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I took this photo this year in the sidewalk of San José here

in Villavicencio.
I had never been in such a mountainous place and it was a
very nice experience. It all started when a childhood
friend invited we to her house. I told my parents and we all
went to the sidewalk. (we had to drive the car for almost
three hours to get there). At first we were scared because
the road was full of stones and mud, but we got there. We
arrived in the morning and we had lunch, after lunch my
friend invited we to the viewpoint near her house, we had
to climb a whole steep mountain and in the sunbeam (I
thought I was going to die haha we walked 2 hours) but we
arrived. Up there you could see a beautiful view, you
could see the Guatiquia river and many mountains with
different shades of green (it was an unforgettable
experience) after we rested it started to rain and we had
to go down very fast to get there. We arrived at my
friend's house and we prepared dinner and we made a
nice bonfire under the stars and then we went back to our

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