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Living in The IT Era

Topic: Computer Networks and the Internet

1. List 3 access technology that you would usually use to connect to the internet, whether in or
outside your home, for any purpose be it in personal or academic. Classify each technology as
home access, enterprise/ office or wide area wireless access.
- Access technology refers to any technology or device that enables people to access and
participate in the digital world. The goal of access technology is to create a more inclusive and
accessible digital environment for people with disabilities. There are several technologies that
can be used to connect to the internet. Some of the most common ones include:

1. WI-FI (WIRELESS ACCESS): This is a wireless technology that allows devices to

connect to the internet using radio waves. Wi-Fi is commonly used in homes, offices,
cafes, and other public places.The router is connected directly to your internet modem
and acts as a hub to broadcast the internet signal to all your Wi-Fi enabled devices. This
gives you flexibility to stay connected to the internet as long as you're within your
network coverage area.

2. FIBER TO THE HOME/FTTH (HOME ACCESS): It is a technique that uses optical

fiber media to deliver internet connectivity from a central location to residential and
commercial locations. A high speed of 100 Megabits per second is possible with this
technology. Implementing it on a big area is expensive, hence it is necessary when done
so in a limited area.


share files and resources instantly, making it easier to collaborate with colleagues on
projects. It makes it easy to communicate with colleagues through email and instant
messaging applications. It also provides a central location for data backup and storafe,
facilitating easy access and retrieval of information,

2. Explain why packet switching in the Internet is liked to driving from one city to another and
asking directions along the way.
- Packet switching in the internet is like driving from one city to another and asking directions
along the way because both involve breaking down a larger task into smaller, manageable pieces.
Just as a long drive can be broken up into smaller segments between cities, data transmitted over
the internet is broken down into smaller packets before being transmitted over the internet. These
packets contain information such as the source and destination addresses, as well as the actual
data being sent. Each packet is then sent independently and can take different routes to reach its
destination. Moreover, just as a driver may encounter obstacles or detours while on the road,
packets may encounter delays or congestion as they travel through the internet. In both cases, the
system is designed to find alternative routes or ways to reach the destination. In packet
switching, if a packet encounters congestion on one route, it will be redirected to a different path
to avoid delays.

3. Do online research about HTTPS. Cite specific reasons why a website using HTTPS is more
accessibly than a website with HTTP only.
1. SECURITY: HTTPS provides a better level of security and protects sensitive
information like login credentials, credit card information, and personal data by securing
the data exchanged between the user's browser.
2. HTTPS websites display a padlock icon in the address bar, ensuring secure connections
and providing users with trust in their information.
3. Search engines like Google prioritizes HTTPS-enabled websites in search rankings,
increasing visibility and accessibility for users seeking relevant information.
4. BROWSER COMPATIBILITY: Modern browsers identify HTTP sites as "not secure"
to warn users about security dangers, which makes them less accessible. Better
accessibility is ensured by the fact that HTTPS websites are regarded as secure.
5. REGULATION COMPLIANCE:Websites must employ suitable security measures to
safeguard user data in accordance with several data protection requirements, including
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Websites can adhere to these rules by
using HTTPS, assuring accessible for people who value data privacy.

4. Just as users move from their indoor network using a desktop or laptop PC to the outdoors
using their smartphones, list 2 applications that you are using both indoors using a pc or outdoor
using a smartphone.
- As students, this application helps us a lot with our studies as it enables chat, audio and
video calls for online classes, and collaboration on documents and projects in PC. It also
has a mobile app for smartphones, enabling us to participate in meetings, chat, and access
shared files while on the go. Hence, this application is used both indoors and outdoors
and is accessible for PCs or smartphones.
- It is available on our PC as a desktop application that allows us to browse the Internet,
access websites, and use web-based applications indoors which we can use to learn and
assist us in our studies. Similarly, Google Chrome is also available as a mobile app for
smartphones, so we can surf and browse the web even when we are outdoors. We use it
to find information, read articles, watch videos, and perform various online tasks.
5. You have two friends, Alice and Bob. Most of the time, Alice works in a desk of a bank where
she must interact with bank clients. Bob is a freelance graphic artist who spends time mostly
outdoors to interact with his clients and meet their visualization needs. Which access
technologies contrary what you suspect, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of
these technologies.
 CONVENIENT AND STABLE CONNECTION: Working in a bank environment
where consistent internet connectivity is essential, Alice can rely on the stability of the
WiFi, enabling easy access to the internet from any Wi-Fi enabled device within range.
 HIGH-SPEED INTERNET: Wi-Fi networks can provide fast internet speeds, allowing
for faster data transfer, which can be beneficial for handling client interactions and
accessing banking systems.
 ENHANCED COMMUNICATION: WiFi can help Alice to stay connected with her
clients. She can communicate with her clients through emails and other platforms with


 CONNECTIVITY ISSUES: Wi-Fi routers require a constant power supply to function.
If there is a power outage, Wi-Fi connectivity may be unavailable. In addition, depending
on the bank's location and the strength of the mobile network, Alice may experience
occasional connectivity issues or slower speeds while interacting with clients. This can
impact her ability to access real-time client information or conduct online transactions
 DEPENDABILITY: If the wireless network goes down, bank employees may have to
resort to using slower, less-efficient methods for completing transactions and customer
 COMPLIANCE ISSUES: Alice must comply with various regulatory requirements, and
the use of WiFi for transmitting sensitive information may violate some of these

 MOBILITY: Mobile data enables Bob to work from anywhere, allowing him to meet
clients at various locations and still stay connected.
 FLEXIBILITY: With mobile data, Bob can access the internet and communicate with
clients even when he is away from his studio or on the move.
 SIGNAL STRENGTH AND COVERAGE: THE quality and speed of mobile data
often depend on the strength and coverage of the network signal. Weak or limited
network coverage in certain areas may result in slower internet speeds or even loss of
 COST AND BATTERY DRAIN: As Bob spends most of his time outdoors meeting
clients, mobile data plans can be expensive, especially if graphics require high data
usage also using mobile data can drain your device's battery faster.

Andres, Robin Ray
Antonio, Dayne Louise
Antonio, Joshette Chen
Balinoyos, Jethro


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