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From: Rustom Sui

Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2017 12:17 PM

To: Rustom Adi Sui
Subject: Drink green tea

The Type of Cholesterol

Doctors Often Ignore
Research shows this form of LDL is an even more important indicator of your heart
health. Yet most doctors don't check for it � and few natural cholesterol solutions

even address it!

By Janet Zand, OMD, L.Ac
You already know about HDL � the good cholesterol � and its health
benefits for your heart. And you know the importance of maintaining normal
levels of LDL � the bad cholesterol.
However, you probably haven't heard this latest news.
Scientists have uncovered another type of bad cholesterol. This form of
cholesterol is usually ignored. But keeping it low may be even more
important to your health and longevity.
In fact, it can cause good HDL cholesterol levels to plummet � trigger
inflammation overload throughout the body � and seriously impact your
heart health. Yet most natural cholesterol solutions don't address it. Even
Typical Cholesterol Tests Don't Even Check For It!
My name is Dr. Janet Zand. For years, I've been searching for a natural way
to support healthy cholesterol on multiple levels � something many
cholesterol therapies simply fail to do.
Most people tend to think of cholesterol as bad. However, your body needs
cholesterol to function normally.
Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes. It helps the
synapses in your brain fire faster � so it protects your memory. It also helps
manufacture bile acids, sex hormones, and is essential for the absorption of
fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E.
So as you can see, cholesterol is important for your health. And while you
probably heard that high levels of LDL are the main culprit behind
cholesterol problems, that's not quite accurate. You actually need a healthy
ratio of both good HDL and bad LDL in order to survive and thrive.
However, there's another form of LDL cholesterol that's an
even more important heart-health indicator. It's called oxycholesterol 14 � or
oxidized LDL.
Oxycholesterol occurs when free radicals in the blood oxidize the existing
LDL cholesterol. As this oxidized LDL cholesterol builds up, it can seriously
impact the health of your arteries.
What's more, oxycholesterol causes good HDL cholesterol levels to plummet
even further. So it affects the health of your entire cardiovascular system,
Oxycholesterol is usually made up of small, dense particles that can break
apart and flow through your bloodstream. Research also shows it can trigger
inflammation in the body � and keeping inflammation at normal levels is
essential for a healthy heart, too.
So the real important cholesterol number is not your overall LDL level�but
your level of �oxidized cholesterol. And while there are many popular
natural remedies that support healthy LDL levels, very few target the
problem of oxycholesterol.
Here's What You Must Do for Total Cholesterol Support�
It's true you can lower your cholesterol levels with a healthy diet and regular
exercise. But sometimes, diet and exercise aren't enough � and that's why
many people turn to cholesterol formulas.
However, many of these supplements come with problems of their own.
Take lecithin, for example. While some studies show it's effective for
lowering total cholesterol, the data is inconclusive when it comes to keeping
the critical balance of good HDL vs. bad LDL levels. Plus, high doses have
been shown to cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
You may have also heard about the benefits of red yeast rice for cholesterol
control. While red yeast rice shows some potential for healthy cholesterol
levels, it's important to watch your liver enzymes if you decide to take it.
Plus it depletes your CoQ10 levels.
Niacin is another popular remedy, and studies show it does a good job of
lowering LDL and triglyceride levels. But it also has some uncomfortable side
effects � like skin flushing, headaches and lightheadedness.
What's More, None of These SupplementsTarget the Problem of Oxycholesterol!
A cholesterol formula should support your heart in five important ways:
1. It should reduce unhealthy levels of LDL cholesterol, before it has
a chance to be damaged by free radicals.
2. It should help you make more HDL, the good cholesterol that keeps
arteries healthy and flexible.
3. It must burn up the oxycholesterol that's already in your
bloodstream to support healthy blood flow and improve your overall
health, too.
4. It should promote a healthy ratio of good cholesterol vs.
bad�and reduce total cholesterol levels.
5. It should help reduce triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are blood
fats that also affect your heart health.
One of the most effective remedies I've seen for total cholesterol support is
a compound that was discovered recently. It actually limits the absorption of
cholesterol into the bloodstream, and studies show it has the ability to�
Improve LDL and Total Cholesterol Levels
In fact, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis stated that
just one gram of it per day can lower your total cholesterol levels as much
as 10%, and bad LDL levels an additional 15%.1
Similar results in more than 20 other studies lead to recommendations by
such prestigious institutions as the University of California-Davis Medical
Center and Tufts University. But even more important�
The benefits of this compound on heart health are so impressive, the U.S.
Food & Drug Administration now points to their potential benefits for
lowering cholesterol as part of a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet � as well as for
boosting overall heart health, too.
People Ask Me All The Time: "If Plant Sterols
Work So Well, Why Haven't I Heard About Them
Good question. Scientists have known since the 1950s that plant sterols
are a powerful weapon against cholesterol. In fact, medical journals have
pointed to their potential benefits for lowering total and LDL cholesterol
for over 50 years.
As impressive as this news was, it didn't receive much attention. Why?
When a major pharmaceutical company tried to make a synthetic
prescription version of plant sterols, it flopped in every single one of their
clinical tests. Natural plant sterols worked much better. Since the drug
giants couldn't profit from it, it wasn't worth their time.
So this exciting information remained buried�
It was only recently that scientists were able to isolate plant sterols into
concentrated levels that could be taken as supplements or added to foods.
And now, plant sterols are finally getting the attention they deserve.
A wave of exciting studies conducted by such prestigious organizations as
Tufts University, the US Department of Agriculture, McGill University in
Montreal, University of California Davis and many, many others all point
to the same conclusion: plant sterols can dramatically reduce
triglycerides, LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. Plus they're
completely safe and work fast. Most study participants saw results.2, 3, 4
Where can you get plant sterols? Many food manufacturers have added
them to some snack foods and margarine. However, these sterol-additive
foods are expensive � and they are chock full of sweeteners,
preservatives and hydrogenated oils.
Because it's so hard to get enough plant sterols thru diet, the best way to
get them is in supplement form. You need a daily total intake of at least
1.3 grams to support healthy cholesterol.
What is this exciting cholesterol buster? Plant Sterols. Found in many fruits,
vegetables, nuts and cereals, plant sterols � also known as phytosterols �
are structurally similar to bad cholesterol but with a HUGE
difference: they're helpful to your system, not harmful.
Plant sterols actually fool your body into thinking they are harmful
