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Christian John D.

Delen Nutrition and healthy cuisine

Culinary Management Section 2

As a culinary student studying nutrition is a necessity, because we must have the knowledge of the
contents of the food that we are making and consuming. By understanding the basic contents like
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals we could elevate our dish by making the food
balanced and healthier. Not only do we get to enhance our food, but we also get to improve various
aspects such as improving mental health, enhancing cognitive skills, and improving academic
performance by providing a nutritious diet.

Studying food can be incredibly fun because we get to make an abundance of delicious foods from
different cuisines around the world. But there is a challenge when it comes to nutrition because as a
student, we can get carried away by what we make and eat in the kitchen. Most of the time we eat or add
a lot of extra fat, sodium, and sugar because it makes us enjoy the food more. We can easily go overboard
with the ingredients that we use for the food that we are making, and it can result in having a bad diet.
That is why it is important to have appropriate knowledge about nutrition and have great discipline
around food.

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