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E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City

Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System


Research is used to signify any formal, scientific, and empirical investigation of issues or
phenomena which includes feasibility studies, systems analysis, and action research that directly
or indirectly benefit the school.
Conducting research is not a simple task. It requires perseverance and a thorough study of
a subject that requires time and effort on the part of the researcher. It is a cyclical process that is
presented as a step-by-step activity. It is usually associated with careful investigation of many
different resource tools and visits to the library.
Through it, the researcher is expected to show mastery of research skills in contributing
to new knowledge of the current milieu. Any form, design, or research must reflect the ability to
conduct research and write the research report in a scholarly manner worthy of publication. For
all research, scholarly writing expectations include a substantive and organized build-up of
arguments, proper format, and style as prescribed by the APA Manual, 7th Edition (published
October 2019), and the departmental guidelines, and correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

A. American Psychological Association (APA Style)

The APA serves as the research “bible” of all anthropological, behavioral,
sociological, and psychological research and studies; an indispensable reference in research
writing. It is an approved and recognized publication guide of research by the American
Publication and Communication Board and the National Research Council since 1929. It is
now in its 7th Edition.

B. Main Section in APA Style Manuscript

 Title Page
 Abstract
 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study
- Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study
- Research Paradigm
- Statement of the Problem (and Specific Research Questions)
- Null Hypothesis/ses
- Significance of the Study
- Definition of Terms
- Delimitation of the Study
 Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
 Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology
 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion
 Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, & Recommendation
 References
 Appendices

E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

C. General Rules for APA Format and Style

1. Title
 Inverted pyramid format – with the longest line first followed by progressively
shorter lines
2. Page Header
 At the top of every page, including the title page (following the latest
letterhead format with the Daughters of Charity Logo)
3. Spacing
 Double space throughout the paper, including entries in tables and title page
 Use standard-sized paper (8.5”x 11”)
4. Font
 Use a 12-point Times New Roman Font throughout the paper, including
entries in tables
5. Margins
 If the file is ready for binding, 0.5-inch top margin, 1-inch right and bottom
margin, and 1.5-inch left margin (Brackets not needed)
6. Figures
 Figures include graphs, charts, maps, drawings, and photographs
 Only include figures when they add to the value of the paper
7. Justification
 Left justify throughout the paper
8. Indentation
 Paragraph indentation should be 5-7 spaces or the normal tab default
9. Pagination
 All page numbers are placed at the upper right-hand corner of each page.
 The first page of a new chapter is still counted but not numbered.
 Lowercase Roman numerals are used for Preliminary Pages.
 Please refer to the given research format sample

Headings and Subheading

1 Centered, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading
2 Left-aligned, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading
3 Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period
4 Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period
5 Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period

D. Format Guide
1. Title Page
a. Elements of the title page
 Title of Article

E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

 Authors’ name
 Authors’ affiliation
 Page number

2. Abstract
An abstract is a condensed summary of your entire paper. It should be typed as a
single paragraph in a block format. This means no paragraph indentation. A typical
abstract should only be about 6 sentences long or 150 or 200 words or less.

3. Chapter 1: Introduction to the Study

The purpose of the Introduction is to justify the reasons for writing about your
topic. Your goal is to introduce the topic, provide an overview of previous research and
identify your own hypothesis.

a. Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study

Establish the context of the research by giving a brief history of your topic and
explaining how it relates to your current research. This section explains why this
particular research topic is essential to understanding the main aspects of the study.
Usually, the background forms the first section of a research article/thesis, justifies the
study’s need, and summarizes what the study aims to achieve.
b. Research Paradigm- Serves as a model and guide which describes and illustrates how
the variables are treated in the study.
c. Statement of the Problem - Restate the strategy into a problem statement by describing
who is affected, the supported causes of the problem, the objective of the
improvement, and the intervention that will be initiated to improve the situation or
address the issue, concern, or problem.
d. Specific Questions- These are the questions that lead to the right investigation method
or the problem. Guide to which information to gather to answer the problem of the
e. Null Hypothesis/ses- The educated guess as an answer to the problem or the tentative
answer to each research question.
f. Significance of the Study- States who will benefit from the study, how will students,
teachers, parents, counselors, school heads, supervisors, officials, or the education
system benefit from the results of the action research.
g. Definition of Terms- Discuss the conceptual and operational definitions of variables.
h. Scope and Delimitation- The sections where you define the broader parameters and
boundaries of your research. The scope details what your study will explore, such as
the target population, extent, or study duration. Delimitations are factors and variables
not included in the study.

4. Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

A detailed review of existing literature related to the topic of a thesis or dissertation.

In an RRL, you talk about knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to
your topic.

5. Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology

This part provides a step-by-step plan for conducting the study. Make an Action Plan.
Narrate the process of selecting your research design and methodology and of designing
your implementation plan by providing the following:
a. Research Design - It is the plan or structure for conducting a study.
b. Respondents of the Study- Include the number and relevant characteristics of the
respondents or samples: age, gender, socio-economic status, sampling design, etc.
c. Instrumentation- If an instrument is researcher-made, include details of the procedures
used to develop the instrument and its scale.
d. Data Gathering Procedure -the procedure of collecting, measuring, and analyzing
accurate insights for research using standard validated techniques. The approach to data
collection is different for different fields of study, depending on the required
e. Data Analysis Procedure- The process of systematically applying statistical and/or
logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data.

6. Chapter 4: Results and Discussion (Findings, analysis, and interpretation)

a. Findings/results
This section also presents the data or the end product of the study, test, or
 Include tables, graphs, or pictures and a brief interpretation of what the data show.
 When interpreting your data, be sure to consider your reader, what their situation is,
and how the data collected will pertain to them.
b. Tabular Presentation
 Tables require only two or fewer columns and rows.
 More complex data use tabular format.
 What do the data mean?
 Relate data to your hypotheses.
 Discuss how results relate to previous findings/research. Use your RRL here.
 How does the result confirm or refute previous findings?

7. Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

Summarize the most important statement pertaining to the study you have
conducted. Discuss your observations, results, findings implications, and conclusions in a
concise manner. Summarize new observations, new interpretations, and new insights that
have resulted from the present work.

E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

a. Conclusion
 Do not repeat the abstract, introduction, or discussion word for word.
 Discuss the message about your study that the readers can grasp and remember.
b. Recommendation
 Discuss the key ideas that the reader can draw from the study that may be applied to
similar areas of concern.
 Comment on future directions on how the work can be extended or improved for
both research and practice.

8. References
This section lists all the references cited in the text.
 Cite all ideas, concepts, texts, and data that are not your own.
 If you make a statement, back it up with your own data or a reference.
 All references in the text must be cited.
 All sources should appear on the text and references page.
 Begin on a new page, and title the page “References” at the center.
 All entries should be in alphabetical order.
 First line of the references should be flush with the left margin.
 Refer to APA Format 7th edition
VII. Appendices
Consist of supporting information for the research that is not necessary to include
in the text. Examples are Surveys (exactly how they were answered), Interviews (list of
questions and the real answers for complete transparency), Correspondence (all types of
communication), and Research tools (instruments used to perform the research)


Part I: Preliminaries
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures

Part II: Main Text

Chapter 1 Introduction
Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study
Research Paradigm

E. Lopez St., Brgy. Our Lady of Fatima, Jaro, Iloilo City
Contact Numbers: (033) 329-1595 or 329-4151  Fax Number: (033) 329-6629
Member: Daughters of Charity-St. Louise de Marillac Educational System

Statement of the Problem and Hypotheses

Significance of the Study
Definition of terms
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature

Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology

Research Design
Respondents of the Study
Data Gathering Instrument/s
Data Gathering Procedure
Data Analysis Procedure

Chapter 4 Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

Part III: References

Part IV: Appendices (including Curriculum Vitae for Students)

 There should be an introduction in every new chapter (Chapters 1-5).

 The following links provide more discussion on the APA 7th Edition format for References
and In-Text citation

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