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Karen Sofía Flor Osorio Cod: 202212107

1. I start to read one book and do a summary about the first part.
Book: Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone.
Harry has lived with the sister of his mother since he was a child. The Dursleys made Harry’s
life a torture; they were mean and didn’t take care of him seriously. On the Harry’s 11th birthday,
it arrived a letter for Harry, but his uncle Vernon did not let him read it. After it, several letters
arrived at the Dursley’s house, so they decided to go to “vacations” and without a good reason
try to keep away harry of reading the letter. The place where they moved in was horrible, not
good at all for living properly there. At the middle of the night, during a storm, someone
appeared. He was a really huge man, and he was looking for Harry. That night Harry discovered
many things: he was a wizard- a famous one- because he was the one who survived and his
aunt lied about the death of his parents, because the huge man told him they were murder by
Voldemort, a villain. Hagrid, (the huge man) told harry about the invitation to study in Howards,
a school of magic. No much after, Harry went with Hagrid to London for buying things to start
the school. He went to school and met Hermione and Ron, after a while they will become best
friends. At Howards, the hat sent Harry to be in the Gryffindor House, the same house as his
parents. He met his new classmates and teachers.

2. I will listen to a song and write the unknown words or phrases.

Song: Better days by super M.

+Full of hope, ignorance was bliss.

+Young dumb living care free.
+Then out of the blue.
+you can't make it through.
+ the sun will shine through.
+ Around the corner.
+But I swear you'll find a brand new you
+ We'll rise up from the madness.

3. I will read a poem and write how did it make me feel.

Yes! You Can Do It.
When you believe in yourself.
You will succeed;
Others say I can do it
But only if I try will I succeed;
You’re good at this.
I’m good at that
If you can’t today
Struggle to be able tomorrow
It’s not enough that you can
Help others to be able too
Knowing that you can’t
Also means you will succeed
Supporting each other we can
With cooperation everyone can
Striving in every way is good
And creativity is best.

How did it make me feel?

This made me feel confused when I read it for first time, I’ts really hard to understand the
message of the poems. I think it is a good reflection about the way we all should act; not
selfishness, we should not be selfish,because it is not the correct mood to make the things
better. It is absolutly not the correct way to improve the society. We should encourage and help
each other to get better things. For being humans, and for making whatever we want or need
the best way we can. It made me think a lot about what I am doing, it also made me feel sad
because I felt I wasn’t doing my best right now.

Reflection: It was great. It helped me plenty to get more knowledge and practice my writing,
(specially the spealling part) and reading. I learnt a great number of expressions and words,
which are useful to keep improving my english skills a little bit more, step by step, but it also to
understand better the cotidian talk.

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