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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Cancer-Associated Hypercalcemia
Theresa A. Guise, M.D., and John J. Wysolmerski, M.D.​​
This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
­supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the authors’ clinical recommendations.

A 60-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with somnolence and From the Section of Bone and Mineral
poor appetite. Five months earlier, she received a diagnosis of invasive, high-grade, Disorders, Department of Endocrine
Neoplasia and Hormonal Disorders, Uni-
urothelial carcinoma and underwent four cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and versity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
1 month earlier, she underwent open radical cystectomy. She has no other significant Center, and the Lawrence Bone Disease
medical history. The serum calcium level is 16.1 mg per deciliter (4.02 mmol per liter; Program of Texas, Houston, and the
­Cancer Prevention Research Institute of
reference range, 8.8 to 10.2 mg per deciliter [2.2 to 2.5 mmol per liter]); previous Texas, Austin (T.A.G.); and the Section
serum calcium levels were normal. The albumin level is 4 g per deciliter , blood urea of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Depart-
nitrogen 27 mg per deciliter (9.6 mmol per liter), creatinine 1.2 mg per deciliter ment of Medicine, Yale School of Medi-
cine, New Haven, CT (J.J.W.).
(106.1 μmol per liter), and phosphorus 2.1 mg per deciliter (0.7 mmol per liter). The
parathyroid hormone (PTH) level is 10 pg per milliliter (reference range, 15 to 65), N Engl J Med 2022;386:1443-51.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp2113128
parathyroid hormone–related protein (PTHrP) 187 pg per milliliter (reference range, Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society.
14 to 27), 25-hydroxyvitamin D 28 ng per milliliter (70 nmol per liter; reference
range, 20 to 50 ng per milliliter [50 to 125 nmol per liter]), and 1,25-dihydroxyvita- CME
min D 77 pg per milliliter (200 nmol per liter; reference range, 25 to 66 pg per mil-
liliter [65 to 172 nmol per liter]). A whole-body bone scan shows no skeletal metasta-
ses. How should this patient be treated?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

ypercalcemia frequently complicates the care of patients
with cancer, occurring in up to 30% of such patients during the course of
their disease.1 Hypercalcemia has been reported in association with most
cancers, but it is most common in patients with non–small-cell lung cancer, breast
cancer, multiple myeloma, squamous-cell cancers of the head and neck, urothelial
carcinomas, or ovarian cancers.1-4 The prevalence of cancer-associated hypercalce-
An audio version
mia appears to be declining owing to the prophylactic use of bisphosphonates or
of this article is
denosumab in patients with bone metastases.5-7 In retrospective studies conducted available at
in the United States with the use of data from electronic medical records, a preva-
lence of 2 to 3% has been reported in patients with cancer and a 1-percentage-
point decline in prevalence was documented between 2009 and 2013.8,9
Cancer-associated hypercalcemia is a complication of advanced cancers and por-
tends a poor prognosis. Older studies showed a median survival of 30 days after the
onset of hypercalcemia.4 Despite the current availability of more effective treatments,
outcomes remain poor, with a median survival of 25 to 52 days after the onset of
hypercalcemia.2,10,11 In case series involving patients with hypercalcemia, improved
survival was more likely among those with hematologic cancers or breast cancer
than among those with other tumor types. Patients who had normalization of cal-
cium levels and received chemotherapy also had longer survival.2,11,12

Differ en t i a l Di agnosis a nd Pathoph ysiol o gy

Historically, cancer-associated hypercalcemia has been classified into four subtypes:
humoral, local osteolytic, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D–mediated, and ectopic hyper-
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Cancer-Associated Hypercalcemia
• Hypercalcemia complicates the course of a variety of cancers when tumor factors overwhelm normal calcium and bone
• Cancer-associated hypercalcemia often occurs late in the course of solid-tumor development and portends a poor prognosis.
• Hypercalcemia in the context of cancer may have nonmalignant causes, such as primary hyperparathyroidism; this possibility
should be ruled out with the use of appropriate clinical assessment and laboratory testing.
• Because patients with cancer-associated hypercalcemia typically present with profound dehydration, the initial treatment
should involve the administration of intravenous fluids.
• Increased osteoclastic bone resorption is almost always responsible for hypercalcemia, regardless of tumor type or mediator;
after hydration, the use of bone-resorption inhibitors (most commonly intravenous bisphosphonates) to lower calcium
levels is the mainstay of treatment.
• Successful treatment of cancer-associated hypercalcemia ultimately depends on treatment of the under­lying cancer.

