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Messages exported from: Cody Wommack (codywommack@gmail.

com )
With: David Hood (davidhood)
2/8/23, 9:39 AM
Cody Wommack

Do you know anything about Lone Star Concrete Technologies LLC?

2/8/23, 9:41 AM
David Hood

Who’s the owner?

2/8/23, 9:41 AM
Cody Wommack

Garrett Williamson I think but I'm not sure.

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
David Hood

Lone Star address or just name?

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
Cody Wommack

They are supposed to be out of Kilgore but I saw several local folks liking their stuff on

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
Cody Wommack

just Lone Star name

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
David Hood


2/8/23, 9:42 AM
Cody Wommack

The resurfaced the basketball court at the City Park and there have been some issues.

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
David Hood

I’ve heard of them

Don’t know them

2/8/23, 9:42 AM
David Hood


2/8/23, 9:43 AM
Cody Wommack


2/8/23, 9:43 AM
David Hood

Sorry man I wish I had more information

2/8/23, 9:44 AM
Cody Wommack

They had a contract to resurface it for $20K. We are unhappy with the job they did and do
not believe it fulfilled the terms fo the contract. They already paid them $10,000. They were
offered $2000 to just walk away. I went to the EDC meeting Monday night. They discussed

2/8/23, 9:45 AM
Cody Wommack

at length that this company had sent the City a letter through their attorney saying if we didn't
pay them $6k to walk away or the other $10k to fix the job they'd sue us within 30 days.

2/8/23, 9:46 AM
Cody Wommack

they said the letter was from 2 weeks ago.

2/8/23, 9:46 AM
Cody Wommack

which would mean the city council might not know about it until a day before the deadline of
the threat.

2/8/23, 9:46 AM
Cody Wommack

I went to the city secretary yesterday to see the letter....she says it was just an email from an
individual and couldn't' find it.

2/8/23, 9:46 AM
Cody Wommack


2/8/23, 9:47 AM
David Hood

Can the city lawyer present to courts the job was not as promised ?

2/8/23, 9:47 AM
David Hood

Is this person connected with any edc members?

2/8/23, 9:48 AM
Cody Wommack

Not that I know of. I asked how we chose this bidder and head of the EDC and city council
member Rudy Dudley said they chose the company because it was a woman owned
company...Ya for sure and sue for the $10000 we already paid them. The city secretary said
she'd spoken to our city attorney who recommended to sue them. I asked to comment at the.
meeting and said they are probably bluffing and it would be better to be countersuing than
suing for several reasons.

2/8/23, 9:49 AM
Cody Wommack

That's sort of why I was asking around though to see if I could find any connections.

2/8/23, 9:49 AM
Cody Wommack

or who knows what.

2/8/23, 9:49 AM
Cody Wommack

pretty bizarre that Monday night they all discussed this letter then yesterday city secretary is
telling me they didn't know what they were talking about there was no letter

2/8/23, 9:49 AM
Cody Wommack

from an attorney

2/8/23, 9:51 AM
David Hood

Still recording meetings?

2/8/23, 9:52 AM
Cody Wommack

yes of course

2/8/23, 10:06 AM
David Hood

If y’all discussed it and they now say they didn’t….prove them wrong

2/24/23, 6:06 PM
David Hood

What happened to your old guitar playing videos?

I was bragging to Wade Kerly how good you was. He loves anything old acoustic and loves
playing and finding old gems

2/25/23, 10:09 AM
David Hood

Question sir?

2/25/23, 10:11 AM
David Hood

Do you think your grandmother would let me put a sign on her property? I know she is strict
Republican. I have voted Republican in all past elections. I’m a registered republican but see
myself more an independent.

2/25/23, 11:27 AM
Cody Wommack

Guitar playing videos:

2/25/23, 11:27 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt in France.
Link title: Minor Swing - Perigord
Link description: Minor Swing by Django Reinhardt in France.

2/25/23, 11:28 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

Erin Loyd and Cody Wommack lay down the slow jams.
Link title: Daingerfield High School Talent Show 1998?
Link description: Erin Loyd and Cody Wommack lay down the slow jams.

2/25/23, 11:28 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

rough I know
Link title: eruption tapping
Link description: rough I know

2/25/23, 11:29 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

La Vie En Rose on guitar.
Link title: La Vie En Rose
Link description: La Vie En Rose on guitar.

2/25/23, 11:29 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

I'm only looking so serious because it is take #65 and 3 in the morning when I'm recording it. I
gave up somewhere around take 83.
Link title: Classical Gas
Link description: I'm only looking so serious because it is take #65 and 3 in the morning when
I'm recording it. I gave up somewhere around take 83.

2/25/23, 11:30 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Canon Vixia HF S20, Taylor GS Mini
Link title: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Link description: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Canon Vixia HF S20, Taylor GS Mini

2/25/23, 11:31 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

I'd Have to Be Crazy, Willie cover
Link title: I'd have to be crazy cover
Link description: I'd Have to Be Crazy, Willie cover

2/25/23, 11:31 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

This is a guitar that Skinny Trammell built more than a decade ago but it had never had the
pickups and electronics installed. It is one of only two electri...
Link title: Skinny Trammell Super Cutaway Guitar
Link description: This is a guitar that Skinny Trammell built more than a decade ago but it had
never had the pickups and electronics installed. It is one of only two electri...

2/25/23, 11:33 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

Cody Wommack playing a simple rendition of Beethoven's Fur Elise in the courtyard outside
of the Church of the Holy Cross Episcopalian Church in downtown Shr...
Link title: Cody Wommack - Fur Elise, Church of the Holy Cross Downtown Shreveport
Link description: Cody Wommack playing a simple rendition of Beethoven's Fur Elise in the
courtyard outside of the Church of the Holy Cross Episcopalian Church in downtown Shr...

2/25/23, 11:33 AM
Cody Wommack

I don't know if you wanted me to send you all those links individually.

2/25/23, 11:33 AM
David Hood


2/25/23, 11:34 AM
David Hood

Wish more people like Skinny were around

2/25/23, 11:34 AM
Cody Wommack

I'll ask my grandmother and put in a good word for you. She doesn't actually own it, just put in
charge of that aspect of manageming it.

2/25/23, 11:35 AM
Cody Wommack

Thankfully Texas general law cities as well as school board races are constitutionally non-
partisan. Daingerfield is not a general law city. It is a home rule city which actually doesn't
make sense to me legally.

2/25/23, 11:35 AM
Cody Wommack

Not that long ago in the past, political party wasn't big in Texas.

2/25/23, 11:36 AM
David Hood

I wondered why the paper work didn’t ask me

2/25/23, 11:36 AM
Cody Wommack

I wish it were that way now. I don't believe in term limits but I'd like to see all elections in
Texas from dog catcher to President of US handled the same way as our school board

2/25/23, 11:36 AM
David Hood

I’m not a 1/4 of smart as you in the way of government but I got common sense and feel I’m of
good moral character

2/25/23, 11:36 AM
David Hood

Just gonna vote what makes sense

2/25/23, 11:37 AM
David Hood

And do a lot of homework lol

2/25/23, 11:37 AM
Cody Wommack

There is no legal place for political party on the ballot as well as no monopoly, subsidy, or
recognition from the government.

2/25/23, 11:38 AM
Cody Wommack

Good moral character is actually the most important thing. Take something like the Texas
Open Meetings Act and the Texas Public Information Act. You don't need to memorize every
little detail of the law. You need to understand the philosophy, intent, and morality of the law.

2/25/23, 11:39 AM
Cody Wommack

At the last city council meeting, the city secretary said I was trying to catch her or hang her
up on any little thing. I asked why it was that if she doesn't know what she is supposed to do
why is it that she always comes down on the side of exercising greater authority than the law

2/25/23, 11:39 AM
Cody Wommack

Thank you though. It's been a lot of thankless work.

2/25/23, 11:40 AM
David Hood

If something seems hidden….that feels wrong. All information should be public. At least on the
local level
I do believe there are time information should be delayed interest of public safety but only for
a time

2/25/23, 11:40 AM
Cody Wommack

But all these other yahoos on the Lone Star city council think they are doing what is moral
too.....if I'm being charitable towards them. That's very cheap though to think you are doing
the right thing.

2/25/23, 11:40 AM
David Hood

I get you man.

2/25/23, 11:42 AM
Cody Wommack

There are cases such as police investigations where that may be allowed. In that and all other
cases, what you believe on delaying information is not that important. What is important is
the law. The authority of a city is derived from the authority of the State of Texas. If you deny
anyone their legal right of access to information you are exercising more authority than what
the law allows.

2/25/23, 11:42 AM
David Hood

I would like for you to come over one night and just talk. Just as friends and not to prod. I can
give you a perspective of what people see from you and I can learn what you are actually
trying to do. At the end of the day we may not agree but who cares
I get one vote. Same as you.
Just be neighbors you know?

2/25/23, 11:44 AM
Cody Wommack

I get information and I share it with the public. The city secretary has asked why I had to do
that or asked me not to. She asked if I thought I was God sharing public information with the
public like's called "the press" for one thing.

2/25/23, 11:44 AM
Cody Wommack

Yes, sure. You don't vote in Lone Star though right?

2/25/23, 11:44 AM
Cody Wommack

one vote on council you mean d

2/25/23, 11:44 AM
Cody Wommack

got ya

2/25/23, 11:44 AM
Cody Wommack


2/25/23, 11:44 AM
David Hood

No not at all but I was making and example mor than reality

2/25/23, 11:45 AM
Cody Wommack

Just let me knwo when

2/25/23, 11:46 AM
David Hood

Yes sir!

