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This is Jeanette's story or pov in the original story "The dakerojionje is

an expert at love!" about how Kaito found his love by making dakerojionje for his
friend's sister. anyways let's get into it.

I wake up and do the usual routine, I wake up my sister Cory for school but to find
out she's burning up. I quickly ready some soup and medicine for her, I hurriedly
get some wet towels and rub her face, "Why are you so red on such an important day?
I have an important meeting and I won't be able to take care of you!", my sister
then says "It's okay, I can manage. You can go just leave the medicines and go.", I
hesitate but I'll be late for work, I quickly put the medicine beside her bed.
"I'll be back at 5 pm, If someone comes here and says I told him/her to take care
of you, ask for proof first. Goodbye Cory" I get a taxi and rode to school. Hi! I'm
Jeanette, I work as a Grade 3 Advisor at Colors Elementary School! I'm 28 and I
have a stepsister, she was adopted by my step mom who's in heaven right now. My
biological mother died giving birth to me and my Father took care of me and married
a woman named Natasha Leeman, I'm half Japanese and American, My dad moved to
Japan, Tokyo after marrying Natasha, we had a happy life and Dad died of Cancer and
Mom died of a car accident. I'm at school now, I see Mr. Kaito and If you're
wondering who he is, He is the man of my dreams! He is a well pleasant and honest
man and when I first saw him at our welcoming party I was like, That fine young man
of course we had to wear formal attire and that tuxedo!, let's get to the flashback
shall we?


"Who's that guy over there?" I ask to the other ladies, "Oh that's Mr. Kaito
Flores, he did community service teaching and I was one of the childrens Mothers,
so we were close friends back then. Can't believe he really achieved his real
dream.", Mrs. Addie says. "Real dream? He wanted to be a teacher?" I ask, "Yes but
he didn't just want to be any teacher, he specifically wanted to teach at Colors
Elementary School.". What a good man he was, I stepped forward to him and started a
conversation. We had many things in common, we interest in animals, had a tragic
family member's death and loved the flavor hazelnut! And not to mention he's like
my father a talented chef, turns out he helped out making the food that I loved
earlier! I say my goodbye's to each other, I trip and fall. He catches me, he then
says "I guess all I have to say is be careful next time, Ms. Jeanette! We don't
want you to get injured everytime.", I blush and say "We have so many common
interests! Are we destined to meet each other all this time?" I joke about it,
"Maybe we are because, I was just thinking about that.", I look at him and he looks
at me with amazing eyes, was I really destined to meet this angel?

End of flashback

So, yes! Who wouldn't be inlove with that guy on that exact situation? Anyways,
let's not hide this anymore and make a move! "Good morning Mr. Kaito! I have some
problems and I think I need help", he looks at me with a gaze, I'm scared wait- DO
I EVEN HAVE PROBLEMS?! Wait, my sister is sick! I can just use that problem!. "Tell
me, it would be my pleasure to help you." he looks at me with daring eyes, I'm
sister's not feeling well and I have an important meeting with the teachers today.
Can you please take a day off?" I ask with puppy eyes, damn that was sooooooo
ugly!!!! IT WASN'T LIKE- SINCERE. "Of course! I'll still need to make an excuse
letter to the headmaster, I'll head to the computer room first, and get back to
you're- wait, where's your house?" he's so cute, wait did he ask for my address? o-
oh, IT'S NOT LIKE IM EXCITED OR ANYTHING. "Haha, I'll text you, 801-89-56!" I say,
w-wait- did I just give him- my number!?!?!? GOD IM SOOO-- Wait, I'm so brilliant!
I can chat with him and- I can still meet with him at my house! ARGHHHHH WHY DIDN'T
I THINK OF THAT?!, anyways, YES!.

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