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7 Things

Your Boss Doesn’t Want

You to Know About
Working at Home

Author of The Barefoot Executive

Carrie Wilkerson
There are HUGE tax advantages!

Things like technology, vehicle

use, long distance, internet
access, child care and a
portion of your home operating

costs can often be deducted. (I
even deduct a lot of my travel!)
(check with your tax advisor
for specifics—this is NOT a
comprehensive list and may
vary with your business model
or geographical area)

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
Meetings are largely unnecessary

What are we really

accomplishing when we
gather, eat donuts, read from
an agenda and banter about

the thoughts we discussed
at the last departmental
meeting? I never get on a
phone call, a conference call
or show up in person unless
there is a clear motive, a clear
purpose and a targeted plan.
Seriously, do you remember
the last time that actual
ACTION was taken at a
routinely scheduled ‘because
we have to have one’ meeting?

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
EVERY day is casual Friday!

Guess what?! No one cares

what you’re wearing when you
are working from a “virtual
office.” I feel most productive

when I’m not in my PJ’s…but
I choose how comfortable I
want to be! Sometimes I’m
at my best when I’m in comfy
yoga pants and barefoot!
Sometimes it’s jeans and a
ball cap and sometimes it’s
business casual. I choose what
I wear. I choose how to do my
hair and makeup. I choose, not
some ‘company manual.’

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
We are more effective
without a cubicle

When you are comfortable in your will perform
better. My workspace overlooks

my beautiful backyard. I typically
have a candle lit and some great
music playing...all things that are
frowned upon in cubicle-ville. I
have a fisher price preschool desk
right next to mine (for the little
barefoot kids ;) and I have a Little
Tykes SLIDE in my office too!
If I’m in MY space…without people
popping in, coming and going,
meetings, break rooms, phones
ringing, etc – I can determine my
own productivity.
(I won’t even mention the times
I have Sesame Street in the
background or “coffee” breaks
with juice & animal crackers. :)

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
“Making a living” is NOT the
same as “making a life!”

Imagine setting your ideal schedule;

prioritizing your tasks; achieving
personal goals; enjoying more quality
(& quantity) time with your family &

What if you could give generously to
causes you believed in passionately?
What if you could take two weeks off
at Christmas every year to recharge
your batteries, focus on your family,
plan your next year with ZEAL?
Would you enjoy having lunch with a
special friend once a month? What
about a date in the middle of the
day with your significant other? How
about a monthly massage to take
care of your health and wellness?
You cannot just keep ‘surviving’ –
you must be intentional and create a
space where you thrive and grow.

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
You are Responsible for
Your Own Income!

If YOU own the business, YOU

determine how much you make (or
don’t make).

This can be thrilling or terrifying,
depending on how you look at it!
When I was in the “normal” working
world, my husband said, “you’re great
at making money for other people—
how about you make some for us?”
Now I prefer knowing that my
personal income is directly equivalent
to my consistent effort!
I have no one else to blame and no
one else can take credit either! If it’s
to BE – it’s up to ME! (A fun moment
lately came when we decided to
send our parents on a trip of their
choice this year as a gift…so we set
a budget and then I created a project
to generate that amount of income.
VOILA- no, I’m not magic – I’m just
responsible for my income!)

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
Gas, Childcare, Dry-Cleaning and Eating
Out are gobbling up your paycheck!

(Do I even need to expand on

this one?) What is REALLY left of
your wages when you subtract
childcare, fuel, increased auto

insurance, wear & tear on your
vehicle, lunches out, office gifts,
takeout for dinner and dry-
cleaning the wardrobe you are
required to wear?
What about all the co-workers
who are doing ‘fund raising’
for their kids…you know the
‘obligation’ purchases? And extra
cell phone usage to and from
work? What about the time you
are spending in the car? What is
THAT worth?

© 2009 The Barefoot Executive™
What Next?
Close your eyes and visualize this…walking to work by
way of your own coffee pot instead of Starbucks…in your
favorite at-home clothes…ready to tackle your priority
list without the interruptions of last night’s virtual reality
show re-cap, water cooler gossip or the latest office
drama….Imagine lunch with your spouse, child or favorite
gal pal!

Could you get excited about actually enjoying the home

that you are spending so much money on? (Ironic that
our mortgage is often our largest expense and we have
to work so many hours AWAY from it to pay FOR it!)

If this sounds good to you...then you are cut out for

the “Barefoot Executive” lifestyle! For tips, advice,
smart systems & success stories about professionals
pursuing their own dreams of working at home, make
sure and read our weekly newsletter— Barefootin’—
and TELL A FRIEND to watch!

We are not recruiting for a business or selling

you on any company. We are an educational &
encouragement resource for professionals from MANY
business models.

Have you seen

Entrepreneur Carrie Wilkerson, “The Barefoot

Executive” is an author, speaker, motivator and
most proud of being a wife and mom of four!
“The Barefoot Executive” also offers audio
tele-classes, special reports, E-books, tele-
seminars and other resources to help work-
at-home professionals (and those who want
to be) achieve their goals, dreams and career

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