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Section1 Question1
The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now
are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with
the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take.In developing and
supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or
might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

Section1 Question2
The following appeared in a memo from the vice president of marketing at Dura-
Sock, Inc

“A recent study of our customers suggests that our company is wasting the money it
spends on its patented Endure manufacturing process, which ensures that our socks
are strong enough to last for two years.We have always advertised our use of the
Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks durability our average
customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months. Furthermore, our
customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that
they most value Dura-Socks’ stylish appearance and availability in many colors.
These findings suggest that we can increase our profits by discontinuing use of the
Endure manufacturing process.

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the
argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and
what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

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Section2 Question1
The remainder is 1 when the integer n is divided by 5.
Quantity A Quantity B
The remainder when the integer 3
2n is divided by 5

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question2
Quantity A Quantity B
7% of 11 11% of 7

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question3
Quantity A Quantity B
x-2 (-x)2

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question4
Quantity A Quantity B
x2 13x-7

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question5

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Quantity A Quantity B
a b
2b+a=180, 2a+b=180
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question6
Of the 80 cards in a box, more than 15 percent but less than 25 percent are red on one
side. Of the cards that are red on one side, more than 10 percent but less than 20
percent are blue on the other side. 1.5/2-3/4
Quantity A Quantity B
The number of cards that are red on one 4
side and blue on the other

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question7
List S consists of 25 different integers. The least and greatest integers in S are 0
and50, respectively. The integers in list T are obtained by adding 50 to each integer in
S. List Q consists of the 50 values in Sand T combined.
Quantity A Quantity B
The median of the integers in Q 2 times the median of the integers in S

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question8
At least one side of an isosceles right triangle has length 8
Quantity A Quantity B
The area of the triangle 24
16 or 32

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A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section2 Question9
if |x|=30, |y|=28, and |z|=24, then how many distinct possible values does |x+y+z|

A.One 30-28-24=-22
C.Four 30+28+24=82
E.Eight 2^3/2=4

Section2 Question10
A group consisting of 4 adults and 3 children will occupy 7 adjacent seats in one row
of a theater one person per seat. How many different arrangements of the 7 people are
possible such that no two adults and no two children sit next to each other?

D.720 4!*3!=24*6=144

Section2 Question11
A retailer sells one type of hockey stick. Last week, the retail price of each hockey
stick was 20 percent more than its wholesale cost.
Which of the following statements individually provide(s) sufficient additional
information to determine the retail price of each hockey stick last week?
Indicate all such statements.

A.Last week, the wholesale cost of each hockey stick was $40.00.
B.Last week, the ratio of the retail price of each hockey stick to its wholesale cost was
6 to 5.
C.Last week, the profit from the sale of one of the hockey sticks sold at its retail price
was $8.00. (Note: Profit equals retail price minus wholesale cost.)

Section2 Question12
Distribution of Households in the United States by Number of People in Household,
1970 and 2018
Number of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or Total Number

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People in more of Households

Household (in millions)
1970 17% 29% 17% 16% 10% 6% 5% 63.4
2018 28% 35% 15% 13% 6% 2% 1% 127.6
Based on the table shown, approximately what is the ratio of the number of
households with less than 5 people in the household in 2018 to the number of
households with less than 5 people in the household in 1970?

A.3 to 7
B.8 to 9
C.9 to 8
D.5 to 3
E.7 to 3

Section2 Question13
Glen purchased granola and raisins separately for a total cost of $5.70. The total
weight of the granola and the raisins was 14 ounces. The cost of the granola was
$0.55 per ounce, and the cost of the raisins was $0.15 per ounce. How many ounces of
granola did Glen purchase? g+r=14 —> 0.15g+0.15r=2.1
ounces 0.55g+0.15r=5.7
—> 0.4g=3.6 —> g=9
Questions 14 and 16 are based on the following data

Section2 Question14
For which of the following countries was the number of smartphone users in 2019
greater than 10 percent of the number of smartphone users worldwide in 2019?
Indicate all such countries.

A.Country P (851+346+260+97+95+84+73)/10=180.6
B.Country Q
C.Country R
D.Country S

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E.Country T
F.Country U
G.Country V

Section2 Question15
Which of the following is closest to the percent increase in the number of smartphone
users worldwide from 2016 to 2021?


Section2 Question16
For 2019, let w be the median number of smartphone users for the countries shown
and let z be the average (arithmetic mean) number of smartphone users for the
countries shown. What is the value of z-w?

A.159 million
B.160 million
C.161 million
D.162 million
E.163 million

Section2 Question17
Let p be the product of the integers from 1 to 200. What is the exponent of the prime
number 7 in the prime factorization of p?

