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20. Senet 42. Dastery “42. Consittion 25 ntaligence 13 Wisdom charms “41, Arial Handling 85. can iti 40. nehle Ins Invergon (i) Medicine 2) Perception Performance (cha) Religion (ns) Sight of Hand oe) 000e800@0080@000e00 Proficencies, Daggers darts, light crossbows, longbows,longswords, quarterstaffs,shortbows,shortsword, sings Languages. Common, Flvish, Draconic, Dwarvsh, Goblin vic oe Maca 8 us HM) | idea 2 pene CCantrips. You know moge hand, prestiig tration oy offer, end shocking grarp, ae can cast them a wil ‘Spell Sots. You have two Ist-evel spel slots you can use to cast your prepared spall Prepared Spel. You prepare four Ist-evel spell ta make them avilable for you to cast, choosing from the spell in your spellbook. ‘Spelibook. You have a spelibook containing those Iet-level spell: uring hands, dete maple ‘mage armen, mage msl, sil, and sep. Descriptions are In the rulebook ATTACKS 5 SPRLLCASTING ‘Shortsword, component pouch, spellbook, backpack, bottle Fink, nk pen, 10 sheets of parchment, small if, tome ‘of istorcal lore, haly symbol prayer book, set ofcommen clothes, pouch Wizard 1 Acolyte cuss Leve. BacKCOUND aR NAME High elf Chaotic good use polysllabic words that convey the Impression oferudtion. Also, ve spent <0 ong nthe tape that have Ite ‘experience dealing with peopleon 2 casual basis ‘Knowledge. The path to power and self improvements throuh knowledge. “The tome I cary with me's the record of ry life's work so far, sd no vaults secure ‘enough to keep ise ldo just about anything to uncover historical secrets that would add vo iy research Spelleastng Ability italigence is your spellastng abil fr your spells. The saving throw DC to resist a spel you casts 13. Your attack bonus when you make an attack wth 4 spell is +5. See she rulebook for rues on Casting your spel, “Arcane Recovery Yous can regain some oF your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once perday during short ost, yu can choose to tecover expended spell slots with 2combined | level equal too less than half your wizard level (rounded vp, Darkvision. You se in drs ight within 60-foot radius of you a ft were bright ight, and in cerkness in that radius ait were dim light, You cant discern color in darkness, only shades of gry. Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being cheemad, and magic can’t put youto sleep. Trance. Eves don't need to sleep. They meditate dooply, remaining semiconscious, for hours 3 day and gain the same benefit 2 hurnan does from & hours of sleep. ‘Shelter ofthe Faithful. As a servant of ‘ghma, you command the respect of those wha shave your faith and you can Berform the rites of Oghms, You and your companions ‘can expacttaveceve free healing and care atatemple, shrine, or other established presence of Oghma'sfsth.Thoze who share your religion wll support you (and erly you) ‘ata modest lifestyle. You also have ies tothe temple of Oghma in Neverwinter, where you have a residence, When you ae in Neverwintes, you can callupon te priest therefor 2slstance that won't endanger ther, FEATURES & THATS

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