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Octot, Angelica S.

NCM 331 N02

Case Analysis

1. What are the implications of the vital signs?

His vital signs are abnormal which his respiration rate is 42 and his pulse rate is
124 beats/min. His body may be experiencing stress right now, as evidence by the fact
that his blood pressure is elevated. His ABG’s are abnormal, and he is acidotic. Also,
his oxygen levels are 88%, which means he is not receiving a proper amount of oxygen.

2. How is asthma categorized? Describe the characteristics of each

Asthma is categorized as intermittent asthma, mild persistent asthma, moderate
persistent asthma and severe persistent asthma. The intermittent asthma has a
symptoms of wheezing and coughing no more than 2 days a week is considered to
have intermittent asthma; night time flare-ups occur twice a month at most. In mild
persistent asthma, symptoms occur more than twice a week but less than once a day,
and flare-ups may affect activity. Nighttime flare-ups occur more often than twice a
month but less than once a week. Lung function is 80% of normal or greater. In
moderate persistent, symptoms occur daily. Flare-ups occur and usually last several
days. Coughing and wheezing may disrupt the person’s normal activities and make it
difficult to sleep. Nighttime flare-ups may occur more than once a week. In moderate
persistent, asthma lung function is roughly between 60% and 80% of normal, without
treatment. With severe persistent asthma, symptoms occur daily and often. They also
frequently curtail the person’s activities or disrupt his sleep. Lung function is less than
60% of the normal level without treatment.

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