Section2 Question18 =#16—> 32
A family had a package of cheese. They used of the cheese in the package to cook a
pasta meal, and then used a fraction of the remaining cheese to cook a taco meal. If
of the cheese that was originally in the package is left over, what fraction of the
cheese that remained after cooking the pasta meal did the family use to cook the taco

1 12-4-x=3 —> x=5 —> 5/8


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Section2 Question19
Let A be the set of integers between 1 and 100 that when divided by 5, have a
remainder of 2. Let B be the set of integers between 1 and 100 that when divided by 6
have a remainder of 1. How many integers are in the set A∩B?

A.0 n=5m+2
B.3 n=6n+1
C.4 n=30k+37 —> 7,37,67,97

Section2 Question20

The figure shows a circle with center O and radius r. If the length of line segment AB
is 2 r, what is the area of the shaded region?

p -3 1/4pir^2-1/2r^2
A. r2
p -1 2
B. r
p -3 2
C. r
p -2 2
D. r
p -1 2
E. r

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Section3 Question1

Select one entry for the blank. Fill the blank in the way that best completes the

Originally, ethnographic studies often included random anecdotes and facts about
various peoples; in contrast, as the field of anthropology became more professional,
ethnography became more .

A) absorbing
B) personal
C) fashionable
D) systematic
E) controversial

Section3 Question2

Select one entry for the blank. Fill the blank in the way that best completes the

We pride ourselves on being the only species that has a concept of , yet we
have a confounding habit of building barricades against perceived dangers while
leaving ourselves exposed to real ones.

A) humility
B) risk
C) toleration
D) compassion
E) fear

Section3 Question3

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Many of the major developments in fundamental physics of the past century arose
from (i) existing ideas. For example, the (ii) Maxwell’s equations and
Galilean invariance led Einstein to propose the special theory of relativity. Similarly,
the failure to reconcile special relativity with Newtonian gravity led him to develop
the general theory of relativity.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A) expanding the D) influence of

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purview of
B) overcoming E) incompatibility of
contradictions between
C) challenging
F) errors in
assumptions in

Section3 Question4

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

With its immense biomass of top predators, the Ross Sea is (i) compared to
other modern ocean ecosystems. Its high proportion of top predators (ii) the
standard textbook description of an ecological pyramid, in which primary producers-
phytoplankton in ocean ecosystems-drive the system and make up most of the

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A) robust D) inverts
B) anomalous E) epitomizes
C) inhospitable F) elucidates

Section3 Question5

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

While writers on Parker often present her as an avaricious stick figure, thus making
her an object of (i) Nash, by contrast, gives a more (ii) and sympathetic
portrait of the woman.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A) adulation D) intense
B) praise E) polemical
C) opprobrium F) nuanced

Section3 Question6

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Innovative work in literary and cultural studies often proceeds by means of (i) :
the interpreter places two objects side by side, one (ii) the other entirely new to

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the conversation. and demonstrates how they mutually illuminate one another-half the
genius lies in the simple act of unexpected,elegant (iii) .

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

D) wholly
A) circumlocution G) amalgamation
E) boldly
B) juxtaposition H) elision
F) usually
C) substitution I) connection

Questions 7 and 8 are based on this passage

In North America, crows have historically antagonized humans by ravaging corn
crops, but advancing urbanization has recently made humans more tolerant of crows,
and crows’ wariness has accordingly diminished. The future demeanor of the
American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is suggested by intercontinental analogy to
india’s house crow (Corvus splendens) which has lived for many centuries in an
essentially unarmed, animal-friendly, and densely populated culture Its audacity
extends to stealing food from street vendors and entering dwellings to remove food
from the table. The extreme watchfulness of the American crow has grown out of a
long history of persecution. As people treat crows with insouciance rather than
aggressionless wanness results in reproductive success, and another kind of corvine
conduct asserts itself.

Section3 Question7
Which of the following generalizations most directly underlies the authors central

A.Two different species of the same genus of birds may differ greatly in their
characteristic behavior for reasons that have nothing to do with the environment in
which they live.
B.Degrees of wariness tend to differ significantly among individuals of the same
animal species as well as between different species within the same genus
C.As human populations become more urbanized humans become less attuned to the
behavior of animals in their environment in ways that can negatively affect animals’
reproductive success.
D.A given behavioral trait can have either a positive or negative effect on an animal’s
reproductive success depending on the behavior of humans in the animal’s
E.Human attitudes toward a given animal species tend to be somewhat arbitrary and
are subject to change over time.