cholesterol. Then, they limit the bad cholesterol in your diet from being
absorbed into your digestive tract.
Plant sterols act as a "defensive guard" that keeps the bad cholesterol from
getting into your bloodstream.
Clinical Studies Show Results
Researchers have known about the cholesterol-supporting effects of plant
sterols since the 1950s. But it was only recently when scientists developed a
way to extract the sterols from plants and convert them in a more
absorbable form.
Scores of scientific studies showed the extraordinary benefits of plant sterols
for total cholesterol control. Consider this:
* They can reduce bad cholesterol up to 18 percent: A study
conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture showed that
people who took plant sterols for two weeks saw LDL levels drop from
ten percent to as much as 18 percent.2
* They can slash your risk of cholesterol problems by nearly one
third. Researchers at Tufts University say that not only can plant
sterols lower bad LDL, they can also reduce your total cholesterol by
10 percent.3
* They help lower oxidized cholesterol. A recent study reported in a
leading medical journal found that one gram of plant sterols � along
with other cholesterol-lowering foods � help reduce the level of
oxidized LDL.
* Plus, they seem to get results for just about everyone! Scientists
at Washington University were astonished to find that plant sterols
reduced cholesterol in all study participants. That's right � 100% of
the study participants saw their cholesterol drop, purely with plant
The average was a 9 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol and a 6 percent
decline in their total cholesterol. But what was even more shocking: those
with the unhealthiest LDL levels saw an even bigger drop � as much as 30
In addition to their cholesterol-lowering benefits, plant sterols act as a
natural antioxidant and also promote healthy inflammatory response. What's
more, they are completely safe, fast-acting and inexpensive. But there's a
The FDA permits the following health claim for plant sterols: "Foods
containing at least 0.65 grams per serving of plant sterol esters, eaten twice
a day with meals for a daily total intake of at least 1.3 grams, as part of a
diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart
In order to consume the 1.3 grams of plant sterols you need, you would
have to eat several pounds of fruits, nuts, and other foods high in plant
sterols. That means eating as many as 100 small potatoes every single
day to notice any cholesterol-lowering benefits.
While some margarines, cereals and snack bars are fortified with plant
sterols, the easiest and best way to get the levels you need is in supplement
form. However, to get all the maximum health benefits, it's essential that
you take only the finest quality of plant sterols, and at the levels used in the
clinical trials. Nothing else will do.
While you can get plant sterol supplements in stores, they are not always
harvested and processed to give you the highest quality and effectiveness.
Plus, many of these formulas deliver only a fraction of the 1.3 grams of plant
sterols per day that the FDA suggests.
Announcing�Exceptional Cholesterol Support
That's why I decided to create a cholesterol formula that meets all of my
quality and health standards. It's called Advanced Cholesterol Formula,
and you can get it directly from Advanced Bionutritionals.
I made sure the plant sterols used in Advanced Cholesterol Formula are
of the highest purity, potency and quality. Plus, two capsules of Advanced
Cholesterol Formula twice a day provide a full 1.5 grams of plant sterols.
That's more than the daily amount suggested by the FDA � and it's the level
shown in studies to deliver the most health benefits.
As potent as plant sterols are for supporting healthy cholesterol, Advanced
Cholesterol Formula doesn't stop there. Oxidized LDL is such a powerful
enemy I added another one of nature's best nutrients for supporting heart
health. It actually has the ability to�
Support Smooth, Healthy and Flexible Arteries
You already know that green tea is a potent antioxidant and has been used
to enhance health for thousands of years. But did you also know it is one of
the most effective nutrients nature (and science) has for supporting healthy
cholesterol? Here's why.
"Dr. Zand, My LDL Level Is 155. Should I Be
Ideally, your bad LDL cholesterol should be 100 or lower, depending on
your overall heart profile. But not all LDL cholesterol is bad. You actually
need a healthy ratio of both good HDL and bad LDL to keep your
cardiovascular system in top-notch form.
While high LDL levels are responsible for some cholesterol problems, it's
the small, dense particles of oxidized LDL cholesterol that pose a greater
Lowering overall LDL levels is a good first step. But it's even more
important to reduce levels of oxycholesterol.4And while cholesterol tests
check your good vs. bad and total cholesterol levels, they don't check for
oxidized cholesterol!
So how do you get rid of oxycholesterol?
First, reduce your intake of processed foods and deep-fried foods. These
contain trans fats that can make your body's LDL levels jump even higher.
Keep your red meat intake low. And try to eat more foods high in
antioxidants such as vegetables and fruits.
But for additional support, take Advanced Cholesterol Formula. It
contains a unique combination of nutrients that reduce oxidized
cholesterol � and bring your HDL, LDL, and triglycerides down to
healthier levels too.
What's more, most people start seeing results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.
Imagine the look on your doctor's face when your cholesterol starts
dropping to healthier levels! Call 1-800-791-3395 to get started now.
Green tea contains compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols are 40 times
stronger than vitamins C and E in their ability to mop up free radical damage
all over your body � but especially in your cardiovascular system.
Multiple studies show that green tea polyphenols fight the conversion of LDL
into its more serious, oxidized form. It also helps burn up the extra-oxidized
LDL cholesterol15 already in your bloodstream. And if that's not enough�
Green Tea Can Improve Total Cholesterol Numbers�
According to a University of Connecticut study, the compounds in green tea
help block bad cholesterol from being absorbed into the blood and digestive
tract. It also increases its excretion from the body.6
Another study by the prestigious Vanderbilt University Medical Center found
that patients taking green tea extract saw their bad LDL and total cholesterol
drop an average of 11 percent.7
� and Can Reduce Triglyceride Levels, Too
As you may know, triglycerides are another important predictor of heart
health. They are fatty particles that come mostly from sugars, carbohydrates
and alcohol in your diet. They usually end up stored as body fat.
High triglycerides can dramatically impact the health of every artery in your
body. That's why keeping triglycerides at healthy levels is one of the best
things you can do for your heart � and green tea can help.
The polyphenols in green tea help slow the absorption of extra triglycerides
in the blood. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition states that
green tea can improve triglycerides as much as 20%.8
I love green tea and it's one of the best health-enhancing nutrients you can
take. In addition to its heart health benefits, it stimulates your immune
function, supports healthy blood sugar levels, and combats mental fatigue
and may even help with weight control.
And in case you're worried about the caffeine in green tea, you should know
that each tablet of Advanced Cholesterol Formula contains only 6mg of
caffeine. (By contrast, a cup of green tea has 40 mg � and a cup of coffee
has 135 mg.)