2/27/23, 7:13 AM
Cody Wommack

Are you going to Daingerfield city council meetings now?

2/27/23, 7:14 AM
David Hood

I’ve been to a couple

I missed the last one

3/4/23, 10:30 AM
David Hood

Did you mention the sign to your grandmother?

3/4/23, 11:32 AM
Cody Wommack

I forgot then I just asked her. You're good. Put you sign up.

3/4/23, 11:40 AM
David Hood

Thank you sir

I appreciate that

3/26/23, 6:01 PM
Cody Wommack

Who are you running against?

3/26/23, 6:05 PM
David Hood

So 3 spots available
Thorne is not seeking reelection
Carter and Grissett are incumbent.
Me and Ben Ramirez are new guys. Also Walker is running

3/26/23, 6:07 PM
Cody Wommack

I just looked up all the people on there. Other than Carter, I don't know anybody. I know
Walker. Not a fan politically.

3/26/23, 6:08 PM
David Hood

Ben was the high school vice principal. I believe he is principal at West now.

3/26/23, 6:10 PM
Cody Wommack

I may have seen him at school board meetings

3/26/23, 6:10 PM
Cody Wommack

Do you know anything about the Northeast Texas Municipal Water District?

3/26/23, 6:11 PM
David Hood

It the supply to all our little towns correct? The one out by Daltons corner?

3/26/23, 6:11 PM
Cody Wommack

There's a lot more to it than that.

3/26/23, 6:12 PM
Cody Wommack

That treatment plant supplies water to 6 of the 7 district cities as well as to Tryon Road and
Diana and others.

3/26/23, 6:12 PM
Cody Wommack

Each of the 7 district cities appoints one director the board.

3/26/23, 6:13 PM
Cody Wommack

There's a lot of ignorance about the board from the city councils.

3/26/23, 6:13 PM
Cody Wommack

and about the district.

3/26/23, 6:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Most people don't know that those board members are paid.

3/26/23, 6:13 PM
Cody Wommack

In the 1940s the Federal government said it was going to build Lake O' The Pines for flood

3/26/23, 6:15 PM
Cody Wommack

People in these 7 towns got together and formed an agreement to raise the height of the dam
by 7 feet and we got to "own" that extra water.

3/26/23, 6:15 PM
Cody Wommack

The people in those 7 towns had to pay property taxes to do this for about 20 years.

3/26/23, 6:16 PM
Cody Wommack

They were very high. $1.65 per $100 valuation. It woudl be like taking the property taxes today
and almost doubling them.

3/26/23, 6:16 PM
Cody Wommack

Almost doubling your city, county, and school district taxes combined.

3/26/23, 6:17 PM
Cody Wommack

The ignorance of what they do and the nature of the district is by design. It's a nonstop
propaganda operation.

3/26/23, 6:17 PM
Cody Wommack

The reason the property taxes went away is because we started selling enough water to 3
power plants.

3/26/23, 6:17 PM
Cody Wommack

but they could come back.

3/26/23, 6:17 PM
Cody Wommack

The territory/jurisdiction of NETMWD is the combined territories of the 7 cities.

3/26/23, 6:18 PM
Cody Wommack

Daingerfield's representative is Stan Wyatt.

3/26/23, 6:19 PM
Cody Wommack

His homestead is in Lone Star though....maybe shaky legal ground there.

3/26/23, 6:19 PM
Cody Wommack

Do you know about the Serenity subdivsion?

3/26/23, 6:20 PM
Cody Wommack

The property taxes could come back because the power plants are going away.

3/26/23, 6:20 PM
David Hood

Keep feeding me info
I’ll digest
In the middle of doing taxes
Yes I know about Serenity getting water but no city taxes

3/26/23, 6:21 PM
Cody Wommack

All the people down that road get city water with no city taxes, same for US Steel and Lone
Star specialiteis.

3/26/23, 6:21 PM
Cody Wommack

We provided water and sewer to Hospital in the Pines as well.

3/26/23, 6:22 PM
Cody Wommack

The thing is, by law those water operations are supposed to be a break even endeavor so in
theory it shoudln't hurt anything. Reality is more complicated.

3/26/23, 6:25 PM
Cody Wommack

Anyways, the city was moving along with providing water hookup. NETMWD shows up and
says you can't do that. The 1982 contract says that for any customers added after the date of
that contract, we have to have permission from them. I believe there are several other things
in the contract that say we don't have to have their permission. But NETMWD has had their
attorneys draw up a contract for us to sell water to the development. The district cities pay
$1.48/1000gal for treated water from that plant near Avinger. The out of district customers like
Diana pay $2.30 which we are told is actual cost.

3/26/23, 6:26 PM
Cody Wommack

This contract pertaining to Serenity says that Lone Star will pay $3.25/1000gal for water going
to Serenity.

3/26/23, 6:26 PM
David Hood

Oh wow

3/26/23, 6:27 PM
Cody Wommack

This is all after the point where Lone Star has purchased the water and within our system/
network. The contract states that Lone Star will pay the cost of installing a meter in our system
and paying them $3.25 for anything going through that meter.

3/26/23, 6:27 PM
Cody Wommack

Diana's contract doesn't have any stipulation like that.

3/26/23, 6:28 PM
Cody Wommack

They have 2500 customers. Lone Star has 800.

3/26/23, 6:28 PM
Cody Wommack

Lone Star's city area is 2 sq miles. Diana's is 66. Diana is legally required to provide water in
that area but their contract with the water district has no stipulations as to what they can do
with the water after they've purchased it.

3/26/23, 6:29 PM
Cody Wommack

Long story short, this is a raw deal. It has taken me weeks of reading contracts and laws to be
sure of what I'm saying. But I can't seem to convince anyone of it.

3/26/23, 6:29 PM
Cody Wommack

The water district is run by 7 director's appointed by the cities.

3/26/23, 6:29 PM
Cody Wommack

They are supposed to represent the cities.

3/26/23, 6:30 PM
Cody Wommack

However, what is happening is that they are representing the water district against the cities.

3/26/23, 6:30 PM
Cody Wommack

Their March meeting is tomorrow at 10 am.

3/26/23, 6:30 PM
Cody Wommack

I'm going to go talk at them.

3/26/23, 6:31 PM
Cody Wommack

Their general manager makes $220,000/year and has worked for Dallas water interests his
whole life. The district is currently negotiating to sell water to Dallas out of Lake O the Pines.

3/26/23, 6:31 PM
Cody Wommack

I think that's the only reason he is here.

3/26/23, 6:31 PM
Cody Wommack

Dallas should be paying his salary honestly.

3/26/23, 6:33 PM
David Hood

I hear what your saying

I’m kinda in it because I’m doing taxes but how are you going to go at this giant ? I think that’s
where you lose ppl. They see an extreme effort and check out

3/26/23, 6:33 PM
Cody Wommack

We are the giant. We are the 7 directors.

3/26/23, 6:34 PM
Cody Wommack

I believe that our directors are selling us out for a pat on the back and don't even know it.

3/26/23, 6:34 PM
Cody Wommack

They need to be replaced. They get paid to be on that board too. Budgeted at $6,000 each
per year.

3/26/23, 6:34 PM
Cody Wommack

Less time commitement than being on city council.

3/26/23, 6:35 PM
Cody Wommack

If the city council's woudl educate themselves or listen to someone who has, it can be used to
be a boon for the economy of Northeast Texas.....hell or at least have water as cheap as the
people we sell water to.

3/26/23, 6:36 PM
Cody Wommack

But I guess it will be just me vs Goliath and I feel pretty good about my odds.

3/26/23, 6:36 PM
David Hood

Always a fighter

3/26/23, 6:36 PM
Cody Wommack

I asked the general manager in December why we are appointing our director in odd numered
years when they 1953 law that enabled the creation of the district said it would be in even
numbered years.

3/26/23, 6:37 PM
Cody Wommack

Next thing I know there is legislation introduced in Austin. Went into committee last week. I'm
working behind the scenes to try to change the bill that was introduced to give the cities the
power to recall their directors.

3/26/23, 6:38 PM
David Hood

Who is LS director?
Who is Daingerfield
Or is that one district?

3/26/23, 6:38 PM
Cody Wommack

The city of Lone Star was ready to accept that contract. I have been doing everything I can to
stop it....even playing nice to some extent. But I told them that if they allow this to go through
without hearing me out I will go scorched earth.

3/26/23, 6:39 PM
Cody Wommack

Daingerfield director is Stan Wyatt.

3/26/23, 6:39 PM
Cody Wommack

Lone Star is Sandy Wexler/Duke

3/26/23, 6:39 PM
David Hood

Megan’s dad?

3/26/23, 6:41 PM
Cody Wommack

Yes, he's been on it for decades. Like I said his homestead is in Lone Star which probably
means he not legally eligible to be a director. Futhermore he along with Lone Star have been
appointing in odd numbered years so they could appoint someone else right now to serve
until 2024. Lone Star mayor is so ignorant he thought we had two directors for Lone Star.
Dudley said if we didn't accept the $3.25 contract they might kick us out. That's how ignorant
they are. Although dudley is an assoicate of the Pittsburg director who came up with the
$3.25 number.