parathyroidism (see Fig. 1). The condition known Figure 1 (facing page). Pathophysiology of Humoral
as humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy is usu- ­Hypercalcemia of Malignancy.
ally caused by tumor secretion of PTHrP.13 Nor- Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (Panel A) involves
mally, PTHrP is a locally produced growth factor, tumor-cell secretion of systemically acting factors that
act on bone, kidney, and intestine to disrupt normal
but its dysregulated, systemic secretion by tu-
calcium homeostasis. A variety of tumor types are re-
mors increases osteoclastic bone resorption and sponsible and include solid tumors arising in the lung,
renal tubular reabsorption of calcium by binding head and neck, kidneys and bladder, breast, and para-
the PTH–PTHrP type 1 receptor in the bones and thyroid gland, as well as some lymphomas. Patients with
kidneys.14 Humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy hypercalcemia of malignancey typically have few or no
bone metastases. Most commonly, the humoral factor
is typically associated with squamous tumors of involved is parathyroid hormone–related protein (PTHrP),
the lung and the head and neck, urothelial carci- but some tumors may produce 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin
nomas, and breast cancers, although almost any D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), or other cytokines, and
tumor type may produce PTHrP.2,10 Patients with these factors can act alone or in combination with PTHrP
to stimulate bone resorption by increasing levels of anti–
humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy typically
receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL)
have few or no bone metastases. and reducing the levels of its inhibitory decoy receptor,
Patients with local osteolytic hypercalcemia osteoprotegerin (OPG). Parathyroid cancers secrete PTH
have extensive bone metastases, most often re- and not PTHrP. Increases in RANKL and decreases in
sulting from breast cancer or multiple myeloma. OPG cause activation of the receptor activator of NFκB
(RANKL–RANK) causing increased osteoclastic bone
Tumor cells in bone produce cytokines that act resorption. PTHrP and PTH also act on the kidney to
locally to increase osteoclastic bone resorption increase renal tubular reabsorption of calcium, whereas
and suppress osteoblastic bone formation.15 Given 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D acts on the intestine to increase
a large enough skeletal tumor burden, the cal- dietary calcium absorption. Local osteolytic hypercalce-
cium outflow from bone exceeds renal calcium mia (Panel B) is caused by the induction of local bone
resorption around metastatic tumor deposits in bone. In
clearance, causing hypercalcemia. this type of hypercalcemia, tumor cells in the bone mar-
The remaining categories are also humoral row secrete cytokines activating RANKL–RANK signal-
in nature and are caused by the production by ing in the vicinity of the tumor metastases, causing an
tumors of hormones involved in bone remodel- increase in the number and activity of osteoclasts and
the destruction of peritumoral bone. Increased bone re-
ing. Some tumors up-regulate the expression of sorption leads to the release of factors from the bone
Cyp27B1, which encodes 1-alpha-hydoxylase, the matrix that stimulate further tumor growth, resulting in
enzyme responsible for converting 25-hydroxyvi- a vicious cycle of osteolysis and tumor-cell proliferation.
tamin D to the active hormone 1,25-dihydroxyvita- Systemic hypercalcemia ensues when osteolytic metas-
min D. Excess 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D increases tases release enough skeletal calcium to overwhelm re-
nal calcium excretion. Tumors (typically multiple myelo-
intestinal calcium absorption as well as bone mas) can also produce factors such as DKK1 (dickkopf1),
resorption, leading to hypercalcemia.16,17 Ectopic a Wnt signaling pathway inhibitor that suppresses osteo-
hyperparathyroidism is caused by rare tumors that blast activity and differentiation. Iinterleukins 6, 11, 8,
produce PTH instead of PTHrP18; parathyroid can- and 1β denote different members of the interleukin
family of cytokines, MIP-1α macrophage inflammatory
cers also cause hypercalcemia by secreting PTH.19,20
protein-1α, TGF-β transforming growth factor β, and
Although initial studies from the 1980s sug- TNFα tumor necrosis factor α.
gested that a humoral cause represented 75 to