Plus, the green tea we use contains L-theanine, an amino acid that helps
relax the nervous system and minimize the stimulant action of caffeine. So
you get all the health benefits without the jitters.
Now, let me tell you about the final cholesterol-busting nutrient
in Advanced Cholesterol Formula. It's a sugar cane extract that showed
such powerful results, scientists had to test it in 14 separate clinical studies.
They had to make sure what they were seeing was actually real!
The Secret Ingredient That Can Really Kick Start Your Results
Researchers on the Caribbean island of Cuba have been quietly studying a
strain of the exotic sugar cane plant that's an exciting cholesterol
breakthrough. It's called policosanol � and it's an extremely helpful nutrient
for total circulatory and heart support. In fact, I've seen it work in my own
family members. Policosanol helps you limit your cholesterol worries in three
different ways:
1. Policosanol flushes out more oxidized LDL cholesterol. As we've
seen, when your levels of LDL cholesterol are too high, free radicals
oxidize them�which can cause a lot of health problems for you.
Most of the cholesterol in your body does not come from your diet; it's
produced by your liver. Policosanol causes your liver to metabolize � or
burn up � the extra LDL cholesterol helping keep your arteries healthy. So it
helps to keep the nearly 100,000 miles of arteries and veins in your body
healthy, significantly boosting your circulatory health.
In one large-scale study, just 5 mg. of policosanol twice a day lowered bad
LDL numbers by an astounding 22 percent. Other studies have shown
decreases as much as 27 percent.9
Here's what the recommended four tablets daily provide:
Policosanol (Saccharum officinarum)
dried extract, minimum 95% aliphatic
20 mg
Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf dried
extract, minimum 50% catechins
150 mg
Plant Sterols
Typically providing:
Beta-Sitosterol 628 mg
Campesterol 430 mg
Stigmasterol 288 mg
1,500 mg
* Daily value not established