Section3 Question8

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The author implies which of the following about the “insouciance” mentioned in the

A.It reflects an advance in our understanding of crows behavior.

B.It has increased in one region of the world as urbanization has grown.
C.It is likely to increase in a particular region as farming in that region increases.
D.It reflects the influence of one culture’s attitudes toward animals on those of
another culture
E.It can have a positive influence on a given species reproductive success in some
contexts but a negative effect in others.

Questions 9 and 12 are based on this passage

In their book on women writers and the nineteenth-century literary imagination,
Sandra M.Gilbert and Susan Gubar revise Harold Bloom’s model of literary
precedence to make it applicable to the female writer. Bloom defines an author’s
inevitable dependence on tradition as necessarily anxious because writers deny
obligation to precursors; they desire originality yet know that true originality is
impossible to achieve. This explanation is based on a male paradigm that does not fit
nineteenth-century women a woman writer had few precursors who resembled
herself. Gilbert and Gubar therefore posit that for the woman writer the "anxiety of
influence became a "primary anxiety of authorship. The nineteenth-century female
writers limited relationship to her maternal literary predecessors and alienation from
the male literary traditions led to her feelings of anxiety and isolation.
Both Bloom’s and Gilbert and Gubar’s paradigms of anxiety and influence need
further revision once we consider the contemporary woman author Virginia Woolf a
twentieth-century novelist speaks of literary influence on women writers as “thinking
back through their mothers." The contemporary woman writer seeks her precursors
with enthusiasm to enable her own enterprise. These theoretical perspectives are
inadequate however when applied to Black women writers, for not only do they
neglect the racial pressures experienced by these writers, but they also fail to provide
an adequate explanation of the contemporary Black woman writer’s debt to the oral
storytelling that is her literary heritage Since racial pressures forbade the learning of
reading and writing, early Black women storytellers used their own voices to create
rich narratives. The contemporary Black woman writer seeks out her precursors in
order to restore the forgotten tradition of oral storytelling rather than to express
anxiety about the obscuring of her orginality.
A study of the relationship of Alice Walkera contemporary Black writerto Zora
Neale Hurstona Black female writer of the 1940s, clarifies the relationship of gender
and race in a revised theory of literary influence. In numerous and diverse ways
Walker proclaims Hurston her precursor and appears to find that precedence a source
not of anxiety but of nurturanch Walker writes that if she were condemned to live on a
desert island with only ten books, she would unhesitatingly choose as one Hurstons
Their Eves Were Watching God. According to Walker, "there is not a book more

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important to me than this one.” The liveliness of janie Crawford, Hurston’s Black
heroine gives rise to Walker’s sense of her own resemblance to Janie and a similar
sense of shared life and knowledge makes Walker identify with Hurston as well. Alice
Walker’s understanding of literary influence, then appears not at all melancholy or
anxiety-laden. Walker desianates as her precursor an author of Black legend and
Black female liberation, a woman who enables female possibility.

Section3 Question9
According to the passage, which of the following explains why the nineteenth-century
woman writer experienced anxiety?

A.Her book might be criticized as being a copy of a previous writer’s work.

B.Her denial of her precursors separated her from her literary predecessors.
C.She would have to compete against other women writers of the same period.
D.She had very few female literary predecessors who resembled herself.
E.She was forbidden to include references in her writing to stories that had an oral

Section3 Question10
It can be inferred from the passage that a major distinction between contemporary
White women writers and Black women writers is that the earliest literary precursors
of Black women were which of the following?

A.Widely read and critiqued

B.Part of the predominant literary tradition of their times
C.Authors of mainly fictional novels
D.Anonymous and unrecorded
E.Prolific writers

Section3 Question11
Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.Theoretical perspectives are presented, weighed qualified, and finally reaffirmed.

B.Opposing views are presented, classified, and then reconciled.
C.Arguments are advanced and then refuted
D.Opposing views are presented with supporting examples.
E.Theoretical perspectives are advanced, after which an alternative is presented and
supported by an example

Section3 Question12
It can be inferred from the passage that the author views Bloom’s theory as which of
the following?

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A.Accurate when considering women writers

B.Most helpful when applied to male writers
C.Irrelevant to assessments of literary influence
D.Based on an exhaustive analysis of interrelated social factors
E.Accurate for modern,but not for nineteenth-century, social contexts

Section3 Question13

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

The society of the ancient Moche of northern Peru was one: it was ruled by
local lords who were overseen by an elite composed of administrative and religious
authorities. enduring inflexible abiding
D.a stratified
E.a cohesive
F.a hierarchical

Section3 Question14

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

The rapid melting of glaciers around the globe, while an ominous reminder of global
warming, has been for archaeologists, since glaciers are storehouses of frozen
materials from prehistoric times.

