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Short Story 

Value: Loyalty


The worker: Pepe, the boss of the company: Pablo and the person who wanted the
recipe: Luis
Once upon a time there was a worker who worked for a concentrates company, he worked for
45 years, he started at 30 years old and finished at 75 years old, already retired. He learned to
make concentrate very well, from start to finish. The owner was very hurt when he retired
from the company but he was right because he worked hard and was very faithful to what his
boss told him and he had good ideas that helped the boss sometimes. When clients arrived he
always made them take more of something from the company and the boss liked him a lot
because he was very sociable. He got along very well with the boss's family and the family liked
him more than just a worker. The family loved him very much because he always made them
laugh and he told a lot of jokes. The boss always arrived at the company early every day and
the worker was always waiting for him and one day he arrived at his company and the worker
was not there and it was very strange and they asked for him and everything but they did not
know what had happened to him and the boss thought that he had not been able to arrive
early but he could arrive later so he did not call him, It was already noon and he did not arrive
so he went to look for him at home and only found his son and asked him where he was and
he told him that when he went to work he had an accident and was in the hospital and the
doctors said that he had suffered a lot and could not even walk. He could not walk for 6
months and decided to retire from the company.

After this everything changed in the company was nothing the same without him, the boss
esteemed him very much and they always talked, he already knew everything to do
concentrated even could create a company for him for everything he knew. Whenever the
boss came to the company he remembered him a lot, almost every day he went to his house
to see him since his house was on the way. Always when clients came to the company they
asked for him because many people knew him or you could say most people knew him.

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