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In the morning, I wake up early, at around 7:00 am, and prepare for the day ahead.

I eat breakfast with my family,

review my notes, and complete homework that's due before school. Next, I watch some videos on my phone. Then,
I take a shower and put on my uniform.

Around 12:00 pm, I eat a light lunch so I don't feel heavy in class. and at approximately 12:20 pm, I leave the house
and walk or take a taxi to school. Later, I arrive at school with some time to chat with friends before the bell rings at
12:45 pm.

I start my classes in the afternoon. When the classes end, I go home and spend some time exercising, reading my
favorite books, and listening to music. After dinner with my grandmother and brother, I usually spend some time
online or watch movies alone. Sometimes, I make video calls with my cousins abroad to keep us connected.

Before I go to bed at night, I go over my plans for the next day and get everything ready for school. After that, I relax
by reading a book or listening to music before falling asleep. I try to get to bed around 10:00 pm to ensure I get a
good night's sleep.

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