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a) Answer
Castigliano's First Theorem is a fundamental principle of structural mechanics, which relates
the partial derivative of the strain energy of an elastic system with respect to a particular
force to the displacement of that force. The theorem states that:

"The partial derivative of the strain energy of an elastic system with respect to a particular
force is equal to the displacement of that force in the direction of the force."

In mathematical terms, the theorem can be expressed as:

δU/δF = δd

where δU/δF is the partial derivative of the strain energy U with respect to the force F, and
δd is the displacement of the force in the direction of the force.

The theorem is widely used in engineering to determine the deflection and stress in
structures subjected to external loads.

The limitations of Castigliano's theorem include:

1. The theorem only applies to linear elastic systems. Nonlinear behavior, such as
plastic deformation, cannot be accurately modeled using the theorem.
2. The theorem is limited to small deformations. Large deformations may cause the
system to behave nonlinearly, which cannot be accurately captured by the theorem.
3. The theorem assumes that the material is isotropic, homogeneous, and linearly
elastic. Real-world materials may not meet all these assumptions, and their behavior
may deviate from the predictions of the theorem.
4. The theorem is limited to the determination of forces and displacements in the
direction of the applied forces. It does not provide information on forces and
displacements in other directions.
1.b) Answer
To analyze the beam using the strain energy method, we need to determine the strain
energy due to the external loads and compare it with the strain energy due to the internal

First, let's calculate the reactions at supports A and C using the equations of statics.

Taking moments about C:

30 × 6 + 40 × 3 = RA × 6 + RC × 14

RA + RC = 43.33 kN

Taking moments about A:

RA × 6 = 30 × 6 × 3 + 40 × 5

RA = 81.67 kN

RC = 43.33 - 81.67 = -38.34 kN (negative sign indicates a downward force)

Next, we can calculate the strain energy due to the external loads.

The strain energy due to the UDL on span AB can be calculated using the formula:

U = (1/2) × ∫(M(x)/EI)^2 dx

where M(x) is the bending moment at a distance x from support A, E is the modulus of
elasticity, and I is the second moment of area of the cross-section.

The bending moment diagram (BMD) for the UDL can be drawn as a straight line, and the
maximum bending moment occurs at the center of the span AB, where it is equal to:

Mmax = (30 × 6^2)/8

= 135 kNm

The strain energy due to the UDL can then be calculated as:

UAB = (1/2) × ∫[M(x)/EI]^2 dx

= (1/2) × (Mmax/EI) × ∫(sin^4(πx/2L)) dx, from x=0 to x=L

= (1/2) × (Mmax/EI) × (15L/16)

Substituting the values, we get:

UAB = (1/2) × (135 × 10^3 / 2.1 × 10^8) × (15 × 6 / 16)

= 0.01148 kJ

The strain energy due to the point load on span BC can be calculated using the formula:

U = (1/2) × (Pd/EI)^2

where P is the load, d is the deflection at the point of load, and EI is the flexural rigidity of
the beam.

The BMD for the point load can be drawn as:

The deflection at the point of load can be calculated using the formula:

d = (PL^3)/(3EI)

where L is the span length of BC.

Substituting the values, we get:

d = (40 × 3^3)/(3 × 2.1 × 10^8 × 8)

= 0.00125 m

The strain energy due to the point load can then be calculated as:

UBC = (1/2) × (Pd/EI)^2

= (1/2) × (40 × 0.00125 / 2.1 × 10^8)^2

= 9.25 × 10^-10 kJ
The total strain energy due to the external loads is:

Utotal = UAB + UBC

= 0.01148 + 9.25 × 10^-10

= 0.01148 kJ (to three significant figures)

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