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Submitted by:
Sagar Chaudhary
Samita Chaudhary
Submitted to:
Dhan Raj Karki
 Classificatio

 Introduction

 Uses and Importance

 Distribution

 Origin

 Area of production

 Climate requirement

 Soil and Land preparation

 Manure and fertilizer

 Seed treatment

 Time and method of sowing

 Weed management
 Disease

 Harvesting

 Threshing

 Yield

 Economic benefits

 Storage
Classification of Black Gram:
Black gram:
First of all, it’s scientific name is VIGNA MUNGO. It is mainly
popular in Nepal and India country.In Nepal,we called it as (कालो चना).It is
black in colour so it is called black gram or(कालो चना).It is counted in pulse
Black Gram
Uses and Importance
 It improves digestion system of our body.
 It helps to reduce pain.
 It is good for diabetes people.
 Its good for our skin.
 It helps to prevent us from anaemia because of high presence of iron,
 If black gram is provided to pregnant women then the mom and baby inside
her both are healthy and strong. It helps to development of brain in child.
 It makes our bone strong.
Blackgram cultivation is distributed mainly in tropical to sub-tropical countries.In
nepal,black gram was predominantly produced in the midhills region but was also
produced in the Mountain and Terai regions.

It is originated from South asia.

Area of production
Black Gram is the most important summer legumes grown in Nepal. And in the
context of Nepal, it is cultivated in an area of 23,492 ha with the production and
productivity of 19,928 Mt and 848 kg/ha respectively (MoALD, 2019).
Climate requirements
Being a crop of tropical region, it requires hot and humid climate for best
growth. It is basically a warm weather crop. In North parts of the country where
the temperatures during winter are quite low, it is cultivated generally during
rainy and summer season In the eastern states, it is also grown during winter In
Central and Southern states, where there is not much variation in the climate, it
is cultivated during winter and rainy seasons.Ideal temperature for its cultivation
ranges between 25°C to 35°C but it can tolerate temperature up to 42°C.
Irrigate at intervals of 7to 10 days depending upon soil and climatic conditions.
Soil and land preparation

Black gram can be grown on variety of soils ranging from sandy soils to heavy
cotton soils .The most ideal soil is a well drained loam with pH of 6.5 to 7.8.
Black gram cannot be grown on alkaline and saline soils. Land is prepared like
any other kharif season pulse crop. However during summer it requires a
thorough preparation to give a pulverized free from stubbles and weeds
Manure and Fertilizer
 FYM: @ 5-10 t/ha should be applied during land preparation for improving soil
 Npk: 20:40:40 kh/hac.
Seed treatment
Before sowing,seed should be treated withfungicide (e.g., Homai at 2.5 g/kg of
seed), followed by treatment with Rhizobium culture. One packet of 200 g
Rhizobium culture is sufficient for treating seed required for 1 acre.
Cropping System
The important crop rotation with urd are as given below
i)Maize-Potato-Black gram
ii) Maize-Toria-Black gram
iii) Rice-Wheat-Black gram
iv)Urdbean-Mustard-Black gram
v) Potato-wheat- Black gram
Varieties Duration (days)
TMV 1 65-70
CO 5 70-75
ADT 3 70-75
ADT 4 65-70
Time and methods of sowing
Method of sowing: Sowing is done either with line sowing (seed
drill) in the plow furrow or broadcast. For this experiment, line
sowing will be followed.
Sowing time: In the rice-fallow system, black gram can be sown
in November to the first week of December.Earlier sowing in
October-November will result in higher yield of black gram.
Weed management
The crop faces severecompetition from weeds during the first 4-5
weeks after sowing.Weeds can be effectively controlled with good
seedbedpreparation andintercultivation. Interculture operations
shouldbe done at 20-25 days after sowing to keep the field weed-
freeand to preserve soil moisture and improve microbial
activity.Application ofpendimethalin 30 EC or alachlor 50 EC at 1
L/acreimmediately or within 24 hours after sowing can control
broadleafweeds. A combination of herbicide application followed
byonehand weeding and hoeing is most effective.
Disease caused and their control
 Small, circular spots develop on the leaves with grey
centre and reddish brown margin.
 The several spots coalesce to form brown irregular
 Under favourable environmental conditions, severe
leaf spotting and defoliation occurs at the time of
flowering andpod formation.
 The brown lesions may be seen on petioles, branches
and pods in severe cases.
 Powdery growth of the fungus may be seen on the
centre of the spots.
Control and Management

 Remove and burn infected plant debris.

 Spray Mancozeb@0.25% or Carbendazim@0.1%
 Grow tolerant black gram varieties like UG 135, TPU 4, TPU 5, TPU 11, TPU
12, AKU 4 and SP 21.


• Initially small yellow patches or spots appear on young

• The next trifoliate leaves emerging from the growing
apex show irregular yellow and green patches alternating
with each other.
• The yellow discoloration slowly increases and newly
formed leaves may completely turn yellow.
• Infected leaves also show necrotic symptoms.
• The infected plants normally mature late and bear a very
few flowers and pods.
• The pods are small and distorted.
• The early infection causes death of the plant before seed
Control and Management
• Rogue out the diseased plants upto 40 days after sowing.
• Remove the weed hosts peiodically.
• Increase the seed rate (25 kg/ha).
• Grow resistant black gram varieties like Teja, LBG 752, Pant-30 and Pant-90.
• Grow resistant green gram varieties like LGG 407 and ML 267.
• Cultivate the crop during rabi season.
• Follow mixed cropping by growing two rows of maize (60 x 30 cm) orsorghum (45
x15 cm) for every 15 rows of black gram or green gram.
• Grow seven rows of sorghum as border crop
• Treat seeds with Imidacloprid 70 Wetable Sulphure @ 5ml/kg to control vector.
• Give one foliar spray of systemic insecticide (Dimethoate @ 750 ml/ha) on
30 days after sowing
Harvesting, threshing and cleaning
Blackgram should beharvested when most ofthe pods turn black. Over-maturity
could result in shattering of grains. Plants are cut to the base,dried, and
threshed. Seeds are separated, dried, and preserved.
A good pure crop of gram gives about 15-20 quintals yield/ha in case of desi
varieties but the Kabuli varieties give about 25-30 quintals/ha yield.
Economic Importance

1. It helps to develop in economics conditions of agriculture of our contry.

2. It helps to decrease proverty level by doing black Gram cultivation.
3. It minimize employment opportunity to whom that haven’t job or
4. It helps to generate forien currency by exchanging pulses like black Gram.

Graded seed should be further dried to 9% moisture. For storing seed in dry
places up to 6 months, the seed should be packed in a moisture-/vapor-proof
container such as 700-gauge polythene bags. Store seed bags on racks or wooden
pallets in a dry storage room. Another method istreating seed with Celphos
(aluminum phosphide) and storing it in 700-gauge poly bags or in air tight
containers such as hermetic bags to maintain high germination. formore than 10

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