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Topic :dslkfsfa

Full Name in Capital Siddiqur M M Maruf M M Maruf


Research Background: The metaverse is a virtual reality where person can interact with a computer-generated
environment and other users has gaining significant attention world-wide. heavily in the technology. Metaverse is
currently the most popular term, however CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg made headlines in October 2021
when he rebranded the social media platform as Meta in preparation for building the metaverse:(EU business
school,2022). It has been gaining popularity in developed countries with companies such as Facebook, Roblox and
Epic games investing heavily in the technology. As a developing country, Bangladesh stands to benefit from the
adoption of metaverse technologies, which have the potential to revolutionize various sectors such as Education,
Healthcare, Entertainment and Commerce. There are two and half thousand startups has been formed since 2010
and 70% startups are digital startups. So metaverse has huge opportunities in Bangladesh (Digi bangla,2022). A
report showed that Bangladesh among top 3 countries for Facebook active user growth: meta (The daily star,2023).
This research aims to investigate the challenges and opportunities for the adoption of the metaverse in Bangladesh.

Research objectives and question: The main objective of this research is to identity the challenges hindering the
adoption of the metaverse in Bangladesh’s secondary objective is to explore the opportunities and potential
benefits associated with metaverse adoption in Bangladesh. To achieve the above objectives, one major research
question(MRQ) and three subsidiary research question(SRQs) have been posted: MRQ: How will the adoption of the
metaverse impact the social, economic and technological aspects of Bangladesh?(SRQ1)What are the specific
challenges faced by Bangladesh in adopting the metaverse?(SRQ2)What opportunities and benefits can metaverse
adoption bring to Bangladesh?(SRQ3)What strategies can be implemented to overcome the challenges and
leverage the opportunities presented but the metaverse?

Research methodology: This research will be conducted in Bangladesh. A Mixed-methods approach will be using to
conduct the research. The qualitative research method will involve interviews of stakeholders who have an interest
in the adoption of the metaverse in Bangladesh. The stakeholders may include policymakers, business leaders, tech
experts and community members. The quantitively research method will involve conducting a survey to gather data
from a sample population on their knowledge and attitudes towards the metaverse technology. The data collected
from the interviews and the survey will be analyzed using statistical software.

Research significances and originality:


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