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The Only Chinese Membrane for Chlorakali Plant

The Dilemma of Chloralkali Electrolyser membrane

Introduction The main equipment of a chlor-alkali plant is

electrolyzer, and membrane is the most crucial part
of the electrolyzer, however the membrane
technology is monopolized by American and
Japanese companies for last half a century.
F ro m 1 9 9 0 to 2 0 0 0 , T h e fo u r t h - ge n e rat i o n
C h i n a gove r n m e nt h a s Re s e a rc h te a m m a d e a D F 2 8 0 7 b e ga n to b e
re p e ate d l y ex p re s s e d b re a kt h ro u g h i n t h e u s e d i n l a rge - s ca l e i n
i nte re st i n gett i n g t h e m e m b ra n e te c h n o l o g y t h e i n d u st r i e s . T h e
m e m b ra n e te c h n o l o g y w i t h o u t re q u i r i n g t h e m e m b ra n e p e r fo r m a n c e
f ro m t h e s e co m p a n i e s fo re i g n p ate nt . T h e i s co m p a ra b l e w i t h
C h i n a gove r n m e nt
In 1980, China b u t wa s re j e c te d . f i rst - ge n e rat i o n ex i st i n g t h e
a ga i n e sta b l i s h e d
gove r n m e nt o rga n i ze d T h e s e co m p a n i e s m e m b ra n e , D F 9 8 8 , i nte r n at i o n a l l e a d i n g
D o n g y u e G ro u p a n d
m a ny re s e a rc h co nt i n u e d t h e i r wa s o ff i c i a l l y u s e d i n m e m b ra n e
S h a n g h a i J i a o to n g
i n st i t u t i o n s a c ro s s C h i n a m o n o p o l y stat u s i n d u st r i a l a p p l i cat i o n . 、
U n i ve rs i t y to ca r r y
to co n d u c t re s e a rc h o n
o u t re s e a rc h wo r k 2018
c h l o r - a l ka l i m e m b ra n e ,
w h i c h l a ste d fo r 1 0 ye a rs .
1990 2011
H oweve r, d u e to p ate nt
re st r i c t i o n s , t h e R & D 2000
p ro j e c t d i d n o t a c h i eve
i t s go a l

General Development history of Electrolyser membrane of the World

1960 1990 2005 2013 2018 2021~

Electrolyser 3rd generation 4th generation Improved 4th 5th generation Continuous
membrane was membrane were membrane generation membrane were improved
invented by introduce to were introduce membrane were introduce to membrane for
DuPont the industries. to the introduce to the the industries. the industries.
industries. industries.
General Development history of Electrolyser membrane of DongYue

2000 2011 2012 2016 2018 2021~

1st generation of 2 n d generation of 3 r d generation of 4th generation of
R&D for The latest model
membrane DF988 membrane membrane DF2807 membrane DF988
membrane of ion-exchange
began to be DF2801 began to began to be began to be
began in membrane
introduced into be introduced introduced into introduced into
Dongyue Group DF2808 is under
the industries. into the the industries. the industries.
and Shanghai test
The performance industries. The The performance The performance
Jiaotong is equivalent to performance is is equivalent to
is equivalent to
University that of the 3 r d equivalent to that of the 5th
that of the
generation that of the 4 t h impor ved 4th generation
membrane abroad generation generation membrane abroad
membrane membrane abroad

Dongyue is able to catch up with the world membrane technology in 15 years which take the
world 60 years to developed
Features of DF2807 membrane
Features of DF2807 membrane
v Suitable for 30-34% NaOH production, v Designed for working under high current
v Made of sacrificial thread channels, density and lower voltage condition
v Manufacture with lasted technological v Improved resistance against against
feature impurities in Brine

Anode side Cathode side

Reinforce Net Sacrificial thread channels

Surface Coating Surface coating

Sulfonate layer Carboxylate layer

Features of DF2807 membrane

v More than 100 trails

v Proven performance

Voltage and current Durable test Test Under Extreme Use of zero gap electrolyzer
efficiency test Brine
Tested for long period of Test under High calcium magnesium, According to the operating DF2807 high mechanical strength
time to ensure the barium and iodine; High alkali condition of customer and and stability, have tested in
stability of voltage and concentration; High current density simulate extreme brine condition various type of zero gap
current efficiency and other extreme conditions to in lab and obtained excellent electrolyser with significantly
test durability of membrane performance result lower voltage. And it is suitable for
use in zero gap electrolyser.
Features of DF2807 membrane

Description Specification

Membrane type DF2807

Current Density (kA/m2) 3.0~6.0

Voltage (V) 2.85~3.05

Current Efficiency (%) ≥98.5

Power Consumption
Complete set of Test Unit <2100
Features of DF2807 membrane

DF2807 vs. Other Membrane (lab performance )

Test item Ref 1 Ref 2 Ref 3

Tensile strength (MPa) 27.6 23.4 17.2 26.9


Bursting strength (kg /cm2) 7.3 8.2 6.7 7.5

Tear resistance (N) 38.9 38.1 29.7 39.0


Folding endurance (lgN) 2.25 2.24 2.23 2.34

Features of DF2807 membrane

DF2807 vs. Other Membrane (Lab Performance )

Electrolyzer Type CD(kA/m2) voltage(V) NaOH (%)
Cl2 (%) pm)

DF2807 5.0
5.0 3.04
3.04 98.7
98.7 20
20 32.5
Asahi Kasei
NCZ Ref 2 5.5 3.03 99.9 17 32

DF2807 5.00 3.04 98.7 20 32.5

DF2807 5.0 3.04 98.7 20 32.5
Thyssenkrupp Ref 1 5.00 3.03 98.8 23 32.5
Ref 2 5.00 3.10 98.2 32 32.5

DF2807 5.0 3.05 98.7 29 32.3

DF2807 5.0 3.05 98.7 29 32.3
Thyssenkrupp Ref 1 5.0 3.07 98.7 29 32.3
Ref 3 5.0 3.07 98.5 30 32.3
Reference of
Reference of

Electrolyser Suitaboe for

DF2807 membrane

DF2807 ion membrane is

suitable for all major types of
electrolyser available in the
world market.