A.a conundrum
B.a nuisance inconvenience
D.a boon
E.a windfall
F.a puzzle

Section3 Question15

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Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

In literature, thrillers thrive on heroes and villains, and usually the characterization is
not very writers don’t want to confuse or slow the plot.


Section3 Question16

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

Although the establishment of risk exposure limits and other safety regulations is
generally presented as risk-related decisions often contain value-based
judgments regarding which risks to accept.


Section3 Question17
The 1996 recruitment brochure from a college reported that course enrollments over
the ten academic years ending August 31, 1996, averaged 59.4 students per course.
The colleges 1997 brochure reported that course enrollments over the ten academic
years ending August 31,1997, averaged 59.4 students per course but also reported that
average course enrollment for the 1996-1997 academic year was well below that
level. Therefore, at least one of these three pieces of information is erroneous.

The argument given is flawed because it overlooks the possibility that

A.the total enrollment of the college increased over the ten academic years ending
August 31, 1996

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B.competing colleges have experienced very little change in their average course
C.mistakes were present in the data on which the 1996 brochure was based but were
corrected by the time that the 1997 brochure was written
D.the number of courses offered in the 1995-1996 academic year was greater than the
number offered in the 1996-1997 academic year
E.average course enrollment in the first of the ten academic years ending August 31,
1996, was lower than the average over the other nine years

Questions 18 and 20 are based on this passage

Some archaeologists speculate that the Americas might have been initially colonized
between 40,000 and 25.000 years ago. However to support this theoryit is necessary
to explain the absence of generally accepted habitation sites for that time interval in
what is now the United States. Australia, which has a smaller land area than the
United States, has many such sites supporting the generally accepted claim that the
continent was colonized by humans at least 40,000 years ago. Australia is less densely
populated (resulting in lower chances of discovering sites) and with its overall greater
aridity would have presented conditions less favorable for hunter gatherer occupation.
Proportionally at least as much land area has been lost from the coastal reaions of
Australia because of postglacial sea-level rise as in the United States, so any coastal
archaeological record in Australia should have been depleted about as much as a
coastal record in the United States. Since there are so many resource-rich years leadin
a inland from the United States coastline it seems implausible that a growing
population of humans would have confined itself to coasts for thousands of years. If
inhabitants were present 25,000 years ago, the chances of their appearing in the
archaeological record would seem to be greater than for Australia.

Section3 Question18
The passage is primarily concerned with doing which of the following?

A.Presenting an objection to a claim

B.Accounting for an apparent anomaly
C.Outlining an alternative interpretation
D.Correcting a particular misconception
E.Questioning the validity of a comparison

Section3 Question19
The author of the passage notes Australia’s “smaller land area” in order to

A.suggest that the number of habitation sites from between 40,000 and 25,000 years
ago that have been found in Australia is somewhat surprising show why the absence of habitation sites from between 40,000 and 2,000 years
ago in what is now the United States is problematic

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C.indicate that Australia is not exactly comparable to the United States in size
D.emphasize a difference between Australia and the United States in population
density explain a difference between Australia and the United States in the number of
habitation sites from between 40000 and 25000 years ago

Section3 Question20
The author of the passage implies that in what is now the United States,
archaeological evidence of inhabitation in the period from 40,000 to 25,000 years ago
is lacking because that region

A.had its oldest habitation sites inundated following a postglacial rise in sea level
B.has many resource-rich rivers that facilitated the dispersal of its early inhabitants
from an initial concentration in coastal areas
C.was sparsely populated until about 25,000 years ago
D.was colonized less than 25,000 years ago
E.was inhabited only by hunter gatherers until 25,000 years ago

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Section4 Question1
Quantity A Quantity B
x percent of 30 30 percent of x

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question2
Quantity A Quantity B
m+5 m=3-n —> m+5=8-n 8-n

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question3
Quantity A Quantity B
y-x2 y+x

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question4
According to a certain model, the number of residents in City W, in thousands of
people, n years from the present will be
Quantity A Quantity B
The number of residents in City W 1,200,000
10 years from the present, according to the model
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Section4 Question5

in the figure, a “plus sign” is inscribed in a circle. The plus sign consists of five
squares, each with perimeter 24.
Quantity A Quantity B
The radius of the circle 9
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question6
The integer n is the least integer greater than 2 such that when n is divided by any one
of 3, 4, and 5 the remainder is 2.
Quantity A Quantity B
n n=4b+2=2(2b+1) (3)(4)(5)
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater. n=62 at least
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question7
A list consists of n numbers, where n>1. The average (arithmetic mean) of the n
numbers is equal to w such that w≠0 and w=w2.
Quantity A Quantity B
The sum of the n numbers in the list n