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Clinical Pr actice

A Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy B Local Osteolytic Hypercalcemia

Solid tumors Solid-tumor bone metastases Multiple myeloma

(e.g., lung, head and neck, urothelium, (e.g., from breast or lung)
breast, parathyroid, and some lymphomas)

Systemic secretion

Metastasis Release of DKK1

Bone Osteoblast
Bone suppression
1,25-dyhdroxyvitamin D,
1,25-dyhdroxyvitamin D Bone
PTHrP, PTH formation


Intestine PTH1R PTH1R

Osteocytes Osteocytes Other osteolytic factors
OPG OPG (Interleukins 6, 11, 8, TNF-α,
Intestinal calcium interkeukin 1β, and MIP-1α)
absorption RANKL RANKL Tumor
activation activation proliferation
Osteoblast RANK Osteoblast RANK Tumor growth-
Kidney promoting factors
Mature Osteclast Mature Osteclast (TGF-β and IGFs)
osteoclast precursor osteoclast precursor
Renal tubular
calcium reabsorption
Blood vessel
Bone Bone
resorption resorption
Fractional urinary
calcium excretion Skeletal release of Ca2+ Skeletal release of Ca2+

Ca2+ level exceeds

renal clearance

Serum hypercalcemia Serum hypercalcemia

80% of all cases of cancer-associated hypercalce- PTHrP, the lability of PTHrP in clinical specimens,
mia,1,13 two retrospective studies showed that or an evolution of the patient population with
serum PTHrP levels were elevated in only 32 to hypercalcemia.24 Nevertheless, humoral hypercal-
38% of these patients.21,22 Another study classi- cemia of malignancy and local osteolytic hyper-
fied 57% of cases of cancer-associated hypercal- calcemia represent a spectrum that includes the
cemia as humoral on the basis of the absence of vast majority of patients; cases of hypercalcemia
bone metastases.23 These disparate estimates prob- mediated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D or PTH
ably reflect differences in the definition of hu- account for less than 1% of cases.1,3
moral hypercalcemia of malignancy, a lack of The pathophysiological characteristics of cancer-
sensitivity in commercial immunoassays for the associated hypercalcemia are probably more com-
detection of biologically active fragments of plex than the historical categorizations suggest-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ed. For example, one report indicated that up to Hydration and Saline Natriuresis
30% of patients may have simultaneous eleva- Hypercalcemia is associated with anorexia, nausea,
tions in both PTHrP and 1,25-dihydroxyvita- vomiting, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.31
min D.25 Furthermore, if humoral hypercalcemia These factors often produce extreme dehydration
of malignancy is defined as the absence of bone and lead to a reduced glomerular filtration rate,
metastases, rather than simply as an increase in which limits the ability of the kidney to excrete
circulating levels of PTHrP, then tumors that calcium.32 Thus, the first goal of therapy is to cor-
produce other humoral mediators, such as PTH, rect volume depletion. The initial rate and dura-
macrophage inf lammatory protein-1α, and tion of fluid administration should be determined
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, can be included under on the basis of clinical signs of dehydration, the
the classification of humoral hypercalcemia of duration and severity of hypercalcemia, and un-
malignancy.16-18,26 Table 1 reviews suggested derlying medical conditions, especially cardiovas-
classifications and clinical features. cular disease. Sodium delivery to the distal tubule
Given the grave prognosis associated with promotes urinary calcium excretion and increases
cancer-associated hypercalcemia, it is important calcium clearance by the kidneys.1,32 Therefore, it
to rule out other causes. Two studies showed that has become common practice to add loop diuret-
6 to 21% of patients with cancer who had hyper- ics, such as furosemide, after rehydration has
calcemia had concomitant, benign hyperpara- been achieved. However, no controlled studies have
thyroidism.27,28 Hypercalcemia may also be caused been conducted to determine whether the addi-
by increased osteoclast activity resulting from tion of loop diuretics lowers calcium levels more
withdrawal of denosumab, the anti–receptor activa- rapidly than hydration alone, and the authors of
tor of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL) antibody a critical review of nine case series concluded that
used to treat bone metastases and osteoporosis.29 the routine use of loop diuretics in the treatment
of cancer-associated hypercalcemia was not help-
ful.33 The administration of diuretics before the
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
achievement of adequate volume repletion may
Principles of Treatment prolong dehydration and impair calcium excre-
The treatment of hypercalcemia in patients with tion, worsening hypercalcemia. Therefore, if used,
cancer encompasses three basic principles: cor- diuretics should be administered only after vol-
recting volume depletion, inhibiting bone resorp- ume status has been fully restored or during the
tion, and instituting effective treatment to address care of patients with hypercalcemia who are at
the underlying cancer. Treatment decisions are high risk for the development of fluid overload
informed by the absolute value as well as the rate after aggressive fluid resuscitation.33 In older pa-
of increase in calcium levels and by the presence tients or in those with a history of cardiac dys-
or absence of neurologic symptoms such as con- function, monitoring of central venous pressures
fusion. If albumin levels are low, the calcium may be helpful. Aggressive hydration and the use
level should be corrected with the use of the of loop diuretics can cause electrolyte distur-
standard formula: corrected calcium level (in bances (especially hypokalemia), and careful mon-
milligrams per deciliter) = measured total cal- itoring of both electrolyte levels and calcium
cium level (in milligrams per deciliter) + 0.8 × levels is required. The administration of intrave-
(4.0 − serum albumin level [in grams per deci- nous saline with or without loop diuretics can
liter]).30 Alternatively, one can measure ionized typically lower serum calcium levels by 1 to 2 mg
calcium, but this approach requires specific per deciliter, but the effect is transient unless
phlebotomy and sample-handling techniques in additional treatments directed against bone re-
order to achieve accurate results30 and is rarely sorption and the cancer are provided.
needed in therapeutic decision making. If the
corrected calcium level exceeds 13 mg per deci- Inhibition of Bone Resorption
liter, if calcium levels are increasing rapidly (e.g., In most instances, cancer-associated hypercalce-
at a rate of more than 1 mg per deciliter per 24 mia occurs as a result of excessive bone resorp-
hours), or if the patient has altered mental sta- tion (Table 1). Therefore, the mainstay of therapy
tus, treatment should be started without delay. is the administration of powerful antiresorptive
Treatment options are outlined in Table 2 and agents — primarily bisphosphonates or denosu­
discussed below. mab — and, in some instances, calcitonin.

