picked to go to NASA as aspiring astronomers. A bubbly, bright woman was our guide through
the building. Could it really be her? My hero? I bounced with excitement. ‘I must be dreaming ‘, I
thought. I pinched myself, but I was surely awake.

The bubbly voice continued, “I personally called you to ask if you would be interested in having
ice-cream with me? Of course if your parents are ok with it.”

My joy exploded, sending sparks everywhere. I ran to my mother’s room, phone still in hand. I
explained to her the conversation and she agreed to take me. “I can come!” I squealed into the
phone like a mouse on steroids.

“Ok wonderful.” My hero said through her chuckles. A hint of mystery deepened her voice. “I’ll
be picking you up at the front of City Gate at 12:30. Be prepared!”
And so my adventure began!

I hung up the phone, excitement coursing through me. Calmed down, I started to get ready. I
bathe, put on my clothes, my White Converse shoes and pulled my hair into a high ponytail. My
mother got ready and by 11:45, we ran out, leaving the front door singing on its hinges.

At 12 noon, we arrived at City Gate. As I walked, I saw my idol standing there. Her tanned-
brown skin was as bright as a baby’s smile. Her amber-brown eyes were matching her
eyeshadow. She recognized me in a flash. “Hello, Ifalade! How are you? Let’s go somewhere
shall we?”
My mind went blank. I decided on my favourite place. “Can we go to Haagen-Dazs?”

“My favourite ice- cream place!” she exclaimed, as me, my mother and her jumped into her
BMW Convertible and cruised off.

We pulled up to Haagen-Dazs and got inside. The air condition cooled us down, as ice-cream
flavours worked its way through my nostrils. ”What is your favourite flavour?” I asked to break
the tenision.

“Chocolate. Yours?”

“Chocolate too!” I wondered what else we had in common.

My mother had found her own seat and was texting on her phone.

We found our seats and talked about astronomy for a few hours. She announced that she and
her team had designed the Orion capsule, which would take humans back to the moon. She
also added that she’s the deputy manager of the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) programme that lays
the foundation for future sustainability of space. I clung to her every word like a squirrel to its
nut. She talked to my mother on how we could meet up again.

She emphasized, “ Ifalade, don’t lose your imagination. You’re going to be the best
astronomer there has in your generation. Remember to put in the work and have a strong
support system. There’s stars, planets, cosmos, satellites, and so much more. The earth’s
revolves around the sun, but my fun came to an end.
Walking out of Haagen-Dazs, I remembered our day’s adventure.

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