A.Quantity A is greater. Sum=n*w —> w=0 or w=1 —> S=n or S=0

B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question8
n is a positive integer.
Quantity A Quantity B

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1 æ 1 ö
3ç n ÷
3n è4 ø

A.Quantity A is greater.
n=1: 1/3<3/4
B.Quantity B is greater. n=10: >
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section4 Question9
At a certain reception, 126 people are to be seated for dinner. The tables to be used for
seating the people are available in two sizes, large and small with seating capacities of
10 people and 8 people respectively. if each table is to be filled to its respective
seating capacity, what is the least number of small tables that must be used?

B.2 10x+8y=126
C.3 5x+4y=63
D.4 x=11,y=2

Section4 Question10
The original price of a lawn mower was $500. The original price was reduced by 25
percent resulting in a sale price, and the sale price was reduced by more than 20
percent resulting in a clearance price. Which of the following could be the clearance
price of the lawn mower?
Indicate all such prices.

Section4 Question11

On the number line above, the points with coordinates a, b, and c are in the order
indicated. Which of the following must be true?


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Section4 Question12
Each time a certain coin is tossed,the coin lands either heads up or tails up. For any
given toss, the probability that the coin will land heads up is equal to the probability
that the coin will land tails up. The coin is to be tossed n times. What is the least
possible value of n such that the probability of the coin landing heads up n times in a
row is less than 0.05?

D.5 0.05=5/100=1/20<(1/2)^4

Section4 Question13
A grocery store’s monthly revenues from the sales of product P were $1200, $1500,
$1850, and $1.700 for the first 4 months of 2014 respectively. The median of the
store’s monthly revenues from the sales of product P for the first 5 months of 2014
was $1.550. What was the average (arithmetic mean) of the store’s monthly revenues
from the sales of product P for the first 5 months of 2014? (1200+1500+1550+1850+1700)/5=1560
Questions 14 and 16 are based on the following data
For each of the years 1997 through 2000 the graph shows
the number of towels imported to Japan from China, and the total number of towels
imported to Japan from all countries, including China.

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Section4 Question14
In 1998, how many of the imported towels were not imported from China?

A.260 million
B.264 million 22*12=
C.268 million
D.272 million
E.276 million

Section4 Question15
If the average (arithmetic mean) number of towels imported from China per month
was the same for the last3 months of 2000 as it was for the first 9 months of 2000,
approximately how many million dozen towels were imported from China during the
12 months of 2000?

A.57 (43/9)*12

Section4 Question16
In 1999, the ratio of the number of towels imported from China to the total number of
towels imported from countries other than China was closest to which of the

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A.7 to 2
B.3 to 1
C.5 to 2 54 to 22
D.2 to 1
E.3 to 2

Section4 Question17
Square S has sides of length 3. Each side of square S is the hypotenuse of a right
isosceles triangle. What is the sum of the areas of the 4 right isosceles triangles?

Section4 Question18
Three of the vertices of parallelogram RSTU in the xy-plane are R(-3, -2), S(1, -5),
and T(9, 1). Which of the following could be the x-coordinate of vertex U?


Section4 Question19
y =1-
z =1- t
If 0<t<1, which of the following inequalities correctly orders x, y, and z?


Section4 Question20
Darrell has a collection of 40 DVDs. each of which contains one movie. There are 17
comedy movies 14 fantasy movies, and 9 historical movies,where each historical
movie takes place in a separate time period. The movies will be ordered on a shelf
from left to right so that the movies of each type-comedy, fantasy, and historical-are
in a single group of consecutive movies. In addition, the historical movies will be
ordered from earliest time period to latest time period. How many possible orderings
of the movies are there?

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Section5 Question1

Select one entry for the blank. Fill the blank in the way that best completes the

O’Brien solicited potential contributors to his project by detailing how the glory of its
success would all who were associated with it.

A) besmirch
B) humble
C) inhibit
D) pass over
E) redound to

Section5 Question2

Select one entry for the blank. Fill the blank in the way that best completes the

Although the author has entered a scholarly field that is fraught with bitter
partisanship, her book displays a remarkable lack of .

A) imagination
B) documentation
C) vitriol
D) deference
E) discretion

Section5 Question3

Select one entry for the blank. Fill the blank in the way that best completes the

Action cinema has a reputation for giving spectators all action and no plot and that
reputation for narrative seems to have gained further traction with the
increasingly ubiquitous use of digital effects.