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Clinical Pr actice

Table 1. Classification of Types of Cancer-Associated Hypercalcemia.*

Feature Humoral Hypercalcemia Local Osteolytic Hypocalemia

Mediator PTHrP 1,25 dihydroxy- Parathyroid hormone TNF, interleukin-6, interleu­ PTHrP, TNF, inter-
vitamin D kin-1, macrophage inhibi­ leukin-6, interleu-
tory protein, and others kin-1, and others
Tumor type Lung, breast, Hematologic cancer, Parathyroid cancer, Myeloma or lymphoma in Breast, lung, kidney
renal, and T-cell lymphoma neuroendocrine, bone
many others ovarian, and others
Bone metastases, None or few None or few None or few Extensive Extensive
tumor in bone
Parathyroid hormone Low Low High Low Low
PTHrP High or normal Low High Low Variable
1,25-dihydroxyvita- Variable High High Variable Low
min D
Phosphorus Low High Low Variable Variable
Osteoclast activity High High High High High

* PTHrP denotes parathyroid hormone–related protein, and TNF tumor necrosis factor.

Bisphosphonates of hypercalcemia.41,42 Because intravenous bisphos­

Pamidronate, zoledronate, and ibandronate inter- phonates may worsen renal insufficiency, their
fere with protein prenylation and inhibit osteo- use is not recommended in patients with severe
clast function by inducing apoptosis.38 Intrave- volume depletion or a creatinine clearance of
nous administration of each of these drugs has less than 35 ml per minute.43
been shown to transiently normalize calcium
levels in 60 to 90% of patients with cancer-asso- Denosumab
ciated hypercalcemia, although ibandronate is Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal anti-
used for this indication principally in Europe. body that binds to RANKL and prevents it from
Pooled analyses from two randomized, double- binding to the receptor activator of nuclear factor
blind, parallel-group trials in which a single dose κB on osteoclast precursors and mature osteo-
of zoledronate (4 mg or 8 mg) was compared clasts. In doing so, denosumab inhibits the for-
with a single dose of pamidronate (90 mg)39,40 mation, differentiation, activation, and func-
showed that zolendronate was superior for the tioning of osteoclasts, greatly reducing bone
treatment of hypercalcemia. Calcium levels nor- resorption.44 Denosumab is not cleared by the kid-
malized by day 10 in 88.4% of those receiving ney and has no renal toxicity, making it useful
the 4-mg dose of zoledronate and 86.7% of in patients with impaired renal function who
those receiving the 8-mg dose of zoledronate, cannot take bisphosphonates.
whereas calcium levels normalized in only 69.7% Among patients with advanced cancers, deno-
of those receiving pamidronate.40 Furthermore, sumab has been documented to prevent skeletal-
calcium levels normalized by day 4 in 50.0% of associated events, a composite end point con-
the patients receiving zoledronate but in only sisting of hypercalcemia, pathologic fracture,
33.3% of those receiving pamidronate. The me- spinal cord compression, and radiation or sur-
dian duration of complete response was 32 days gery for the treatment of bone metastases.5,6,45,46
in those receiving the 4-mg dose of zoledronic In one small study, denosumab normalized se-
acid, 43 days in those receiving the 8-mg dose of rum calcium levels in 70% of patients with
