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Zero Analysis

Not Belonging to society/community/place Beginning of the scene: (non-diegetic & music)

The narrator say’s “for some, life will be a constant battle, offering zero opportunities” with an eerie
music in a minor key played in the background (and thunder) – foreshadows how Zero’s life would
be and introduces the concept of not being allowed to belong to a society.

Zero in jail (oppression of powerful social forces): (symbolism &long shot & lighting)

Jail symbolizes barrier and separation, and this symbolism is used in the scene when Zero is
separated from his first love (who is also a zero). A long shot is used to depict the scene of Zero
looking out from the jail’s window, and with a dull lighting this also creates melancholy tone as well
as a nostalgic mood.

Acceptance/ tolerance, inclusion/ (facilitate belonging, they make it possible)/ open minded to
difference, unprejudiced After Zero saved female zero: (symbolism & music &close-up)

Transition of belonging – belonging to society

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