A) paucity
B) homogeneity
C) diffuseness
D) predictability
E) convolution

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Section5 Question4

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

The new drug was useful, but unfortunately its effect was largely (i) rather than
(ii) .

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A) salutary D) immediate
B) beneficial E) curative
C) palliative F) analgesic

Section5 Question5

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Audiences for daytime television soap operas have declined by 83 percent since 1991.
This is partly because televised courtroom dramas, which compete with soap operas,
bring to the screen some of the same elements of family (i) that appeal to soap
fans. And courtroom dramas have the added (ii) that the domestic arguments
they depict are for real.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A) succor D) frisson
B) blandishment E) annoyance
C) wrangling F) constraint

Section5 Question6

For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill
all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Although it is quite probable that many small asteroids in the solar system’s asteroid
belt have (i) , the total mass of these objects cannot be (ii) , since the
combined gravitational pull of all known asteroids is (iii) to fully account for
the asteroid belt’s effect on the motion of nearby planets such as Mars.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

A) similar
D) diminishing G) sufficient
B) formed by E) estimated H) unlikely

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C) escaped
F) substantial I) required

Questions 7 and 8 are based on this passage

Critical neglect of Emily Bronte’s poetry is long standing and once resulted from an
idea of Victorian poetry as essentially a male preserve Feminist critics have
challenged this understanding of Victorian poetry largely by displacing critical
approaches that required a particular subject matter or point of view and therefore
undervalued women poets whose work did not conform But feminist critics own
assumptions about Victorian women’s poetry have also threatened to exclude Emily
Bronte Virginia Blains anthology of Victorian women’s poetry is representative, not
eccentric, in omitting Bronte. Blain aimed to provide wide-ranging coverage of "the
kinds of subjects and poetic treatments most often employed by Victorian women
poets, yet, as Emily’s sister Charlotte said, Emily’s poetry is not “at all like the
poetry women generally write.

Section5 Question7
The author mentions “Virginia Blain’s anthology” primarily in order to

A.represent a voice opposing the feminist critics mentioned in the second sentence
B.elaborate on a claim made in the third sentence
C.provide an example of an omission decried by feminist critics
D.cite a tendency that preceded the advent of feminist criticism
E.note an exception to a tendency described earlier in the passage

Section5 Question8
The reference to what “Emily’s sister Charlotte said” serves primarily to

A.illustrate an attitude toward Victorian poetry that has been common among feminist
B.provide a vindication for those scholars who have given critical attention to Emily
Bronte’s poetry
C.suggest that Emily Bronte’s poetry would not be well served by being included in
an anthology of poetry by women
D.identify an aspect of Emily Bronte’s poetry that is increasingly of interest to literary
E.shed light on a particular oversight common among feminist critics studying
Victorian poetry

Questions 9 and 11 are based on this passage

Study of the geological history of the Moon is based on the law of superposition,
which states that younger rocks and geological features visibly overlie older rocks and

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features. For example, linesor "rays" radiate outward from the crater Copernicus and
overlie the rim of the neighboring crater Eratosthenes, demonstrating that Copernicus
is younger. Both of these craters are younger than the dark lava plain, Mare Imbrium,
upon which they lie. In contrast, the crater Archimedes is filled with and surrounded
by this dark lava, from which itsrim protrudes; thus, the impact that created
Archimedes predates the lava eruption that flooded the whole region to create Mare
Imbrium. All the foregoing features occur inside the giant imbrium basin itself a kind
of colossal impact crater. Thus, the relative ages of surface features in the imbrium-
copernicus region were unambiguously derivable from photographs taken from Earth
well before any lunar missions. Their absolute ages, however, were only later inferred
from physical samples of lunar rock.

Section5 Question9
The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.explain how a scientific law was inferred from processes that were first revealed by
photographic evidence
B.reconstruct a chronology of events in order to explain the absence of certain
expected lunar features how physical evidence has been used to substantiate inferences based on the
application of a particular methodology
D.suggest how conclusions are formed about the absolute ages of geological features
E.illustrate how a general principle has been used to draw certain specific conclusions

Section5 Question10
It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following geological events
occurred first?

A.The impact that formed the rays of Copernicus

B.The impact that formed Eratosthenes
C.The eruption that flooded Archimedes
D.The formation of the lmbrium basin
E.The creation of Mare Imbrium

Section5 Question11
It can be inferred from the passage that a medium-sized lunar impact crater could be
clearly determined to predate a smaller lunar impact crater if which of the following
were observed in a photograph of the two craters?