zoledronic acid, and 18 days in those receiving cancer-associated hypercalcemia,47 and in a post
pamidronate.40 Given these data, the 4-mg dose hoc analysis of pooled data from two phase 3
of zoledronate is the preferred regimen and is trials involving patients with bone metastases
typically administered every 3 to 4 weeks as from multiple myeloma, it significantly delayed
needed for recurrence of hypercalcemia. Higher the time to first hypercalcemic event and reduced
circulating PTHrP levels and tumors of the lung the risk of recurrent hypercalcemia as compared
and upper respiratory tract may predict resistance with zoledronate.48 Furthermore, in a small open-
to bisphosophonates and more rapid recurrence label trial involving 15 patients with disease that

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Table 2. Treatment Options for Cancer-Associated Hypercalcemia.

Treatment Mechanism Dose Expected Effect Adverse Events Comments

Intravenous Corrects volume deficit Sodium chloride solution (0.9%) Lowers calcium by Volume overload Adjust to urinary output of 100–150 ml/hr.
fluids and induces calci- in initial bolus of 1–2 liters, 1–1.5 mg/dl over Carefully assess for volume overload.
uresis followed by continuous intra- first 24 hr
venous infusion at 200–500
ml/hr intravenously
Furosemide Acts through natriure- 20–40 mg Lowers calcium by Potential volume depletion and wors- Administer only after volume status restored.
sis-induced calci- 0.5–1.0 mg/dl after ening of hypercalcemia if volume Particular benefit in patients at risk for
uresis resolution of vol- not replete when initiated ­volume overload.
ume depletion

Salmon cal­ Inhibits osteoclast Subcutaneous or intramuscular Rapidly lowers calcium Consider in patients with calcium level
citonin activity infusion of 4–8 IU per kg of by 1–2 mg/dl >15 mg/dl or altered consciousness.
body weight, subcutaneous Tachyphylaxis may occur after 48–72 hr.
or intramuscular, every 8–12
hr for 48–72 hr
Pamidronate Inhibits osteoclast ac- Intravenous infusion of 60–90 Normalizes calcium in Acute-phase response relatively com- Can be repeated every 2–3 wk. May cause
tivity, causes osteo- mg over 2 hr in 50–200 ml 60–70% of patients mon, with hypocalcemia especially kidney damage, especially if GFR <30–35
clast apoptosis of saline or 5% dextrose in over 48–72 hr; likely if vitamin D deficiency pres- ml/min.
water median treatment ent; renal insufficiency possible
duration of 11–14 if administered in presence of
days decreased GFR or volume deple-
tion or if administered too quickly;
osteonecrosis of jaw and atypical
femoral fractures possible but rare
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Zoledronate Inhibits osteoclast ac- Intravenous infusion of 4 mg Normalizes calcium in Same as pamidronate; dose adjust- Rehydrate before administration. Do not
tivity, causes osteo- over 15 min in 50 ml of sa- 80–90% of patients ment required if GFR <60 ml/min administer loop diuretics until patient is
clast apoptosis line or 5% dextrose in water over 48–72 hr, with (see package insert) adequately rehydrated and use with cau-
median treatment tion in combination with zoledronate to

n engl j med 386;15  April 14, 2022

duration of 30–40 avoid hypocalcemia (refer to package in-
days sert). Treatment can be repeated in 7 days

