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# Getting Started

## Installation
- install rust `curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`
(this also installs Cargo)
- install linker `xcode-select --install`

once Rust is installed, here are the available commands:

- `rustup update`
- `rustc --version`
- `rustup doc` - for local documentation

## Hello World

fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");

- create file with extension `.rs`

- compile `rustc`
- this creates the executable file
- execute `./main`

## Cargo - build system and package manager

Cargo documentation:

For more complex projects instead of using `rustc` use Cargo.

- install cargo
- use `cargo --version` if cargo was not installed
- create project with cargo
- `cargo new hello_cargo`
- this generates
- `Cargo.toml`
[package] - this is a headline
name = "hello_cargo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

[dependencies] - this is a headline

- `src` directory with a `` file inside
- inits git repo and creates `.gitignore`

### Building and Running Cargo Project

- `cargo build`
- `cargo run` or `./target/debug/hello_cargo`
- the result is stored in `target/debug` directory
- `cargo check` - compiles, but doesn't create an executable
- faster than build
- `cargo build --release` - for release
- creates executable with optimizations to run faster, but build and
compilation is long
- the result is stored in `target/release` directory

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