Other ingredients: Calcium phosphate, silica, stearic

acid, croscarmellose sodium, calcium stearate, rice
extract and cellulose coating.
Contains soy derivative
But the good news doesn't stop there. Policosanol helps limit your body's
ability to make more LDL. It is also a natural blood thinner and promotes
healthier circulation.12, 13
However, keeping LDL levels low and limiting oxidized cholesterol is just part
of the story. But here's another way this superstar nutrient helps you take
control of your cholesterol fast�
2. Policosanol can help your body make more good HDL
cholesterol. Research shows that the higher your HDL cholesterol
levels, the better. And while many natural formulas do a good job of
lowering LDL, few have the ability to raise HDL levels substantially. But
policosanol does. In one study, patients taking just 5 mg of policosanol
twice a day saw their HDL levels increase an average of 13.6 percent!10
Since policosanol can get your HDL and LDL levels into a healthy ratio, it can
lower your total cholesterol, too. In more than a dozen trials, participants
lowered total cholesterol by an impressive 16 percent.
Plus policosanol also delivers another important health benefit�
3. Policosanol can help lower triglycerides, too. Triglycerides are
often linked to low HDL levels. So the higher your triglycerides, the
more fat there is in your system to affect your arteries and
cardiovascular health.
A double-blind study showed that policosanol lowered serum triglycerides by
16 percent.11 That can make all the difference in your cardiovascular
Plus, Policosanol is Safe and Effective
Since most people who have cholesterol worries are older, researchers were
careful to look at the after-effects of policosanol on people over age 60 �
and the scientists found absolutely no side effects.
Though policosanol is derived from sugar cane, it's not technically a sugar; it
contains no sugar and has no extra calories. So even though it's from a
sugar cane plant, it won't have any adverse effect on your blood sugar
To get all the maximum benefits, I have my patients use only the finest
quality policosanol extracted from pure, high-grade sugar cane wax. This is
the type used in the clinical studies and the kind you'll find in Advanced
Cholesterol Formula. Two tablets twice a day give you an impressive 20
mg of Policosanol � the level shown to deliver the most benefits.
Support Your Heart For the Distance
Your heart pumps about 1,900 gallons of blood through nearly 100,000
miles of blood vessels in your body every day. End to end, it is roughly the
equivalent of traveling from New York to California 24 times. So if you want
your heart to last longer, you have to take care of it in the safest, most
effective way possible.
That's why I recommend Advanced Cholesterol Formula to my own
patients � and why I urge you to give it a try. It's great news if you�
* Find it hard to stick to the perfect diet and exercise program.
* Want an easy, effective way to support healthy cholesterol levels
* Tried other cholesterol supplements that didn't deliver the results they
Advanced Cholesterol Formula Delivers MORE
Cholesterol Protection!
You could be doing everything right � eating right, taking a nutritional
supplement and exercising daily � but chances are you're still getting
short-changed when it comes to getting all the cholesterol support you
need and deserve.
But Advanced Cholesterol Formula is specially formulated to support
total cholesterol health 5 ways:
#1: Advanced Cholesterol Formula helps reduce
oxycholesterol: the small-particle oxidized LDL affects the health of your
#2: Advanced Cholesterol Formula can reduce excess LDL bad
cholesterol to help support total cholesterol health
#3: Advanced Cholesterol Formula supports healthy HDL
levels: The higher your HDL, the better! Good HDL promotes artery
health and protects your heart, too.
#4: Advanced Cholesterol Formula cuts down triglyceride
levels and promote free-flowing circulation and cardiovascular health
#5: Advanced Cholesterol Formula supports healthy total cholesterol
and keeps your HDL and LDL in the right ratios
If you're ready to maintain healthy cholesterol levels the worry-free way, I
urge you to give Advanced Cholesterol Formula a try. Call 1-800-791-
3395 to get started today and remember � you're completely protected
by our "Down to the Last Tablet" risk-free guarantee!
Advanced Cholesterol Formula combines plant sterols, green tea and
policosanol so you can protect your heart, limit oxidized cholesterol, and
experience healthier cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. Few other
formulas deliver this kind of total cholesterol support!
If you were to purchase these three nutrients separately � that is, even if
you could find them in your local health food store � you would spend a
whopping $85.00 or more every single month. That's $2.84 a day! Plus,
there's no guarantee that you would get these extracts in their most
effective, standardized forms.
But for as little as 55� per day, Advanced Cholesterol Formula just may
be the biggest, life-saving bargain you'll see in your lifetime!
Save up to $21.00
A One-Month Advanced Cholesterol Formula Starter pack is just $19.95, plus
shipping and handling.
Get Even Bigger Savings with the Three-Month Pack.
If you want to re-order less frequently, You save $6.00 on a 3 month supply
For the Biggest Savings and the Lowest Price per Bottletry the Six Month Pack
If you want to keep your heart healthy for the long run, I urge you to
consider a Six Month Advanced Cholesterol Savings Pack. You pay the lowest
price per bottle.
I want the support of powerful plant sterols in my cholesterol supplement
This is by far the best value. You pay only $98.70 plus shipping and
handling. That's a total savings of $21.00.
Click here and start lowering your cholesterol today with Advanced
Cholesterol Formula!
So why not order it now, while it's still fresh in your mind? After all, you're
fully protected by my�
100% Double Guarantee of Satisfaction�Right Down to the Last Tablet!
That's right. You take absolutely ZERO risk when you try Advanced
Cholesterol Formula. In fact, you're protected in two ways:
1. Advanced Cholesterol Formula is guaranteed to help you achieve
healthy cholesterol levels.
2. Advanced Cholesterol Formula is guaranteed to help lower the
levels of bad LDL cholesterol, while increasing your good HDL
cholesterol. It can help lower oxidized cholesterol and support healthy
triglyceride levels, too.