BITAC/N-BITAC Asahi Kasei Ulde BM2.7

Reference of DF2807 Membrane

Shanghai Chlorakali Plant - has been running with DF2807 on their entire Asahi Kasei electrolyzer in
the second phase II project since 18th , May, 2018

May Januar y June

Collection date Januar y 2020 June 2020
2018 2019 2019

C u r ren t d en s i ty 4.6kA/m2 5kA/m2 5kA/m2 5kA/m2 5kA/m2

O per a ti n g ba th tem per a tu re 85.6℃ 85.2℃ 86.5℃ 86.5℃ 86.1℃

Aver a g e m ea s u red cel l vo l ta g e 2.96V 2.97V 2.97V 2.98V 2.99V

A d d a ci d a m o u n t 2 0 9 L/ h 2 5 0 L/ h 4 0 7 L/ h 4 9 3 L/ h 5 0 0 L/ h

C h l o r i n e pu r i ty 99% 98.9% 98.7% 98.8% 98.7%

O x yg en i n ch l o r i n e 0.7% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9%

N a C L/ 3 2 % N a O H 29PPm 29PPm 28PPm 30PPm 31PPm

A ci d i ty of i n co m i n g br i n e 0.02mol/L 0.04mol/L 0.04mol/L 0.05mol/L 0.06mol/L

Reference of DF2807 Membrane

Wanhua Chemical Plant - has been running with DF2807 on their Asahi Kasei electrolyzer

August 2018 September 2018 May 2020

Operating time
(Phase 1) (Phase 2) (Phase 3)

Current density 5.5kA/m2 5.5kA/m2 5.7kA/m2

Operating cell temperature 85.6℃ 85.2℃ 85.2℃

Average cell voltage 2.98V 2.98V 3.05V

Add acid amount 209L/h 210L/h 200L/h

Chlorine purity 99% 98.9% 98.9%

Oxygen in chlorine 0.5% 0.6% 0.5%

Acidity of incoming brine 0.05mol/L 0.08mol/L 0.07mol/L

Reference of DF2807 Membrane

DF2807 membrane has been in operation in three Wanhua Chemical electrolyzers for nearly 3 years. The
voltage of DF2807 is equivalent to that of N2050 and 8080A; the purity of chlorine gas is 98.9%.

3.06 3.05
Average cell voltage V

3.02 DF2807
3.00 F8080A
3.00 2.99 DF2807
2.98 2.98


DF2807 F8080A DF2807 NE2050 DF2807 NE2060

In August 2018, the first phase of 120,000 In September 2018, the second phase of In May 2020, the third phase of 200,000
tons/year operating current density 200,000 tons/year operating current tons/year, entire operating current density of
5.5kA/m2 density 5.5kA/m2 5.7kA/m2
Reference of DF2807 Membrane

Wuhu Ronghui Plant - has been running with DF2807 on their BiTAC electrolyzer sinc March, 2018

Salt Brine
Cell voltage Chlorine
Cell Type Model concentration concentratio
(V) purity
in brine n

BITAC DF2807 3.02 98.7% 25ppm 32.09%

BITAC F9010 3.00 98.7% 27ppm 32.09%

BITAC DF2807 2.97 99.2% 22ppm 32.20%

BITAC F9010 2.96 99.2% 22ppm 32.20%

BITAC DF2807 2.98 98.8% 23ppm 32.10%

BITAC F9010 2.97 98.8% 23ppm 32.10%

BITAC DF2807 2.97 99.2% 21ppm 32.23%

BITAC F9010 2.97 99.2% 21ppm 32.23%
Reference of DF2807 Membrane

Shandong Dongyue Fujian Xialu Shaanxi Jintai Chlor- Shanghai Chlor-

Fluorosilicon Electrochemical Co., Alkali Chemical Co., Alkali Chemical Co.,
Material Co., Ltd. Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.
Reference of DF2807 Membrane

China Aluminum Yangmei Group Heilongjiang Wuhu Ronghui

Shandong Co., Ltd. Haohua Chemical Chemical Co., Ltd.
Company Co., Ltd.
Application of DF2807 Membrane

Up to now, the number of chlorakali plants using DF2807

membrane has reached plants, and the number of

plant is still increasing every year.

Honors and qualifications

Honor Summary

Drafted and Set Electrolyser Membrane Standard for China

National GB Standards
Honors and qualifications

China Technology Invention

国家技术发明奖 China Patent Gold Award

Patent Gold Award of China First Class Technological Invention

Membrane Industry Association Award from Shandong Province

Pursue excellence and strive for continuous Improvement

Company Motto Chinese membrane has started from scratch and now has
Strategic broken the monopoly of American and Japanese
Fearless Foresight significance companies. Membrane performance has reached the
world’s class standard.
Winning the future
Gradually surpass membranes dominance of the United
Long-term States and Japan, so that China's chloralkali industry
could develop in a healthy and stead envioroment, and
no longer be depending on others

Healthy competition between China, United States and

Future Japan to carry forward the development and progress in
the industries, and together to provide better products
for the global chloralkali industry.

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