3/26/23, 6:42 PM
Cody Wommack

To vote in the district (bonds) or to serve as a director, you have to own property. I might try
to mount a Federal challenge to that if this contract goes through or if I need to let them know
that I have the ability to hurt them if they are going to hurt me.

3/26/23, 6:43 PM
Cody Wommack

The US Supreme Court has struck down that sort of thing in several states....allowed it in
Texas under a narrow circumstance but I don't think they would here...not in 2023.

3/26/23, 6:46 PM
David Hood

So all this information

What’s your end goal

To get water for the lowest amount citizens in your district?

3/26/23, 6:47 PM
David Hood

By replacing seats that are just holding the position? Then going after the NETMWD?

3/26/23, 7:27 PM
Cody Wommack

Yes, lower water at the very least. Encourage industry and growth where the resources are
rather than literally pushing them uphill to Dallas.

3/26/23, 7:28 PM
Cody Wommack

Probably replacing everyone is the best or only option. My original intention was to study this
adequately, come up with a plan, then approach each director individually and see if they
could get on board.

3/26/23, 7:29 PM
Cody Wommack

If you have 4 votes on that board though, there's nothign to go after. We are NETMWD and at
that point we control NETMWD.

3/26/23, 7:29 PM
Cody Wommack

At that point you are just changing direction. I'm going to speak to them tomorrow during
public comments. It's going to take a lot of balls to talk to them in their face on their court like

3/26/23, 7:30 PM
Cody Wommack

As you may have heard me say, I don't want government encouraging or discouraging
business. But I sure don't want it using political power to do the least efficient and least
economical thing possible.

3/26/23, 7:31 PM
David Hood

Good luck man. As long as your doing it to help lower cost of water and bring in industry I like
the move

3/26/23, 7:31 PM
Cody Wommack

Which is what taking land and water from people in northeast texas to subsidize suburban
growth in Dallas is.

3/26/23, 7:31 PM
Cody Wommack

It doesnt' have to be only lower water either. There are plenty of legal buckets to fill.

3/26/23, 7:31 PM
Cody Wommack

NETMWD could operate a dump.

3/26/23, 7:31 PM
Cody Wommack

and do trash collection.

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack

Lone Star woudl be ideal for that.

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack

They coudl handle treated water top to bottom. Take it out of the city's hands.

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack

Pay your water bill to them directly. No need to have 7 licensed water operators.

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
David Hood

Off subject

Your dad still own the building the car dealer just moved out?

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack

Then can fund police

3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:32 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:32 PM
Cody Wommack

I haven't heard anything on what is happening there.

3/26/23, 7:33 PM
David Hood

Strange they moved

3/26/23, 7:33 PM
David Hood

Cool to see the old DQ windows opened up

3/26/23, 7:33 PM
David Hood

Coffee shop will be nice

I’m a big coffe drinker

3/26/23, 7:33 PM
Cody Wommack

It is. They are strange. NETMWD and the cities are all non profit. They can not retain or
distribute profits. They can only lower the costs to their customers. For NETMWD the
customers are the 7 cities.

3/26/23, 7:34 PM
Cody Wommack

I hope the coffee shop will be good.

3/26/23, 7:34 PM
David Hood

Will drive down a lot

3/26/23, 7:34 PM
Cody Wommack

I'm sure they will have the expensive espresso equipment. I just hope they know how to use it.

3/26/23, 7:34 PM
David Hood

Mugshots (they are friends) but has went down

3/26/23, 7:34 PM
Cody Wommack

I went once or twice and that was enough.

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
David Hood

Labor is so hard tho

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
Cody Wommack

There's an espresso placein HS with a $4000 nice Italian machine but jut not good.

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
David Hood

No good workers

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
Cody Wommack

Ya, that's the government's fault.

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
David Hood

Regardless it’s a huge issue for owners

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
David Hood

Why I do everything myself

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
Cody Wommack

When I went in mugshots, the owner was there. Never even looked up from his phone didn't
acknowledge anybody. Workers were better than him.

3/26/23, 7:35 PM
Cody Wommack

Just being honest.

3/26/23, 7:36 PM
Cody Wommack

Sadly I'm excited about Pizza Hut. I wish they would serve beer.

3/26/23, 7:36 PM
David Hood

Older Chris or younger Chris?

3/26/23, 7:36 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:36 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:36 PM
Cody Wommack

I also didn't like the name

3/26/23, 7:36 PM
David Hood

Well yea

3/26/23, 7:36 PM
David Hood

I like the name and theme

3/26/23, 7:37 PM
David Hood

Little Chris isn’t much a business person

3/26/23, 7:37 PM
Cody Wommack

The story I heard from a distance but just small town grapevine.....Chris had some sort of
statutory criminal issue....that's why I didn't like the name. Seemed to me like too close....just
leave that alone.

3/26/23, 7:38 PM
David Hood

Yea I know the story and never put that together lol

3/26/23, 7:38 PM
David Hood

I see your point

3/26/23, 7:39 PM
Cody Wommack

I had to make myself go in there just because it was in Daingerfield, I wanted to support small
business, I like coffee, but all together added up to me not feeling compelled to go back. I like
Jo's downtown in Mount Pleasant and even better is Silver Grizzly in Longview.

3/26/23, 7:39 PM
Cody Wommack

I think they also got EDC money which I don't support.

3/26/23, 7:41 PM
David Hood

So I’m no way do you support EDC loans?

3/26/23, 7:41 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:41 PM
Cody Wommack

I don't support EDC anything. Crony capitialism at best.

3/26/23, 7:41 PM
Cody Wommack

It's a way of pissing off tax money with even less oversight than normal.

3/26/23, 7:41 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:42 PM
Cody Wommack

It should be scrapped at the State level.

3/26/23, 7:42 PM
Cody Wommack

I even told the Lone Star city council that they can just take that 1/2% and raise their general
fund sales tax by 1/2% after eliminating the EDC. My preference woudl be to lower the sales
tax though.

3/26/23, 7:43 PM
David Hood

But it’s legal at state level so … why shouldn’t a business owner take advantage of lower
interest loans.

3/26/23, 7:44 PM
Cody Wommack

It's fundamentally immorlal and especially for rich people it stinks. Lone Star voted to allow the
EDC to spend $65,000 on a new fence for the baseball field at city park last week. I asked
them if the had ever turned down a single EDC expenditure. The mayor said he didnt' think so
but that was "their" money.

3/26/23, 7:44 PM
Cody Wommack

It's public money. It's tax money. The city council has to approve every expenditure. The EDC
is in effect an advisory board to the city council.

3/26/23, 7:45 PM
Cody Wommack

I then pointed out that they just voted to spend 10 years worth of street repairs like it was

3/26/23, 7:45 PM
Cody Wommack

When you dissolve the EDC it goes into the general fund.

3/26/23, 7:46 PM
Cody Wommack

For that matter, as sales taxes, EDC taxes are collected more from poor people than rich

3/26/23, 7:46 PM
David Hood

Lone Star has no rich people

3/26/23, 7:46 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:47 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:47 PM
David Hood

Or at least what I call Rick

3/26/23, 7:47 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:47 PM
David Hood

2-5 million in the bank isnt just crazy money any

3/26/23, 7:47 PM
Cody Wommack

Chris Smith had a vacation home in Belize. He is certainly not in the same economic class as
the majority of people who live in Edgemont.

3/26/23, 7:48 PM
Cody Wommack

Edgemont pays the majoirty of taxes in Lone Star, sales and property.

3/26/23, 7:48 PM
David Hood

Yes I agree LS is bottom of the money class and it’s sad

3/26/23, 7:48 PM
David Hood

But Chris Smith doesn’t get taxed by EDC in Lone Star

3/26/23, 7:48 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:48 PM
Cody Wommack

It's more sad to take their money in an attempt to centrally plan or "develop" the economy by
giving it to rich people.

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

It's the same in Daingerfield.

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

EDC money on Lone Star has gone to Rocky Point Adventures.

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

Kerry McCoy.

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

Big Bens

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

$20,000 to resurface a basektball court.

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
Cody Wommack

etc etc etc

3/26/23, 7:49 PM
David Hood

Basketball court was a shit show

3/26/23, 7:50 PM
Cody Wommack

The entirety of EDC spending has been a shit show

3/26/23, 7:50 PM
Cody Wommack

Here is what's nuts.

3/26/23, 7:50 PM
Cody Wommack

I asked Dudley how he chose the vendor.

3/26/23, 7:50 PM
Cody Wommack

He said it was a woman so we chose her.

3/26/23, 7:51 PM
Cody Wommack

He then said at another meeting that the law requires them to get 3 bids and/or requires them
to get bids from minorities.

3/26/23, 7:51 PM
Cody Wommack

The law says nothing like that in Texas.

3/26/23, 7:51 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:52 PM
Cody Wommack

It says that for an expenditure between $3,000-50,000 you have to contact at least two
historically underutilized businesses from a list of people registered on the State Comptroller's

3/26/23, 7:52 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:52 PM
Cody Wommack

says if there is nobody in your county, you are exempt.

3/26/23, 7:52 PM
Cody Wommack

So, I look and there are 3 in Morris County in Omaha.

3/26/23, 7:52 PM
Cody Wommack

One says construction, Chris Evans.

3/26/23, 7:53 PM
Cody Wommack

I call him and ask if he would be willing to bid a basketball court resurfacing. He says, yes no
problem he can come right away.

