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 DEMEL, Grand creator and programmer

 Apollyon, Madness and ignorance
 Azathoth, Primal black ocean of creation
 Ycnágnnisssz
 Gestor, Devourer of Knowledge (first appeared to Earth as a Tamarind Fruit)
 Umbra, The Darkness
 Fear
 Life
 Death
 Father Time
 Aeon, Silence
 Ouroboros, Deity of infinity, immortality, and eternity
 Dyḗus
 *Dʰéǵʰōm
 Cxaxukluth
 The Darkness
 The Nameless Mist
 Nyarlathotep
 Shub-Nibburath
 Yog-Sothoth
 Yig
 Cxaxukluth
 Yibb-Tstll
 The Blackness from the Stars
 Abhoth
 Daoloth
 D'endrrah
 Ghroth
 Noth-Yidik
 Tru'nembra
 Tulzscha
 Ubbo-Sathla
 Xexanoth
 Yhoundeh
 Aiueb Gnshal
 Kwekwaxawe
 Azhorra-Tha
 Azotharoth
 The Cloud-Thing
 C'thalpa
 Gi-Hoveg
 Haiogh-Yai
 Huitloxopetl
 Ialdagorth
 Kaajh'Kaalbh
 Kaalut
 Lu-Kthu
 Mh'ithrha
 Mlandoth
 Mril Thorion
 Mother of Pus
 Nhimbaloth
 Ngyr-Korath
 Nyctelios
 Olkoth
 Ramasekva
 Shabbith-Ka
 Star Mother
 Suc'Naath
 Uvhash
 Xa'ligha
 Yomagn'tho
 Extinction
 Alchimia
 Discord
 Scarecrow, The Soul Eater
 Kabir, Seeker of Power
 Inkblot
 The Hyperstig, Comic Writer
 Maou, Demon Empress
 Perseptor
Creator Primordials
 Wordya, The Nurturing Night: Humanoid with a glass frog like skin, Domains: Night,
Stars, Magic, Darkness
 Skwarkya, The Dashing Swordfishman Domains: Sky, Travel, Mist
 Solya, The Solar Phoenix Domains: Sun, Light, Fire, Love
 Dakkaya, The War Machine Domains: War, Metal
 Viluya, The Wrting Anteater Domains: Life, Art
 Smotaya, The All-seeing Eye Domains: Death, Knowledge, Moon, Time
 Hirya, The Earth Long Domains: Earth, Crystals, Order
 Wolofya, The Flowing Weaver, A Clam-spider Hybrid Domains: Water, Chaos, Trickster
 Walusvoid, The Underworld Whale
 Serpel, Serpent of the first world

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