A.The smaller crater is entirely contained within the rim of the medium-sized crater.
B.The medium-sized crater partially obscures the rim of the smaller crater
C.Lava surrounds the medium-sized crater on all sides but does not surround the
smaller crater.

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D.The rim of the smaller crater is an unbroken circle, but the rim of the medium-sized
crater is incomplete in places.
E.The smaller crater is streaked with the rays of the medium-sized crater

Section5 Question12

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

There’s no doubt that humans are extraordinarily compared with many other
animals: we’re good at reading people’s emotions and adapting our behavior
appropriately, we work well in teams, and we sometimes even show kindness to


Section5 Question13

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

Typefaces, in one sense, are just like styles of shoes: they because different
people have different tastes and identities and because both creators and users value
novelty for its own sake.


Section5 Question14

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Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

Because the literary club often trumpeted itself as a sanctuary for temperate
discussion, visitors were startled by the frequently tone of its recent debates.


Section5 Question15

Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the
meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are
alike in meaning.

in its few decades of existence, the field of technology assessment has undergone
large changes: its original high ambitions to predict consequences of technology have
been if not discarded.


Section5 Question16
The Thorvald epic was transmitted orally until the early 1300s, when it was written
down. Three manuscripts of the epic survive from the 1300s. The latest of these
manuscripts, made in the mid-1300shas an episode that is not in the second
manuscript, but that occurs in the earliest of the three manuscripts in virtually the
same words. Therefore the third manuscript was probably copied from the first or
from a now lost copy of the first.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

A.Whoever produced the second manuscript did not deliberately omit the missing

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B.The earliest of the surviving manuscripts was not the first manuscript ever made of
C.The texts of the first and third surviving manuscripts do not derive from the text of
a manuscript now lost that predates them both.
D.The first manuscript was copied at most once before the third manuscript was
E.The episode that is missing from the second manuscript was not invented by
whoever produced the first manuscript.

Questions 17 and 18 are based on this passage

Normally, business leaders would welcome such a huge market as that which exists
in the area of environmental improvement-it is worth more than 500 billion dollars
worldwide. But the terminology and rhetoric of the environmental improvement field
have so confused and polarized thinking that the implications of such a valuable
market are generally overlooked. Despite the huge economic gains shown by
virtually every careful study environmental improvement is generally referred to
as a cost "by most business executives, political figures, and policy makers. Yet
like other industries, environmental improvement responds to a valid demand, and it
creates jobs profits and positive benefits for citizens. Environmental improvement
according to management expert James Quinn, should be viewed as a market rather
than as a cost.

Section5 Question17
Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the
context of the passage as a whole?

A.It undermines an idea introduced in the first sentence

B.It suggests a direction for research that is described later in the passage.
C.It elaborates a point introduced in the preceding sentence.
D.It proposes an alternative to the confusing terminology mentioned in the preceding
E.It describes why the market mentioned in the first sentence should be considered a
special case.

Section5 Question18
In the context in which it appears, “Normally” most nearly means

B.As a rule
C.Without hesitation
D.Left unchecked

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Questions 19 and 20 are based on this passage

Some researchers claim that cetaceans-whales and dolphins-have culture.which the
researchers define as the ability to learn from one another. Skeptics, however demand
clear evidence that cetaceans can acquire new behaviors through some form of social
learning preferably clear-cut instances of imitation or teaching. But such evidence is
difficult to obtain.While few people doubt that captive cetaceans are adept at imitation
or that they reproduce behaviors taught by researchers, biologists seeking insight into
cetaceans’ behavior in their natural habitats must rely on deduction rather than
experiments. If members of a particular group share behaviors that do not result from
genetic inheritance or environmental variation, then they have almost certainly
learned them by watching, following, or listening to other animals.

Section5 Question19
The primary purpose of the passage is to

A.cast doubt on a particular hypothesis

B.explain why a particular debate has arisen
C.contrast two different explanations for a phenomenon
D.discuss the evidence needed to settle a particular debate
E.question the validity of a particular methodology used by researchers

Section5 Question20
The passage suggests which of the following about captive cetaceans?

A.Whether they are engaged in social learning is a subject of disagreement among

B.Their ability to imitate new behaviors is more extensive than that of noncaptive
C.They exhibit few behaviors that have not also been observed in cetaceans in their
natural habitats.
D.They appear to adopt new behaviors more quickly than do noncaptive cetaceans.
E.They exhibit tendencies that suggest a capacity for the kind of behavior that
qualifies as cultural.