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m e dic i n e

if sufficient lowering of calcium level not

achieved and every 3–4 weeks thereafter.
May cause kidney damage, especially in pa-
tients with GFR <30–35 ml per minute.
Denosumab Inhibits osteoclast for- Subcutaneous administration of Normalizes calcium in Acute-phase response less common Not as well studied as bisphosphonates in
mation, differentia- 120 mg at least 70% of pa- than with bisphosphonates; osteo- cancer-associated hypercalcemia. Patients
tion, and activity tients; median dura- necrosis of jaw and atypical fractures with GFR <30 have a higher risk of hy-
tion of response, rare. Rebound osteoclastogenesis pocalcemia, and a lower dose should be
104 days may occur when denosumab dis- considered (see package insert). Can be
continued without initiation of other given weekly for 4 wk, then monthly for
therapy (e.g., bisphosphonate). maintenance.

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Clinical Pr actice

was refractory to treatment with bisphosphonates,

denosumab in patients with humoral hyper-

chronic kidney disease or acute, life-threat-

ma. Consider adding to bisphosphonate or
Most commonly used in patients with lympho-

tients with refractory hypercalcemia related

indicate reduction of calcium levels in pa-
calcemia and elevated circulating levels of
denosumab administered at a dose of 120 mg on

Can be useful initially in patients with severe

Reduced calcium by at Nausea, vomiting, headache, fractures Approved for treatment of hypercalcemia re-
lated to parathyroid cancer. Case reports

to non–small-cell lung, neuroendocrine,

days 1, 8, 15, and 29 and then every 4 weeks
reduced calcium to levels below 11.5 mg per
deciliter in 80% of patients within 10 days; the
median duration of response was 26 days.49

1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.

breast, or renal cancer.

Both bisphosphonates and denosumab are

ening hypercalcemia
associated with rare adverse events, such as os-
teonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femoral frac-
tures.38 Most cases of cancer-associated hyper-
calcemia are life-threatening, and the benefits of
treatment far outweigh these small risks. Hypo-
calcemia can occur in patients with renal insuf-
ficiency or vitamin D deficiency. Patients may
Hyperglycemia, altered mental status,

have transient acute-phase responses, character-

hypertension, increased risk of in-
fection and thromboembolism

ized by fever, musculoskeletal pain, and flu-like

symptoms, all of which may be blunted through
Adverse Events

pretreatment with acetaminophen.

Calcitonin is a peptide hormone secreted by the
parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland that in-
hibits osteoclast activity and promotes renal cal-
cium excretion.32,34-36 When administered, calcito-
nin lowers serum calcium levels rapidly, within
significantly reduced.
Normalization of cal-

least 1 mg/dl in ap-

proximately 60% of
cium levels possible

patients with inop-

transient unless tu-

12 to 24 hours. However, the reductions are

reports of normal-
erable parathyroid

ization of calcium

thyroid cancers in
if 1,25-dihydroxyvi-

in some nonpara-

combination with
Response typically

of calcium during
other treatments.
tamin D levels are

carcinoma. Case
mors are treated.
Expected Effect

Transient reduction
Has variable effects.

small (approximately 1 mg per deciliter), and the

effects are lost within 48 to 96 hours owing to
the down-regulation of calcitonin receptors.37

Calcitonin is primarily useful in the initial low-

ering of very high calcium levels while waiting
for the more prolonged onset of action of other
per day initially. Can increase

as needed to control hyper-

antiresorptive agents.32,34-36
Binds calcium-sensing Oral administration of 30 mg ­

through peritoneal dialysis

Administration of low-calcium
Inhibits 1-alpha hydrox- Oral administration of 60 mg
of prednisone per day for

to 90 mg four times daily

or calcium-free dialysate

Other Treatments
Glucocorticoids can reduce the hypercalcemia
or hemodialysis

associated with an overproduction of 1,25-dihy-

10 days†

droxyvitamin D, typically in patients with lym-


phoma,32 but related randomized trials compar-

† Other glucocorticoids may be used alternatively.

