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Who is the speaker in the poem, and what emotions or feelings do they convey

through their words?

What is the significance of the title, "The Telephone Call," and how does it relate
to the content of the poem?

How does the poem depict the act of making a telephone call, and what is the tone
associated with it?

What is the role of the answering machine in the poem, and how does it impact the
communication between the speaker and the recipient?

What is the speaker's attitude towards the person they are calling? How is this
attitude revealed in the poem?

Explore the themes of isolation and longing in the poem. How do they manifest
themselves in the speaker's words?

What is the significance of the line, "This is nothing," and how does it relate to
the overall message of the poem?

Analyze the use of language and imagery in the poem. Are there any specific words
or phrases that stand out to you as particularly meaningful?

Consider the structure and form of the poem. How does the layout of the lines and
stanzas contribute to the poem's meaning?

What do you think the poem is trying to convey about human relationships and the
difficulty of connecting with others?

What is the significance of the recurring phrase "this is nothing" in the poem, and
how does it evolve throughout the poem?

Discuss the role of technology in the poem. How does the telephone, answering
machine, and recorded voice impact the way the speaker communicates and experiences

How does the poem address the idea of distance, both physical and emotional? What
is the effect of this distance on the speaker's emotions?

Consider the use of time in the poem. How does the speaker's perception of time
change as they make the call and leave a message?

Explore the idea of missed connections and missed opportunities in the poem. What
moments or opportunities for connection are lost or unfulfilled?

How does Fleur Adcock use irony and humor in the poem? What purpose do these
elements serve in the context of the poem's themes?

Discuss the ambiguity surrounding the identity of the person the speaker is
calling. What do we know about this person, and what is left unsaid?

Analyze the role of silence in the poem. How does the absence of a response from
the recipient affect the speaker's feelings and the overall tone of the poem?

Consider the cultural and societal context of the poem. How might the themes of
loneliness and communication relate to the time period in which the poem was
In what ways does "The Telephone Call" resonate with contemporary issues related to
communication and isolation in our increasingly digital world?

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