3/26/23, 7:53 PM
Cody Wommack

I asked if anybody from Lone Star, Daingerfield, Omaha, or Naples has every called him. He
says no.

3/26/23, 7:53 PM
David Hood


3/26/23, 7:54 PM
Cody Wommack

At the meeting last week I said to Dudley, "so you had to skip across how many counties to
find a white woman to do this job?"

3/26/23, 7:54 PM
Cody Wommack

Now the really crazy part.

3/26/23, 7:54 PM
Cody Wommack

Jerri Chism says this is her son and I don't know what I'm talking about and calls him in the
middle of the meeting.

3/26/23, 7:54 PM
Cody Wommack

Of course I was recording when I had called and asked him the questions.

3/26/23, 7:55 PM
Cody Wommack

So Jerri Chism has no problem with the fact that Dudley is sitting there lying his ass off and
breaking the law by not calling her son to let him bid for the job.

3/26/23, 7:55 PM
Cody Wommack

The social in group pressure of sitting on the city council is so strong for her that she woudl
sell out her own son.

3/26/23, 7:56 PM
Cody Wommack

At a previous meeting Dudley was sitting there lying and basically saying that Joe and Beverly
Austin were crooks.

3/26/23, 7:56 PM
Cody Wommack

Jerri went right along with it.

3/26/23, 7:56 PM
Cody Wommack

That's what you need to be leery of. Don't be afraid to be an asshole.

3/26/23, 7:56 PM
David Hood

We differ on EDC. I do believe rules should be stricter

But alot of things are wrong in LS

Joe is a good man

So is Evans

3/26/23, 7:56 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 7:57 PM
Cody Wommack

Why have an EDC? If you believe in the taxing and spending, why not just tax and spend from
the city council?

3/26/23, 7:57 PM
Cody Wommack

Why have twice as many rules and regulations and accounts to keep up with.

3/26/23, 7:57 PM
Cody Wommack

3/26/23, 7:58 PM
Cody Wommack

Twice as many meetings to attend for anybody who wanted to keep up with how their tax
dollars were being spent.

3/26/23, 7:58 PM
Cody Wommack

Lone Star went on for years after voting to have an EDC without filing paperwork with the
Secretary of State.

3/26/23, 7:58 PM
Cody Wommack

The State could ask for all that illegally taxed and expended money back.

3/26/23, 8:01 PM
David Hood

A GOOD EDC should focus on helping the business that choose to be in their town.
Helping small businesses that need the help. Not super wealthy who just want low interest
EDC has potential to take that money and bolster a small business.

Like I really need a bigger class room and I could save thousands in interest by EDC but I
don’t because I don’t think a council member should be dipping into its voters money. Looks

3/26/23, 8:02 PM
David Hood

I think it should focus on business only

Not parks and decor

3/26/23, 8:03 PM
David Hood

Council can do those things.

3/26/23, 8:03 PM
Cody Wommack

If a business needs government money, it's not viable. Let the people keep their money. Lone
Star EDC paid a Dallas consultant thousands to come to Lone Star and tell them about Lone
Star. The consultant said Rocky Point is the City's greatest asset. So, the City sold Rocky
Point to a member of the EDC. Can't get much sketchier than that.

3/26/23, 8:04 PM
Cody Wommack

A low tax and low regulatory environment is what is good for business.

3/26/23, 8:04 PM
Cody Wommack

Even a "good" EDC is still socialism.

3/26/23, 8:07 PM
David Hood

I laugh at your statement about “viable” clearly you haven’t operated a brick and mortar
Sometimes a little help to get going is what a business needs .
Like a match to a haystack.

And I can’t change what LS did or EDC but I would not have voted for that

3/26/23, 8:07 PM
David Hood

I appreciate your “ no budge” on more taxes

3/26/23, 8:07 PM
Cody Wommack

If you need government help, you aren't a business.

3/26/23, 8:07 PM
Cody Wommack

3/26/23, 8:07 PM
David Hood

I disagree

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
Cody Wommack

I'd rather fail than be an immoral cretin

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
David Hood

Start up is different from a bale out.

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 8:08 PM
David Hood

We disagree

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
Cody Wommack

I'm still paying debt on a couple of startups.

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
David Hood

That’s it

3/26/23, 8:08 PM
Cody Wommack

Have been for a long time.

3/26/23, 8:09 PM
David Hood

Your personal choice isn’t a moral map for others

3/26/23, 8:09 PM
Cody Wommack

And to continually have a bunch of fucking govenrmetn workers talking shit to me who can go
fuck right off.

3/26/23, 8:09 PM
David Hood

Understand I’m speaking friendly

3/26/23, 8:09 PM
Cody Wommack

minus the brick and mortar comment

3/26/23, 8:10 PM
David Hood

I like your intelligence

We just differ on the how

3/26/23, 8:10 PM
Cody Wommack

The Lone Star city council had the never to tell me the other day that with my intelligence that
if I woudl work with them we coudl work miracles.

3/26/23, 8:10 PM
Cody Wommack

This was in executive session.

3/26/23, 8:10 PM
Cody Wommack

No they are just fucking lazy.

3/26/23, 8:11 PM
Cody Wommack

What a fucking cop out. What is a miracle to them? $40,000 to resurface a basketball court?

3/26/23, 8:11 PM
Cody Wommack

They are lazy and immoral.

3/26/23, 8:11 PM
David Hood

You keep using “immoral “

That’s funny to me

3/26/23, 8:11 PM
Cody Wommack

Yes that's what it is all about.

3/26/23, 8:11 PM
David Hood

That word is subjective

3/26/23, 8:12 PM
Cody Wommack


3/26/23, 8:12 PM
David Hood

I don’t give much over to religion but I know what you mean

3/26/23, 8:12 PM
Cody Wommack

In the case of taxation for attempting to stimulate the economy I don't agree.

3/26/23, 8:12 PM
David Hood

I know what that means to me

3/26/23, 8:12 PM
David Hood

I see

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
David Hood

That is so much clearer

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
David Hood

The way you just said it

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
Cody Wommack

People will want to say that I'm the bully for trying to hold the government accountable. They'll
say I don't know what I'm talking about.

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
Cody Wommack

This is the government:

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

You sent an attachment.
Link title: Cody Wommack - This is pretty cold. Northeast Texas...
Link description: This is pretty cold. Northeast Texas Municipal Water District took 10 acres in
Marion County from W.B. Mims in 1958 by eminent domain. Mims is a...

3/26/23, 8:13 PM
David Hood

I don’t think you are a bully but you go after small town folk who are not as versed as you in

3/26/23, 8:14 PM
David Hood

Then it sounds that way

3/26/23, 8:14 PM
David Hood

This is an outside perspective

3/26/23, 8:14 PM
Cody Wommack

They like wielding it. They want the power. They want to use it. But they don't want any check
on their power.

3/26/23, 8:14 PM
Cody Wommack

That check comes from the same State authority where that power derives.

3/26/23, 8:14 PM
David Hood

If that is the absolute case then I support you but let me finish

3/26/23, 8:18 PM
David Hood

Some of these people just stepped up to help. Maybe they didn’t make the best choice (then
enters you) Now they are being told they are idiots and power hungry.
Now their walls are up because you spit in their face when they were just trying to help

Now it’s a wall

I know your smart enough man to know kindness and manners.

With that said I’ve seen people be a dick to you for having your own good intentions.
I fear that it’s just a big Mexican standoff in LS now

3/26/23, 8:18 PM
David Hood

If that sounds rough I’m being as blunt as I can as a friend

3/26/23, 8:19 PM
David Hood

My intentions here are honest and with intentions to learn from you

3/26/23, 8:19 PM
Cody Wommack

I try to be as charitable as I can with people which in most cases means that I just think they
are dumb and coincidentally are doing the exact same things they would be doing if they
were corrupt.

3/26/23, 8:20 PM
Cody Wommack

Dudley is the best example I can see where just looking in his eyes you can see that he is just
drunk on power.

3/26/23, 8:20 PM
Cody Wommack

The only thing that would make him happier then wasting $50,000 would be paying $100,000
for the same thing.

3/26/23, 8:20 PM
Cody Wommack

As Ronald Reagan said, "the scariest words in the English language are I'm from the
government and I'm here to help."

3/26/23, 8:20 PM
David Hood

In cases like that I always as my self

Are their actions out of sincere “ill will” or they just dumb.

I don’t really know Dudley

3/26/23, 8:21 PM
David Hood

But don’t see your reason to lie

3/26/23, 8:21 PM
Cody Wommack

Dudley is nonstop lies by the way. I don't like Mona Brown or Jerri Chism who are on the
council but I don't really think of them as liars.

3/26/23, 8:22 PM
Cody Wommack

Dudley, the mayor, and the City secretary are 3 different styles of liars.

3/26/23, 8:22 PM
David Hood

No doubt if I’m elected

I’ll do something dumb
But I’ll do it out of good intentions.
Although some would say there is no difference

3/26/23, 8:23 PM
Cody Wommack

There's a difference. I don't think they people on the council have good intentions. I also think
that they think they are good people and have good intentions. It's a very cheap thing to think
you are doing right.

3/26/23, 8:23 PM
Cody Wommack

I hope you get elected. I hope Mike Carter gets elected.

