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1. Operation Research increase creative and judicious capabilities of a decision maker.


It increases the effectiveness of management decisions. Management is most of the time

making decisions, thus helps them to make better decisions. Operation Research helps in
ascertaining best locations for factories and warehouses, project scheduling as well as most
economic means of transportation. It also leads to better control, better coordination, and
better system and at the end better decision. 

2. Quantities technique complement the expensive and judgment of an executive in

decision making. They do not replace it.


Operation Research is an aid for the executive in making their decision by providing him
with the needed quantitative information based on the scientific method of analysis. They do
not replace in decision making rather they serve as complement to the expensive and
judgment of an executive in decision making taking also consideration on the qualitative
aspect. Through serving as basis for better planning and better decision making since it
shows optimal solutions to complex problems and would greatly help systematically in the
processing and delivery of services.

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