ing glucocorticoids with other treatments are

lacking. Patients with simultaneous elevations of
* GFR denotes glomerular filtration rate.
um-sensing receptor
receptor and inhibits
secretion of parathy-

PTHrP and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D are more

roid hormone in pa-

roid carcinoma and

calcium absorption
through renal calci-
tients with parathy-

may increase renal

in nonparathyroid

Removes excess cal-

ylase and lowers

likely to have an incomplete response to antire-



cium directly
min D levels

sorptive therapy and may benefit from the addi-

tion of glucocorticoids.25 The presence of hyper-
calcemia and acute kidney injury with oliguria
may warrant hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis
in which a dialysate low in calcium is used.32

Such treatment can result in a rapid though tran-



sient decrease in total serum calcium levels.50


The oral calcimimetic agent cinacalcet reduces

PTH secretion and blocks renal tubular reabsorp-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

tion of calcium by binding to the calcium-sensing treatment may contribute to hypercalcemia; data
receptors on the parathyroid glands and kid- are needed to inform whether emerging cancer
neys.19,20 In two studies, cinacalcet was reported therapies that inhibit fibroblast growth factor re-
to reduce calcium levels by at least 1 mg per ceptors, currently being reviewed in clinical trials
deciliter, but not PTH levels, in approximately for many tumor types, could lead to hypercalce-
60% of patients with parathyroid carcinoma, mia by increasing 1α-hydroxylase activity and thus
with greatest benefit seen in those with the circulating 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels.55
highest calcium levels.19,20 Case reports have de-
scribed reductions in calcium levels with cinacal- C onclusions a nd
cet in patients with refractory, non–PTH-mediated R ec om mendat ions
hypercalcemia associated with non–small-cell
lung, renal, breast, or neuroendocrine cancer.51,52 The patient in the vignette has a known cancer
and presents with severe hypercalcemia and as-
sociated somnolence and anorexia; her elevated
Guidel ine s
levels of PTHrP and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in-
We are not aware of any professional guidelines dicate that the cancer has a humoral cause. Be-
focused on the treatment of cancer-associated cause she has no history of cardiac disease, we
hypercalcemia. would start treatment with aggressive intravenous
hydration (200 to 250 ml per hour of normal
saline), paying careful attention to her volume
A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
status and electrolyte levels. Once volume has
New approaches are needed for patients with been repleted, we would add a loop diuretic and
disease that is refractory to treatment with cur- calcitonin in an effort to rapidly lower her cal-
rently available antiresorptive agents. In animal cium level by 1 to 2 mg per deciliter within the
models, targeting PTHrP or the PTH receptor first 24 hours of therapy. We would also admin-
effectively reduces calcium levels,53,54 but there ister a single 4-mg dose of intravenous zoledronic
are no known currently available drugs for humans acid, with the expectation that this treatment
that target PTHrP or its receptor. It remains will begin to lower her calcium levels substan-
unclear whether the direct inhibition of PTHrP tially within 36 to 48 hours. If her calcium levels
or the effects of other cytokines on bone and did not fall below 12 mg per deciliter within 5 to
kidney would be effective in the treatment of 7 days, we would consider starting treatment with
cancer-associated hypercalcemia. Larger trials are denosumab, adding glucocorticoids to lower her
needed to determine whether calcimimetics such 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D level, or both, although
as cinacalcet should be used routinely in patients the use of glucocorticoids has not been sup-
with cancer-associated hypercalcemia.51,52 Given ported in the findings of any clinical trial. The
frequent reports of solid tumors that produce goal is to stabilize her condition such that fur-
both PTHrP and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D,25 for- ther cancer treatment can be started as the ulti-
mal study of the addition of glucocorticoids to mate means of controlling the hypercalcemia.
antiresorptive therapy in such cases is also war- Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
ranted. In addition, medications used in cancer the full text of this article at

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