3/26/23, 8:23 PM
David Hood

I’m actually running against him. In my mind

He was my in law for 22 years
I know him better than most

3/26/23, 8:24 PM
David Hood

Me and him will most likely differ on everything

3/26/23, 8:24 PM
Cody Wommack

I've told a couple of people that I think you will have good intentions

3/26/23, 8:24 PM
David Hood

I do

3/26/23, 8:24 PM
Cody Wommack

You shoud fire the city secretary.

3/26/23, 8:24 PM
David Hood

But that’s cheap

3/26/23, 8:25 PM
Cody Wommack

No concern for the law whatsoever. In her mind she is the law.

3/26/23, 8:25 PM
David Hood

I will evaluate everything

3/26/23, 8:25 PM
David Hood

Not taking peoples words

3/26/23, 8:25 PM
David Hood

No offense

3/26/23, 8:26 PM
Cody Wommack

I wouldn't want you to fire her because I said. But, I'm giving you my view. If 15 other people
tell you the same.....but they probably won't. I had asked her about posting the budget online
one time she basically told me she'd post it when she

3/26/23, 8:26 PM
Cody Wommack

felt like it if she felt like it.

3/26/23, 8:26 PM
Cody Wommack

it's legaly required by the way

3/26/23, 8:27 PM
Cody Wommack

She's been the same way when I've asked her for information that she's legally required to

3/26/23, 8:27 PM
Cody Wommack

But, I actually just met her in person the other day.

3/26/23, 8:27 PM
Cody Wommack

Just hatefull. Absolutley pure hate.

3/26/23, 8:27 PM
Cody Wommack

I asked her about some information.....I think minutes to a meeting.

3/26/23, 8:28 PM
Cody Wommack

I don't remember how it came up but she said she didn't have to answer it if I didn't use their
form and the format she dictated.

3/26/23, 8:28 PM
Cody Wommack

100% wrong.

3/26/23, 8:29 PM
Cody Wommack

That's one of the few things that is covered in the short Texas Public Information Act training
that you have to do. If it is in writing and asking for public information, it is a legitimate and
enforceable request.

3/26/23, 8:29 PM
David Hood

I will look into it.

Any ways man
Got to start the evening things

3/26/23, 8:29 PM
David Hood

Be safe

3/26/23, 8:30 PM
Cody Wommack

alright, good talking to you.

3/26/23, 8:30 PM
Cody Wommack

you too

4/2/23, 4:23 PM
David Hood

4/2/23, 4:23 PM
David Hood

You think City could get an active working light on our flags?

4/2/23, 4:24 PM
David Hood

I know it’s not super important but looks like no one cares

4/2/23, 5:10 PM
Cody Wommack

Or take them down at night.

4/2/23, 5:10 PM
Cody Wommack

But yes, it's unaccpetable. I've complained before that they displayed them with the US Flag
and then way below it the Texas flag. Not the nomral distance. It was like somebody tied the
knots and just didn't really care.

4/2/23, 5:11 PM
David Hood

I would just be happy with a working light lol

4/2/23, 5:12 PM
Cody Wommack

Just as acceptable to take them down at night.

4/2/23, 5:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Neither is as bad as the US and Texas flag code violating Thin blue line flags displayed in the
city courtroom, city police cars, city council meetings, etc.

4/2/23, 5:16 PM
David Hood

Those were all removed

4/2/23, 5:17 PM
David Hood

Thin blue line

4/2/23, 5:17 PM
David Hood

This past week

4/2/23, 5:17 PM
Cody Wommack

Last I saw the council was pledging allegiance to them. So that's news to me.

4/2/23, 5:17 PM
Cody Wommack

Removed from the cars as well?

4/2/23, 5:17 PM
David Hood

City cars?

4/2/23, 5:18 PM
Cody Wommack

police cars

4/2/23, 5:18 PM
David Hood

Yes I believe so

4/2/23, 5:18 PM
Cody Wommack


4/3/23, 12:25 PM
Cody Wommack

I think it's unlikely that any thin blue lines have been removed. I brought it up at a city council
meeting that they should not be displayed during court proceedings. Blythe and Monica
Sampson said they hadn't thought about it and had no problem taking them down during
court proceedings. 4/5 of the council said they didn't care what the city judge said, they would
be displayed at all times. The chief investigator of the Texas Judicial Ethics Commission was
the main one concerned about it. If it was up to me I wouln't have any tax dollars used or
display of them on city property as a violation of the US and Texas flag codes.

4/3/23, 12:26 PM
Cody Wommack

My main concern as I had addressed it here was to do away with the City court and save
$30,000+ a year.

4/3/23, 12:27 PM
Cody Wommack

We currently spend $6,000/yr on street repairs. And even that measley amount is spent very
poorly. You could get the same amount of street repairs for $1,000.

4/3/23, 12:27 PM
Cody Wommack

Stated another way, they don't spend anything on street repairs in Lone Star.

4/3/23, 12:28 PM
David Hood

The flags are down

At least on the PD side

4/3/23, 12:29 PM
Cody Wommack

I wonder why.

4/3/23, 12:29 PM
David Hood

We collectively decided too

4/3/23, 12:30 PM
Cody Wommack

Could the Texas Judicial Ethics Commission have told them they couldn't display during court
and they poorly interpreted it? I swear Hodges and the rest of the council are barely literate
when it comes to law. I feel like I could approach a homeless junkie on the street and ask
them what a law meant and they would give a better interpretation than the mayor or council.

4/3/23, 12:30 PM
Cody Wommack

This is me being charitable to the mayor and council.

4/3/23, 12:31 PM
Cody Wommack

When you say "we" are you working for Lone Star PD again?

4/3/23, 12:32 PM
David Hood

I never quit being a reserve officer

4/3/23, 12:32 PM
Cody Wommack

ah.... reserve

4/3/23, 12:33 PM
David Hood

Is that an insult lol

4/3/23, 12:55 PM
Cody Wommack


4/3/23, 12:55 PM
David Hood

Ok cool

4/3/23, 12:56 PM
Cody Wommack

Just that I wouldn't have really noticed so much because it is unpaid.

4/3/23, 9:27 PM
Cody Wommack

The thin blue line flags were gone from the edc meeting tonight. So what was the discussion
and thinking by the police department?

4/4/23, 6:04 AM
David Hood

For my part - I’m sick of people with sensitive feelings always complaining about it so I
recommended to remove from city owned properties.
For me it’s just symbolism. Means something good to me but being symbolism it may mean
something else to another. Like the cross….in America it’s loved for most part…not so much
in the Turkey or Iran.

4/4/23, 6:28 AM
David Hood

So I guess in the interest of peace it’s just a good idea.

However for personal use I will still be displaying it at my business and home.

4/4/23, 7:03 AM
Cody Wommack

I fully agree with your right to interpret and display it as you see fit at your business and home.

4/4/23, 7:04 AM
David Hood

I agree with you on separation church and state

By church I mean a personal belief

4/4/23, 7:04 AM
Cody Wommack

If it can be interpreted as a violation of the US or Texas Flag codes, those laws are violations
of the US and Texas Constiutions.

4/4/23, 7:04 AM
David Hood

I understand that

4/4/23, 7:05 AM
Cody Wommack

and are unenforceable

4/4/23, 7:05 AM
Cody Wommack

I was referring to the flags at your home and business.

4/4/23, 7:06 AM
David Hood

Yea I got you.

But I was referring to government property and you view point. Those flags are a interpretation
of a small group and do not represent a state or country

4/4/23, 7:06 AM
Cody Wommack

As far as separation of church and state I would not open a governmetn meeting and then say
a prayer. If I were chairing the meetings, because this is Northeast Texas, I would say before
the meeting was opened, "does anybody want to say a prayer?" If they did then they could.
Then I'd say, "anybody else?"

4/4/23, 7:07 AM
David Hood

Interesting on the prayer idea

4/4/23, 7:07 AM
Cody Wommack

and ideally it should not be one of the governmnet officials but whatever.

4/4/23, 7:07 AM
Cody Wommack

I've tried to memorize the Lord's prayer in Aramaic in case anybody ever tried to put me on
the spot like that.

4/4/23, 7:08 AM
Cody Wommack

Can you imagine how funny that would be...

4/4/23, 7:08 AM
David Hood


4/4/23, 7:08 AM
David Hood

Individual thought

4/4/23, 7:08 AM
David Hood

But I respect your opinion

4/4/23, 7:08 AM
Cody Wommack

I always invisioned this happening at a school board meeting espeically. Somebody like Marie
Skipper would probably have fainted.

4/4/23, 7:08 AM
David Hood

Ideally all presidents should be Christian

4/4/23, 7:09 AM
Cody Wommack

thinking I'd just cast some kind of Satanic spell.

4/4/23, 7:10 AM
Cody Wommack

It's just that in your capacity as a governmetn official you don't entirely have a freedom of
speech and I think that's appropriate. You are an agent of the government and government
agents don't have rights. They have authority.

4/4/23, 7:11 AM
Cody Wommack

I saw a Texas AG opinion where a city council member spoke at a meeting in the public
comments on an item not on the agenda. AG said no bueno and I agree. They had a pages
on their reasoning.

4/4/23, 7:12 AM
Cody Wommack

You are also restricted by the Texas Open Meetings Act on being able to speak with other
government body members and that is appropriate.

4/4/23, 7:12 AM
David Hood

I don’t agree with that

At no time should a citizen lose their constitutional rights
But maybe I’m not understanding you

4/4/23, 7:12 AM
Cody Wommack

If you read the whole AG opinion you'd probably agree.

