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Practical demonstration blockchain

A blockchain has a list of blocks.

It starts with a single block, called the genesis block.

Each block stores the following information:

The index is the position of the block in the chain.
The genesis block has an index of 0. The next block will have an index of 1.

A record of when the block was created.
The timestamp helps to keep the blockchain in order.

A hash looks like a bunch of random numbers and letters.
It is a alphanumeric value that uniquely identifies data, or the "digital fingerprint" of data
Previous Hash:
The previous hash is the hash of the previous block.
The genesis block's previous hash is "0" because there is no previous block.

Each block can store data against it.
In cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the data would include money transactions.


The nonce is the number used to find a valid hash.

To find a valid hash, we need to find a nonce value that will produce a valid hash when used with the rest
of the information from that block.

Block Hash Calculation:

A hashing function takes data as input, and returns a unique hash.

f ( data ) = hash
Since the hash is a "digital fingerprint" of the entire block, the data is the combination of index,
timestamp, previous hash, block data, and nonce.
f ( index + previous hash + timestamp + data + nonce ) = hash
ADDING a New Block:
To mine another block to the blockchain, fill out the data input and click the button.

PEER -TO- PEER Network:

A global network of computers work together to keep the blockchain secure, correct, and consistent.

Click the button to add a peer to the network.

Peers have three states:
1. Currently Active
2. Connected
3. Disconnected
Peers ask for each other's blocks to determine who has the most up-to-date blockchain.


A blockchain is a distributed database secured by cryptography. It is the technology
behind Bitcoin.

This demo will guide you through the blockchain step-by-step. This demo is also
covered in thisTo jump between steps, hover on the title of this dialog and select a step.

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