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I was waiting for class to start all day long, but I never thought that our teacher would

call a student out

of the classroom to participate in an experiment. I looked around and there was nobody else in the
classroom. I wondered why she did that. I thought maybe she was up to something more.

I then heard a gush of wind, a rustle of leaves, and a snap of twigs. I knew it was the younger of the
monkeys coming to my table in the classroom. I knew for a fact that the younger monkey was guilty of
eating the morsel of apple left by the older monkey. He was there to help himself. But then all thoughts
of the young greedy monkey disappeared as I saw something else… a creature that also looked like a
monkey. I was confused as to what this was. I was seeing things. I squinted my eyes to make sure that I
wasn't seeing things. I looked again. It was not a monkey. It was a demon from the lower plane. The
demon looked over at the younger monkey and said something to him.

"Monkey," said the demon.

The younger monkey then spoke in a timid tone. "Yes?"

"Gladius, you can come with me."

"Come with you?" the younger monkey asked. I was in shock. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. I did not
want to be expelled so I needed to listen closely to what was happening and mark all of the information
down for my codex.

"You're coming with me," the demon said.

"Come with you to where?" the younger monkey asked.

"You'll find out soon," the demon said as they got up and walked out of the classroom.

I was too panicked by what just happened and could not process anything. I looked around the room and
realized that nobody else had witnessed what just happened. I was the only one that had. I was the only
one that believed that the demon was a monkey. I wondered why. This must be my imagination. I had
seen things that were not there before. It must be some sort of hallucinations. I looked down at the
table that I was sitting at and noticed a scissor that my teacher had left behind. When I looked closer to
the scissor, I realized that the scissor had a stripe of paint on it. I quickly grabbed the scissor and ran to
the next table.

I walked behind the table, hoping nobody would notice what I was doing. In the corner of the room was
a foam board surrounded by glitter on school glue. I looked at the foam board and touched it.

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