4/4/23, 7:12 AM
Cody Wommack

I'll look for it since you may be on the city council.

4/4/23, 7:13 AM
David Hood

Thank you

4/4/23, 7:13 AM
David Hood

Ok bro
Got to finish this workout

4/4/23, 7:13 AM
Cody Wommack

It's just like a police officer as an agent of the government does not have rights in some
respect but has authority and restrictions when they are acting in their official capcity.

4/24/23, 9:26 PM
Cody Wommack

The law says that a NETMWD board member must reside in the city that appoints him.
Daingerfield's representative Stan Wyatt has a house in Daingerfield but his homestead is in
Lone Star. Thoughts?

4/25/23, 4:33 AM
David Hood

For me, if a person is paying property taxes on a home , that person should be able to vote or
run for what ever that person wishes in the county that home resides.I’m not really bothered
by the red tape. However since the law is written that way and law is law. Being an officer I
would go on what the drivers license address says. That would be the persons main address
and if the homestead did not match , the homestead would not hold up.
I would rather vote on the persons record or intentions (if new) rather than bureaucracy. Just
my opinion. I know Mike Carter lived in LS at one time and was still Dfield council member.
But he was allowed because of the numerous properties he owned in Dfield.

4/25/23, 6:07 AM
Cody Wommack

I actually hear people say all the time, if I own property somewhere they should be able to
vote there....even though they own property and vote in another jurisdiction. Property taxes
and ownership should have nothing to do with rights such as voting and holding office.
Property taxes and being paid whether somebody is renting our whatever. The water district
law also requires property ownership in the district which I'd love to see struct down by a
court. The Supreme Court has struck down this kind of requirement in other states but has
upheld it in Texas. Driver's licneses are also a slippery issue to me. STate requires you
to have correct address but it doesn't have to correspond with homestead. Residency in
Texas is basically wherever you say it is but I think declaring a homestead is saying it's
your residency. I don't care about the taxes or the homestead. I'm only concerned with the
residency. But it's a very complicated issue in Texas to prove in court. If I was a Daingerfield
person I would say your homestead is in Lone Star therefore your residency is in Lone
Stare...therefore you should not represent Daingerfield on a board.

4/25/23, 6:07 AM
Cody Wommack

He's been there 25 years though.

4/25/23, 6:09 AM
Cody Wommack

You don't have to live or own properties to claim residency. It is really whereever you say it
is and very difficult to prove one way or other in court. I studied this issue because the Lone
STar city council tried to kick Ryan Harte off the city council over residency issues.

4/25/23, 6:09 AM
Cody Wommack

Cost them $25K

4/25/23, 6:09 AM
Cody Wommack


4/25/23, 6:09 AM
Cody Wommack

I really thikn there's a decent chance that if some adults ever get onto the city council it may
be revelaed to be a house of cars and it's basically bankrupt.

4/25/23, 6:11 AM
Cody Wommack

Lone Star

4/25/23, 6:13 AM
David Hood

I can see what your saying in all those statements. You are correct. Residency is a hard thing
to prove.
If we did away with homestead
How would we determine where someone’s “permanent residence” is?
I think the better option os not to try to oust someone based on that principle but just rather
that persons poor performance in that office. (If Merritt calls)
Hope that makes since

4/25/23, 6:27 AM
Cody Wommack

You don't have to have a homestead at all so it's not a good standard by which to prove
residency. After long study on this subject I think it is best described as residency is wherever
you say it is. The law,,,case law at least, has things like, "where you one day intend to

4/25/23, 6:28 AM
Cody Wommack

Politically, if I want to oust someone, I will use everything I can find. Politics is dirty business.

4/25/23, 6:29 AM
Cody Wommack

permanent residence may very well be a whole other legal topic.

4/25/23, 6:32 AM
David Hood

I won’t ever sink to “political” status.

I’ll just walk away. If I’m elected I will just do best I can. If citizens find it’s not a good job
they just won’t re elect me I suppose. I’m not going to lower my self for the sake of political
reasons. Just not worth it. Probably not gonna be any good at this
Enjoy the talks bud.
Have a good day

4/25/23, 7:49 AM
Cody Wommack

I've heard it called lawfare. I won't ever sink to saying "the law is the law." You have
discretion.....which can also be abused.

4/25/23, 7:50 AM
Cody Wommack

Barak Obama went from being a nobody to winning a primary for Illinios senator by having all
of his opponents thrown off the ballot on technicalities. That's one of my favorite things about

4/26/23, 9:26 PM
Cody Wommack

Ramirez's signs are 3 separate misdemeanor offenses.

4/26/23, 9:29 PM
Cody Wommack

I don't care just thought you might want to know. 2 of those laws are bad laws. One of them is
a good or at least reasonable law in my opinion.

4/26/23, 9:30 PM
Cody Wommack

If I don't believe in a law will I report it or file a complaint because I'm running against
somebody in a political race?

4/26/23, 9:30 PM
Cody Wommack


4/26/23, 9:33 PM
Cody Wommack

bad laws: no notice, no disclaimer, reasonable law: don't place in right of way

4/27/23, 5:56 AM
David Hood

I had seen you make a post in the past about what was supposed to be on sign or I would
have not known. He is a good man probably ignorant to those election rules.
Those things don’t bother me tho.
If a sign beats me as an opponent, the voter voted for the name on the sign. Not the legal
rules at the bottom.
I understand the right of way rule tho for safety and agree with it.
I appreciate your attention to detail
No one in the county understands voting laws and small government like you.

4/27/23, 6:43 AM
Cody Wommack

Oh I said that I wouldn't report someone because I was running against them....I meant just
because I was running against them. When they are an incumbent who has done a lot of stuff
I think is beyone the pail that's another story. In any case, I report a Lone Star city council
member 4 years ago and they swore to the Texas Ethics Commission they'd never do it
again.....The sign printers should know.

4/27/23, 6:44 AM
Cody Wommack

The right of way rule may have to do with using public property too. Lone Star government
officials have put them on city property in the past. Seems off because it's like they are using
city property. I don't know if right of way prohibition applies to city streets. It should.

5/4/23, 8:35 PM
Cody Wommack

I interacted with the Daingerfield city secretary by email today and she was very friendly and

5/7/23, 9:12 AM
Cody Wommack

I knocked on a lot of doors. I saw several indicators of a family violence situation I'd like to talk
to you about to consider what if any law enforcement response might be considered.

5/7/23, 9:15 AM
David Hood


5/7/23, 9:15 AM
David Hood

I’m willing to do what I can

5/7/23, 12:13 PM
Cody Wommack

I you free today anytime?

5/7/23, 12:31 PM
David Hood

We are with family today.

That’s most Sundays
I’ll be at work till 12 tomorrow
I can get some names and addresses

5/10/23, 3:54 PM
David Hood

Can you stop by tomorrow?

5/10/23, 3:54 PM
David Hood

My office I mean.

5/10/23, 4:24 PM
Cody Wommack

Yes for sure. Alternatively, I can come now to the gym.

5/10/23, 4:26 PM
David Hood

We will be there at 5:30 at the gym.

5/10/23, 4:27 PM
David Hood

Stop by
It’s a city issue

5/10/23, 4:27 PM
Cody Wommack

5:30 or later then ?

5/10/23, 4:27 PM
David Hood

Until 6
It can be discussed tomorrow

5/10/23, 4:27 PM
Cody Wommack

I'll come tomorrow.

5/10/23, 4:28 PM
David Hood

Thank you

5/10/23, 6:55 PM
Cody Wommack

When is Dfield canvassing the votes and swearing in?

5/10/23, 6:55 PM
Cody Wommack

Also what time do you get there tomorrow?

5/10/23, 6:56 PM
David Hood


And I work 4am to 12p

5/11/23, 9:51 AM
David Hood

Found some Texas statutes that you asked for

Health and Safety code

5/11/23, 9:52 AM
David Hood

5/11/23, 9:52 AM
David Hood

5/11/23, 9:52 AM
David Hood

5/11/23, 9:52 AM
David Hood

5/11/23, 9:52 AM
David Hood

5/15/23, 6:57 AM
David Hood

Do you have key to school gate?

5/15/23, 6:58 AM
David Hood

Looks like a busted water line at the top of the hill (school) and it’s running down to Bond st

5/15/23, 7:15 AM
David Hood

They are flushing a line

5/15/23, 8:22 AM
Cody Wommack

I did have a key because it had been open a while. I put a lock on it and gave the city a key.
They put there own key and gave me my lock back after several months.

5/15/23, 8:22 AM
David Hood

So the lock on it currently is the city?

5/15/23, 8:33 AM
Cody Wommack


5/15/23, 8:33 AM
Cody Wommack

I heard somebody say "503 lock" or something like that?

5/15/23, 8:34 AM
Cody Wommack

big heavy duty lock, exact same model as the one I'd put on there.

5/15/23, 8:35 AM
David Hood

Thank you sir

5/15/23, 8:38 AM
Cody Wommack

I was going to tell you that as an elected official you will have to take required training on
Texas Public Information Act and on Texas Open Meetings Act. I'm assuming you don't
have to do this as a police officer. Anyways, lots of cities send people to Austin or Dallas for
in person training with Texas Municipal League. It costs the taxpayers hundreds of dollars
and worst of all it is a long brainwashing session where at the very end they do your one
hour "training." The same law that requires this training also states that the Attorney General
provide the training for free online. It's a one hour course for each.

