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Name : Gaiyatri J.

SUBJECT : Human Rights (LLM)
DATE : 6TH September 2023

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman, or

degrading treatment or punishment Of UDHR


"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or


This article is essential for the protection of human dignity and the prevention of torture
and abusive treatment. It emphasizes that every individual has the inherent right to be
free from any form of torture, cruelty, or degrading treatment, regardless of their

It has been a cornerstone in international efforts to prevent and address human rights
abuses related to torture and mistreatment.

Importance of this article:

Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is considered critically

important for several reasons:

Protection of Human Dignity: This article is a strong statement against any form of
torture, cruelty, or degrading treatment. It underscores the inherent worth and dignity of
every human being and prohibits actions that would undermine that dignity.

Preventing Inhumane Practices: It serves as a clear and unequivocal international

standard for the prevention of torture and abusive treatment. It aims to eradicate
inhumane practices from society.

Preventing State Abuse: By explicitly stating that no one shall be subjected to torture
or cruel treatment, Article 5 helps safeguard individuals from potential abuses by
governments or state actors.
I favour and prioritise this article :

It's understandable why Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
is my favorite because:

It helps in Protection from Inhumanity: Article 5 explicitly prohibits torture, cruel,

inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, addressing one of the most heinous
and universally condemned forms of human rights violations. It focuses on preventing
extreme suffering and abuse.

Promoting Peace and Justice: By prohibiting acts that can lead to suffering and
conflict, Article 5 contributes to the promotion of peace, stability, and social justice.

Legal Accountability: It serves as a basis for holding individuals and governments

accountable for violations, which is crucial for seeking justice and deterring future

Moral Clarity: The prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment represents a clear
moral stance against actions that undermine human dignity. This clarity resonates with
people who value the fundamental principles of fairness, compassion, and respect for
every individual.


In conclusion,I would state that Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
is a highly significant provision. It stands as a beacon of hope for the protection of
human dignity and the prevention of torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or
punishment. This article reflects fundamental humanitarian values, enjoys widespread
international consensus, and serves as a cornerstone for legal and moral accountability.

By emphasizing the importance of treating every individual with humanity and respect,
Article 5 contributes to the promotion of peace, justice, and the safeguarding of human
rights worldwide.

It remains a vital component of the global commitment to preventing acts that

undermine human dignity and cause suffering, reaffirming the principle that all
individuals are entitled to live free from torture and cruel treatment.

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