I want you and your doctor to be thrilled with the results. If you're not 100%
satisfied in any way, then simply return the bottle within 90 days � even if
you're down to the last tablet � for a 100% refund. No hassles, no
questions asked. You only pay return shipping.
Don't Miss a Beat! Give Your Heart a New Lease on Life�
I'll tell you what I tell my own patients: It's never too late to make your
heart strong and healthy. Now you can finally stop worrying about your
cholesterol numbers � stop letting fear take over your life � and start living
life the way you want to.
Thanks to Advanced Cholesterol Formula, your best years can be ahead of
Ready to begin? Call Advanced Bionutritionals at 1-800-791-3395 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week or follow this link to get Advanced Cholesterol Formula
delivered to your door within days.
Either way, you're taking the next, best step to better circulation, a stronger
heart, and the healthy cholesterol levels you always wanted!
To your health naturally,

Janet Zand OMD, L.Ac

PS: Advanced Cholesterol Formula gives you four-way support for healthy
cholesterol: it can lower your LDL and total cholesterol�cut triglycerides �
and raise good HDL levels.
Remember, with our Six-Month Savings Pack you receive $21.00 in
discounts. Plus, you're fully protected by our 100% money back, down-to-
the-last capsule guarantee within 90 days of your purchase. So don't
wait. Click here to order now or call toll-free 1-800-791-3395 today.

ACT NOW! Order Your Advanced

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We are so confident that you will be more than satisfied with your
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* Dr. Janet Zand is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for her work in
formulating and endorsing this product.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent a disease.

* Retrieved
Goldberg AC, Ostlund RE, Bateman JH, Schimmoeller L, McPherson TB, Spilburg
CA. Effect of plant stanol tablets on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering
in patients on statin drugs. American Journal of Cardiology, vol. 97:3, pp. 376-
379, Feb. 2006.
* New USDA Study Shows Plant Sterols Lower
* GolGoldberg AC, Ostlund RE, Bateman JH, Schimmoeller L, McPherson TB,
Spilburg CA. Effect of plant stanol tablets on low-density lipoprotein

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