5/15/23, 8:38 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:


5/15/23, 8:38 AM
Cody Wommack

You do both at that link.

5/15/23, 8:39 AM
Cody Wommack

So, if Daingerfield does that and you don't feel like taking the time out or want to save the
taxpayer money or avoid the brainwashing you can do it at home in a couple of hours.

5/15/23, 8:39 AM
Cody Wommack

I know that when Reiter was on the council he did it and didn't even realize that he didn't need
to go on a trip and stay in a hotel on the taxpayer's dime and all that. I

5/15/23, 8:39 AM
David Hood

Thank you for that link

5/15/23, 8:39 AM
Cody Wommack

I would have liked to have done it just to observe the brainwashing.

5/15/23, 8:40 AM
Cody Wommack

This is the actual Texas Public Information Act in all its glory.

5/15/23, 8:40 AM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

Sec. 552.001. POLICY; CONSTRUCTION. (a) Under the fundamental philosophy of the
American constitutional form of representative government that adheres to the principle that
government is the servant and not the master of the people, it is the policy of this state that
each person is entitled, unless...

5/15/23, 8:41 AM
Cody Wommack

I highly recommend reading the original source material yourself.

5/15/23, 8:41 AM
Cody Wommack

As far as laws go it is easy reading. The first section itself lays out the principles that every
thing is based on.

5/15/23, 8:44 AM
Cody Wommack

I was just thinking about the question of, "why do you want that information?" The Act actually
prohibits public officials from asking this of a requestor. At a practical level, it's better if the
government employees or officials don't know why you asking because they might not be
able to guess which parts to hide or delay. But, the way to think of it is that it is the public's
information. To have a government employee or official asking would like hiring someone
to do some work in your house and then having them tell you how you can use the things in
your house.

5/15/23, 8:44 AM
Cody Wommack

Also if you don't do that TOMA and PIA training there is no penalty whatsoever.

5/15/23, 8:45 AM
David Hood

I will most likely take online

5/16/23, 8:53 PM
Cody Wommack

Something to consider.....if you don't reappoint Stan Wyatt to the NETMWD he would keep
serving until you did. Essentially you would gain the right to recall him anytime you want to.
He's been there 25 years.

5/16/23, 8:55 PM
Cody Wommack

It pays about $6000/year. It's a great opportunity and should not be taken for granted. It
should be advertised and people should have the chance to make the case to be appointed.
I'd like to talk to the rest of the Daingerfield City Council to help educate them on some of the
issues surrounding the NETMWD.

5/16/23, 8:55 PM
Cody Wommack

Do you know how I can get in touch with Ramirez?

5/17/23, 3:21 AM
David Hood

I would reach out to him via Facebook

I don’t have his personal cellphone yet

5/17/23, 5:51 AM
Cody Wommack

I sent him a message last friday

5/18/23, 10:33 AM
David Hood

Got a question.
Do you know why the most eastern part of Lone Star pays Hughes Springs ISD taxes? From
Crocket over to A&E all the way east to city limits pays to HSISD.
Odd to me the biggest chunk of USS land is also on HS

Do you know when or why this is?

5/18/23, 10:54 AM
Cody Wommack

There’s no connection between city or county lines and school district lines. Every square
inch of the state falls somewhere in a county and a school district. So there’s no reason
why it wouldn’t be in Hughes Springs school district. It’s not much though. The plant area is
$20,000,000 paying DLSISD taxes.

5/18/23, 10:56 AM
Cody Wommack

Only exception I’ve ever heard of was an area that was mined and lost the survey markers.
HSISD and DLSISD were both billing Lone Star Steel. They paid double taxation for a while
before sorting it out.

5/18/23, 11:00 AM
Cody Wommack

Only exception I’ve ever heard of was an area that was mined and lost the survey markers.
HSISD and DLSISD were both billing Lone Star Steel. They paid double taxation for a while
before sorting it out.

5/18/23, 11:01 AM
David Hood

10-4 thank you for that information.

6/11/23, 9:59 PM
Cody Wommack

I was going to look at the agenda for the Daingerfield city council meeting tomorrow night. It
appears that it isn't posted on the website which is required by the Texas Open Meetings Act.

6/11/23, 9:59 PM
Cody Wommack

or I can't find it.

6/11/23, 10:00 PM
Cody Wommack

Shared Link:

City of Daingerfield official website

6/12/23, 10:01 PM
Cody Wommack

Adding it on the website after the fact was the wrong way to handle things. The agenda that
is posted says, "posted in a public place." The Lone Star agendas say posted in a public
place and on the website. For that reason, when Tina did the same thing, she was definitley
committing a serious misdemeanor of tampering with a government record. In Daingerfield's
case, I'm not sure that crime was committed by the city secretary....maybe though. The
proper course of action would have been to reschedule the meeting.

6/12/23, 10:01 PM
Cody Wommack

The water district budgets the director fees at $6,000/year.

6/12/23, 10:02 PM
Cody Wommack

To the extent they aren't paying them that they are padding the budget which is a separate
legal issue.

6/12/23, 10:02 PM
Cody Wommack

and one of the reasons how they arrived at "over a million dollars in profit last year"

6/12/23, 10:02 PM
Cody Wommack

which is illegal.

6/12/23, 10:04 PM
Cody Wommack

File message davidhood_10100392984842985-attachments/


6/12/23, 10:05 PM
Cody Wommack

I'm amazed at the very wealthy directors out there submitting paperwork to be reimbursed to
drive there from Lone Star and be paid $7.

6/12/23, 10:05 PM
Cody Wommack

At IRS mileage rates which are for business which have a company car and include
allowances for insurance and registration. That's not even counted in the $6,000 allowance.

6/12/23, 10:06 PM
Cody Wommack

$150 for a Zoom meeting

6/12/23, 10:09 PM
Cody Wommack

6/12/23, 10:09 PM
Cody Wommack

They actually budget $5,700 per director just in the $150/day director's fees; not counting
meals, hotels, inflated mileage, etc.

6/12/23, 11:35 PM
Cody Wommack

and Stan said that he "owned a property in Lone Star"....that is dissembling.

6/12/23, 11:35 PM
Cody Wommack

6/12/23, 11:35 PM
Cody Wommack

7/6/23, 6:52 AM
David Hood

Can you meet me and Steven at 8:30 at the PD?

We want to talk about the park.

7/6/23, 8:24 AM
Cody Wommack

What about the park?

7/6/23, 8:24 AM
David Hood

The camera

7/6/23, 9:38 AM
Cody Wommack

I asked Jerri Dorough last week for somebody to put one of those locks on the utility closet at
the bathroom.

7/6/23, 9:38 AM
Cody Wommack

I put the clasp on it. Just needs a lock.

7/6/23, 10:00 AM
David Hood

Ok I’ll let Shane know that

7/6/23, 10:05 AM
Cody Wommack

Does the police department have any records on a hit and run committed by Dudley in the
parking lot of Cypress Bank?

7/6/23, 10:07 AM
David Hood

I will look and get back with you

7/6/23, 10:08 AM
Cody Wommack

I can try to find some dates but I believe in the last year or two. My understanding was he side
swipe a car and left. The person who's car it was used security footage to track him down.

7/6/23, 10:08 AM
Cody Wommack

I believe it was an employee of the bank but I'm not sure on that.

7/6/23, 10:43 AM
David Hood

I can get you the crash report open request it.

There was no offense report. I didn’t take the report

7/6/23, 10:44 AM
David Hood

Just let me know

7/6/23, 10:53 AM
Cody Wommack

I didn't know if the police had been involved at all. The only deficeincy that I can imagine
in sending you a message on Facebook asking for it and it being an enforceable Public
Information Act request is that I think all request may need to be directed through the PIA
officer which in this case would be Tina.

7/6/23, 10:54 AM
Cody Wommack

but yes I would like the records related to this incident.

7/6/23, 1:36 PM
Cody Wommack

Do you know why the bathrooms are locked?

7/6/23, 1:44 PM
David Hood

The city workers did that. Who it came from I’m not sure.

7/6/23, 1:47 PM
David Hood

Have you talked to them about getting some slide locks for inside so people can lock the
door? Or do they have them on the door?

7/6/23, 2:05 PM
Cody Wommack

There are slides and they can be closed maybe if you’re strong. Needs new doors really.
Mike Carter had said he might have a line on some. I’m not asking anybody to volunteer or
contribute anything else at this point after the meeting last week.

7/6/23, 3:15 PM
Cody Wommack

...and talked to who? there's nobody to talk to. Who is running things exactly? Lieutenant
governor Tina or Herr McClain? There are no good faith or reasonable people on the city

7/7/23, 12:35 PM
Cody Wommack

Or a majority of the city council anyways. I'm probably going to take the camera down today
or tomorrow. It's kind of a pain in the ass to take down by design since it requires a ladder.
Y'all can take it down and have it if you want. It doesn't work and there's no card in it. I told
Kyle Harrison as much a couple of weeks ago. Ya'll may already be planning to arrest me.
Taking the camera down wouldn't really affect that. I don't really care. Go for it. Understand
that me taking the camera down is only retreating from a battle. I guess they can go back to
vandalizing the bathrooms.

7/7/23, 12:37 PM
David Hood

It’s legal to put up. That’s the way I read the article. My concern is the perspective of the angle
at which it got the building and not the entire building.
No charges have been made
No plans to arrest

7/7/23, 12:37 PM
Cody Wommack

Did you go look at the angle yourself? It is pointing at the ground.