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Section6 Question1
The rate x kilometers per hour is equal to the rate 10 centimeters per second.
Quantity A Quantity B
x 0.36
360 m/h ->
A.Quantity A is greater. 0.36 km/h
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question2
The function f is defined for all numbers x by f(x)=2+3x.
Quantity A Quantity B
f(x+4)-f(x) 12
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question3
Quantity A Quantity B
x+x-1 -2

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question4
In a probability experiment, R and S are independent events such that 0<P(R)< , and
Quantity A Quantity B
The probability that S will occur given P(R)
that R has occurred

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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Section6 Question5
A certain list consists of 25 different positive integers, where each of the integers is a
multiple of the positive integer m. The greatest integer in the list is 250.
Quantity A 10,20,…250 Quantity B
m 5

A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question6
A certain sequence is defined by a1=3 and an=3(an-1)2 for all integers n≥2.
Quantity A Quantity B
a5 a2=3^3 330
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater.
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question7

Square ABCD and parallelogram AEFD lie in the same plane, and AB=AE.
Quantity A Quantity B
The area of region ABCD The area of region AEFD
A.Quantity A is greater.
B.Quantity B is greater. sqrt(3)/4*a^2*2=sqrt(3)/2*a^2
C.The two quantities are equal.
D.The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Section6 Question8
The average (arithmetic mean) of 2 numbers is xy. If one of the numbers is equal to
2x, which of the following represents the other number?
x+z/2=xy —> z=2(xy-x)

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Section6 Question9
If a liter of enamel is required to paint 16 square meters, how many liters of enamel
are needed to paint the outside surfaces of a cube of volume 64 cubic meters?


Section6 Question10

in the circle with center O, if the length of minor are MP is 3 p , what is the area of
square region MOPQ?
3pi=1/2*pi/2*r —> r=12 —> 144/4=36

Section6 Question11
If x+y=8 and x2-y2=20, then x-y=


Section6 Question12

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The figure above shows a circular dartboard at which players throw darts. A player
earns 3 points each time a dart hits the shaded region and p points each time a dart hits
the unshaded circular region. If a player earns a total of 47 points for a number of
darts that hit the dartboard, which of the following could be the value of p?
Indicate all such values. 47-3=44=11*4
A.11 47-9=38
Section6 Question13
When filled to capacity, canisters I, II, and III hold R, S, and T pounds of sugar
5 1
respectively. Currently, canister I is full of sugar canister II is full of sugar, and
8 4
canister III is empty. If the sugar in canisters I and II is poured into canister III,
canister III will be full. Which of the following expresses T in terms of R and S?

R+S 1: 5/8R
16 2: 1/4S
3R + S 3/4T=5/8R+1/4S
8 6T=5R+2S
3( R + S )
5R + 2S
5R + 2S

Questions 14 and 16 are based on the following data

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Section6 Question14
To the nearest one percent, the area of Mercer County is what percent less than the
area of Somerset County?

Section6 Question15
Which of the following is closest to the range of the populations of the seven counties
in 1989?


Section6 Question16
In 1989, 52 percent of the population of Mercer County was female. If 52 percent of
the increase in population in Mercer County from 1989 to 2004 was female, what is
the percent increase in the number of males in Mercer County from 1989 to 2004?


Section6 Question17

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Let a, b, and c be positive integers such that x2+cx+16=(x+a)(x+b) for all values of x.
What is the largest possible value of minus the smallest possible value of c?
ab=16, a+b=c>=8
largest 17 —> 17-8=9

Section6 Question18
Of the people surveyed about the effectiveness of various treatments for insomnia, 65
percent reported that prescription drugs were effective and 48 percent reported that
exercise was effective. If 22 percent of those surveyed reported that prescription drugs
were effective but did not report that exercise was effective, what percent of those
surveyed reported that exercise was effective but did not report that prescription drugs
were effective?

A.5% D+ D-
E+ 43. 5 48
E- 22

Section6 Question19

The figure above shows a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation
d,including approximate percents of the distribution corresponding to the six regions
The lengths of phone calls made on a certain weekend by students at High School H
are approximately normally distributed with a mean of 30 minutes and a standard
deviation of 10 minutes. Which of the following statements must be true?
Indicate all such statements. 10 20 30 40 50

A.The range of the lengths of the phone calls is less than 60 minutes.
B.The lengths of half of the phone calls are each greater than 40 minutes.
C.The length of a 35-minute phone call is 0.5 standard deviation from the mean of the
lengths of the phone calls.

Section6 Question20
How many distinct solutions does the equation |1-|x-215||=1 have?

B.One 215, |x-215|=2 —> 213, 217

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