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TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 1

Building an Inclusive Staff Development Program for OAQPS

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TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 2

The Office of Air and Quality Planning Standards (OAQPS) seeks to construct a strong
staff/organizational development program to meet particular skill development needs, promote
diversity and inclusion, manage succession planning, and enhance overall organizational culture.
This strategy describes tactics for assessing training and development requirements, prioritizing
efforts, and garnering program support.

1. Assessing Training and Development Needs: To effectively address the training and
development needs of OAQPS staff, a comprehensive assessment approach should be adopted:

● Survey and Feedback Mechanisms: Conduct a comprehensive survey or feedback

mechanism to gather insights directly from staff regarding their skill development needs,
professional aspirations, and required competencies to perform roles effectively.
● Skill Gap Analysis: Collaborate with division heads to identify key job roles and required
competencies. Utilize self-assessment tools and supervisor evaluations to identify skill
gaps. Collect feedback from employees on their training needs and career aspirations.
● Diversity and inclusion assessment: conduct a diversity and inclusion audit to identify
underrepresented groups in promotions and advancement. Analyze promotion and
advancement trends to uncover potential biases or disparities. Use anonymous surveys
and focus groups to gather feedback on perceptions of promotions, opportunities, and
barriers faced by underrepresented groups.
● Succession planning assessment: identify critical roles and key expertise areas at risk due
to retirements. Conduct interviews with experienced employees to document tacit
knowledge and capture best practices. Develop a skills inventory and competency
framework for succession planning.

2. Considerations to building a staff development program

Priorities and Goals

● The program aims to align staff development goals with OAQPS's mission, prioritize
technical and soft skill development, and address diversity, equality, and inclusion. It
ensures a smooth transition of critical roles by identifying potential successors and
providing necessary training. The program fosters a culture of continuous learning, career
advancement, and employee engagement, creating a more inclusive and equitable work
environment. This allows all employees to thrive and contribute to the agency's mission.

Approaches to Consider:

● Create personalized training programs for technical skills, leadership, communication,

and diversity awareness. These programs may be modified to fit the unique needs of
OAQPS employees and can include both in-person and online training alternatives.
Consider collaborating with other groups or experts to provide specialized training in
areas such as diversity and inclusion. This will guarantee that employees have access to a
wide range of resources and chances for growth.
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 3

● Mentoring programs can aid in fostering a friendly and collaborative work atmosphere
by partnering less experienced staff members with more senior colleagues. Work
rotations, on the other hand, provide employees the ability to be exposed to other
positions and divisions within OAQPS, enabling them to expand their skill sets and
obtain a better knowledge of the company as a whole. Cross-training initiatives
encourage personnel to gain new abilities and information outside of their core field,
which improves experiential learning.
● Use e-learning platforms and workshops. Seminars and conferences for flexible and
continual learning areas of expertise. This not only increases their versatility within the
organization but also promotes a culture of continuous learning and professional growth.
● Create employee resource groups to build a sense of belonging and collaboration.
Employee resource groups can provide employees with a platform to connect with others
who share similar interests or backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion.
These groups also promote collaboration and knowledge sharing, as employees can
exchange ideas and experiences to further enhance their skills and expertise. By creating
a supportive and collaborative work environment, employee resource groups contribute
to overall employee satisfaction and engagement.

Gaining Support:

● Develop a cross-functional development team, engage senior leadership, utilize OAR

training workgroups, and establish metrics to track program impact and stakeholder
value. By developing a cross-functional development team, organizations can ensure that
various perspectives and expertise are included in the design and implementation of
learning and development programs. Engaging senior leadership is crucial, as their
support and endorsement can help secure the necessary resources and funding for these
initiatives. Utilizing OAR training workgroups can provide valuable insights and
guidance throughout the process. Finally, establishing metrics to track program impact
and stakeholder value will allow organizations to assess the effectiveness of their efforts
and make necessary adjustments to continuously improve their learning and development

Assessing Challenges:

Cultural transformation:

● To address grievances and promote collaboration among underrepresented employees, a

cross-functional development team should be established, consisting of representatives
from various divisions. This team can develop strategies and initiatives to promote
collaboration among employees. Engaging senior leadership and leveraging training and
development workgroups can support cultural transformation. Sharing resources, best
practices, and lessons learned can help address challenges during the process. Metrics
should be established to track the impact of these programs and demonstrate their value
to stakeholders. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration within the
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 4

Managing Workload and Decentralization:

● By ensuring that the training program aligns with the specific needs of each division,
employees feel more connected and engaged in their work. Additionally, collaborating
with communities of practice allows for the exchange of valuable resources and
knowledge, ultimately improving work processes and overall efficiency. Encouraging
managers to prioritize staff development activities helps to balance workload demands
and shows a commitment to the professional growth and well-being of employees.


Creating a comprehensive staff/organizational development program for OAQPS needs a

deliberate approach to tackling challenges related to skills, diversity, culture, and succession
planning. By conducting extensive assessments, prioritizing initiatives, gaining funding, and
involving stakeholders, OAQPS can create a lively and inclusive work environment while

planning for future challenges.


Wallach, E. J. (1983). Organizations: The cultural match. Training and development journal, 37(2), 29-36.

Roberson, Q. M. (2006). Disentangling the meanings of diversity and inclusion in organizations. Group &

Organization Management, 31(2), 212-236.


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