7/7/23, 12:38 PM
Cody Wommack

7/7/23, 12:38 PM
Cody Wommack

It's a horseshit interpretation of the law anyways.

7/7/23, 12:39 PM
Cody Wommack

The (1) before the (2) that you highlighted.

7/7/23, 12:39 PM
David Hood

Which law? The one we talked about ?

7/7/23, 12:39 PM
David Hood


7/7/23, 12:40 PM
Cody Wommack

States "reasonable expectation ..... not subject to public view" this is followed by a ";"

7/7/23, 12:41 PM
Cody Wommack

which means "and" which means by my reading (1) is required and (2) are required together

7/7/23, 12:41 PM
Cody Wommack

Nobody can claim to have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a public park or standing at
an open door.

7/7/23, 12:42 PM
Cody Wommack

Obviously far beyond the intent of the law and definitely beyond the letter of the law to claim

7/7/23, 12:42 PM
Cody Wommack

the first position of the mayor and police department was that I need "authorization" to put a
game take pictures at a public park.

7/7/23, 12:43 PM
Cody Wommack

Which is patently ridiculous and an act of official oppression.

7/7/23, 12:43 PM
Cody Wommack


7/9/23, 4:54 PM
Cody Wommack

I sent you that picture telling you that I was taking the camera down and showing that the
camera points directly to the ground. I took it down an hour later. This was Thursday. The
next day, Brianna uses this picture to say it needs to be taken down. Now she says she must
have gotten it done...just like she is taking credit for the bathrooms being working. The point
is I shared this picture with you telling you I was taking the camera down and then you used it
in this way.

7/9/23, 4:58 PM
Cody Wommack

I'm also curious whether you went and looked for yourself at any point like we discussed.

7/9/23, 4:58 PM
David Hood

I actually didn’t use it in any way but to show her exactly where it was on the tree.
However it’s being used after the fact is her action alone.
I work for the city as a cop
She asked me where it was
I provided the more clear picture
I told you that day we had no plans to arrest

7/9/23, 4:58 PM
David Hood

This is not personal for me

7/9/23, 4:59 PM
Cody Wommack

and did you tell her that I said I was taking it down?

7/9/23, 4:59 PM
Cody Wommack

I hope you can understand that it is all very personal for me.

7/9/23, 5:01 PM
Cody Wommack

pretty amazing that nobody would actually go down there and look at it.

7/9/23, 5:02 PM
David Hood

I can see that.

I will remain neutral and follow the law. If that cost me my job some how I don’t care

As far as camera goes

No I did not
And here is why
Me and my family were eating out in Diana
There was poor service
I sent the photo and it took along time to load and honestly that was the conversation

7/9/23, 5:03 PM
David Hood

We have not talked since that time last night.

7/9/23, 5:03 PM
Cody Wommack

I would bet money that you can not find a single example of a City of Lone Star employee
losing their job every over anything.

7/9/23, 5:04 PM
David Hood

Kenny Taylor

7/9/23, 5:04 PM
Cody Wommack

other than for criminal activity

7/9/23, 5:04 PM
Cody Wommack

but that was removed by the authorities

7/9/23, 5:04 PM
Cody Wommack

nobody is ever fired by the council

7/9/23, 5:04 PM
Cody Wommack

or even rerprimanded

7/9/23, 5:05 PM
Cody Wommack

I've heard before but can't say for 100% certainty that Calvin was let go for collecting scrap
metal at the dump while on the clock and taking it to the junkyard.

7/9/23, 5:08 PM
Cody Wommack

The fact that nobody would look at it at all and then post that. When I told the council at the
meeting that there was no smooth wire at the bottom of the new fence I drove by right before
the meeting to make sure it hadn't miraculously appeared in the couple of hours before.

7/9/23, 5:09 PM
Cody Wommack

I can't believe that you still haven't been in the bathrooms since you were a kid and were
willing to question me over it that way.

7/9/23, 5:09 PM
Cody Wommack

Why wouldnt' every cop in Lone Star have been through the bathrooms by now to inspect?

7/9/23, 5:09 PM
Cody Wommack

That's how careful I was to make sure I didn't speak falsely on the wire at the bottom of the

7/9/23, 5:10 PM
Cody Wommack

Apparently Brianna can be bothered to go to the park and look at anything herself
ever....much less clean up years of shit, meth paraphenalia, and everything else associated
and has the gaul to take credit for the bathrooms being working.

7/9/23, 5:12 PM
David Hood

Things have went to far for me to ask you to act any kind of way. So I won’t. I’m not gonna get
involved in he said/ she said.
I’ve actually been blasted for defending some of your ideas. I will say I didn’t like the camera…
just seems creepy to me. I know you don’t care what I think..I get that.
I think things will escalate but for me I will walk away if made to feel I need to pick a side. My
only obligation to Lone Star is to uphold the law as it’s written and a magistrate instructs me
to do so.

I hope our conversation would have you believe me on this. If not and I’m to close to the
problem. I understand that too.

I did go look at the camera. Before you told me you were taking it down. Where it was , was a
little to close to tell how wide the picture angle would have been or how long it was facing that

My only question is this.

Truly is all this stress to your personal life worth it?

7/9/23, 5:12 PM
Cody Wommack

Hell no it's not worth it.

7/9/23, 5:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Too late for that now.

7/9/23, 5:13 PM
David Hood

I didn’t think so

7/9/23, 5:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Way way way past that now.

7/9/23, 5:13 PM
David Hood

It’s not
What do you owe Lone Star? It was this way before you were elected

7/9/23, 5:13 PM
Cody Wommack

Absolutley, literally before Brianna's post I was thinking seriously about stepping down. Can't

7/9/23, 5:14 PM
Cody Wommack

Once more unto the breach.

7/9/23, 5:17 PM
David Hood

Here is my opinion
Not worth much

If you step down what happens?
They some how feel they won a victory that was for what??
Also the 3 -2 vote will continue anyway so you beating a dead horse.
You as a citizen still have all the same rights you do now as a councilman. Only you don’t
have to be obligated to actually work hand to hand with people you don’t like.

Only thing i see is a pride thing.. For me.. every time I have ever move forward in pride it just
made my life worst

That’s just my two cents.

7/9/23, 5:18 PM
Cody Wommack

Ya it's not pride in this case. It would make me look guilty.

7/9/23, 5:20 PM
David Hood

There is no case other than opinion

7/9/23, 5:24 PM
Cody Wommack

with her goddamned emojis

7/9/23, 5:26 PM
Cody Wommack

running the City from her cell phone as she said before election by....not literally
not even willing to drive by

7/9/23, 5:29 PM
David Hood

Again if she ever ask my advise I’ll give it.

Until then I will handle things in my office, be impartial and do my job. That’s why you voted for
me I hope.
There are those that will not speak with you because of “principle”
I have been upset with you….but I have never went after you publicly.
If I need to speak
We can do it like men , face to face.
Again I urge you to consider your peace of mind all tho I respect any persons resolve to see
things through

7/9/23, 9:08 PM
Cody Wommack

I'd like to file a criminal trespass on Chad Kelley. He drove down our road today. I didn't
recognize his vehicle then. He's said he was going to come to my house.

7/9/23, 9:08 PM
Cody Wommack

I went to Dollar General with the intent actually to upload the notice of the EDC meeting then
take it back to just clock and turn it off. It's yalls.

7/9/23, 9:08 PM
Cody Wommack

You can turn it on and off iwth clock. Or learn to use the program

7/9/23, 9:12 PM
Cody Wommack

He kept posting stuff like he was watching me before I blocked him.

7/9/23, 9:12 PM
Cody Wommack

I may not do the criiminal trespass but I'm considering it.

7/9/23, 9:12 PM
Cody Wommack

Like he posts, "you're living in your grandmother's basement"

7/9/23, 9:13 PM
Cody Wommack

My grandmother actually lives in her asement for some reason. My brother lived down there in
high school when we were remodeling some stuff. My grandmother is 90. To go around using
stuff she says is not okay.

7/10/23, 12:00 AM
Cody Wommack

and of course you haven't told anybody that the camera was already down when you sent
Briana that message and for that reason you are at very least partly responsible for this mess

7/10/23, 2:51 AM
David Hood

If you are going to assume I’m in any way responsible for this mess then our conversation via
this platform has come to an end. If you would like to CT Chad then call the PD or come by
and I will be happy to do so.

7/10/23, 6:34 AM
Cody Wommack

That’s not what I was trying to say.

7/10/23, 6:37 AM
Cody Wommack

It would have been good if you’d told her I’d said I was taking it down when you sent the
picture though right? This only assumes she might have done anything differently and
assumes you were acting in good faith which I do assume. So no bad assumptions.

7/10/23, 6:43 AM
David Hood

I don’t like the whole Facebook thing. It just doesn’t go in line with how I think people of
responsibility should go about things that is just my personal opinion and of course people
have the freedom to do whatever they want if anybody asked me if you told me that I knew
you were going to take it down, I will say yes I will not lie For my part, I was going to wait until
this morning which is Monday to go check and see if it was down. If you need to screenshot
this conversation and add it to Facebook, do so.
It’s my personal opinion that no matter when you had plans to take it down people are still not
gonna like the idea that it was up in the first place.

8/7/23, 8:01 PM
Cody Wommack

Do you have those Dudley hit and run records I asked you for?

576 total messages and 10 total images.


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