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Alta Tron

Prized Inventor of Elturel and accomplice of Uhr Lykofos

Appearance: A middle aged woman with black hair speckled with some grays. She is about 5’6
and holds a thin appearance. She has gray eyes and a always has a puzzled look on her face
as if she is lost in thought.

Quote: “TBD”


● She is always theorizing in her head and will often say things totally unrelated to what
people around her are talking about.
● Has a bad habit of misplacing things.
● Covers her face with her hands when she is focusing.

Background: An immigrant to Elturel, she moved with her family from Daggerford when she
was a small child. She has always had a gifted mind and from a young age made easy friends
with gnomes and was very inventive.

What she doesn’t know:

● Anything about Ravengard or their resistance

What she does know:

● Klav Ikaia is trying to fight against the zarielites
● The hellknights seem to be scared of something and it looks like they are preparing to
just quarantine the eastern half of the city

● Finish building her device
● Test the machine
● Get back to Klav

Quest Involvement:

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