Kolokwium c1 Swps

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3 They’ve built a lot of new houses in the village.

Listening BEEN
1 Recording 7 Listen and match speakers 1–6 A lot of new houses in
with their memories a)–g). There is one extra the village.
answer you do not need. 4 There’s a chance that someone saw what
1 Matthew a MIGHT
2 Lewis Someone .
3 Becky 5 As children we couldn’t stay up later than 9pm
4 Diane during the week.
6 Justin As children we
up later than 9pm during the week.
a) remembers a unique experience vividly 6 Sam and Jack are going on a walking holiday in
b) has vivid food memories the Alps tomorrow. They’ll be there for ten days.
c) associates a particular smell with memories WALKING
d) can’t remember anything, possibly due to This time next week, Sam and Jack
experiencing trauma at the time in the Alps
e) has a distinct memory of a ferry trip
f) has a name on the tip of their tongue 5
g) has a clear memory of a life-changing
4 Underline the correct answer, a) b) or c).
5 1 I was c give up on my essay for the night,
when I had a flash of inspiration that gave me all
2 Recording 8 Listen and write true (T) or false the ideas I needed to finish it.
(F). a) due to b) would c) about to
2 While in Italy on our European tour, we
1 John thinks children have much more how to make pizza the traditional way as well as
freedom these days. F see all the famous sights.
2 Liz says fewer children play on the streets a) were to learn b) were learning c) ’ve learnt
now due to the amount of cars on the road. 3 Not to appear cowardly, Nick volunteered
3 She’s grateful for having had the chance to climb up and rescue the cat stuck in the tree.
to play outside as a child. a) to want b) wanting c) wanted
4 John says he never played truant. 4 It was only when Bill to turn up to work
5 They often took a picnic with them to eat that we started worrying about him.
in the tree house. a) fails b) failed c) failing
6 They both recall how people were promised 5 Our cruise was us along the Norwegian
a shorter working week after the advent of coast up to the Arctic Circle but it was cancelled
computers in the workplace. at the last minute.
a) to have taken b) taken c) taking
5 6 Fearing reprisal, the culprit the scene in the
dead of night and was nowhere to found the
following day.
a) was fleeing b) had fled c) flees

Grammar 5

3 Complete the second sentence with no more

than five words so that it means the same as the
first. Use the word in capitals.
1 Our car is being repaired at the moment.
We’re getting our car repaired at the moment.
2 We had to wear school uniform.
to wear school

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5 Complete the text with the words from the box.
There are two words you do not need. 7 Complete the sentences with a verb from the
box and the correct preposition. There are two
changed had Excited given going words you do not need.
Having meant point to Tired was What
would brought date deal let presume
1 set suffer switch take (x2) was
Having been brought up in a small village, Clare
wanted to experience life in the big, wide world.
she decided to do as a result 3 take a 1 He was about to go home when she finally
gap year after school. She had initially thought arrived in a fluster.
about travelling with a friend and going 2 We were told that the burglar alarm was incredibly
backpacking around South America but her parents sensitive and would be by a barely
thought it was too dangerous and didn’t want her discernible movement.
do anything quite so adventurous or 3 Some people have a tendency to
potentially dangerous. 5 of all the arguing, migraines when they are under stress.
Clare was on the 6 of giving up her travel 4 You never know, perhaps going out with us
plans when, seemingly out of the blue, her mother tonight would actually help your mind
had a complete, and somewhat unexpected, change your personal problems.
of heart. The reason why she 7 her mind was 5 Isn’t it about time you relaxed a little? You really
that in thinking back to her own teenage years, she’d do need to your hair and unwind a
seen her own spirit of adventure in her daughter. bit for a change.
Recalling that she herself had obeyed her parents, 6 As a firefighter, Jack has to
who had wanted her to stay close to home, and potentially dangerous situations every day – it’s
now not get the chance to live out her own all part and parcel of his job.
travel dreams until retirement, she saw why it was 7 The Mayan site of Tikal is known to
important for her daughter to go travelling. She’d to the pre-Columbian era.
always 9 to travel the world but somehow life 8 Returning to her old school, this time as a teacher,
had taken her on a different journey and up to this a lot of fond memories for Hayley.
point, she never 10 . Clare, fortunately for her, 9 She’s going to time out studying to
was 11 to benefit from her mother’s wisdom celebrate her twenty-first birthday.
and erstwhile dreams of adventure!

8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form

6 Correct one mistake in each sentence. of the word in brackets.
1 Fallen Having fallen over in the street, Julia felt 1 The old cottage was barely habitable (habitation)
for the first three months of the renovation project.
really embarrassed. 2 Every season Arner’s has a (clarity) sale
2 It was Joseph he left you the message. to get rid of old stock and make space for the next
season’s products.
3 What I would really like to know is why wasn’t I 3 The interviewer failed to get Boris, who is adept at
informed about this issue. being (evasion), to actually provide real
answers to the questions asked.
4 Dreamt of a romantic holiday in the sun, Julia 4 If we are to prevent the farm animals from
booked a sailing holiday around the Greek islands. escaping, we have no option but to
(electricity) the fence around the field.
5 We are supposed to meet up with our cousins 5 My daughter is completely (trust) so I
yesterday but they cancelled at the last minute. know nothing untoward will happen if I ask her to
babysit for the evening.
6 The thing she said she found the most challenging 6 We soon discovered that the contract we had
was to get used to driving on the left side of the signed was completely (meaning) and
had been worth less than the paper it was written
road. on right from the moment we signed it.

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He asked if he could help us and in response we said

9 Complete the sentences with one word.
we were interested in finding out more about the
1 Kirsty, my flatmate, always asks me to keep our house. As the estate’s office was closed, we weren’t
supply of chocolate hidden from her as she firmly able to pick up any information so he offered to take
believes in the proverb out of sight , out of mind us on a personal tour instead.
when it comes to such obvious temptations. The house was cloaked in silence. We stepped
2 After three days of searching in in atrocious through the door and found ourselves in front of an
conditions, the mountain rescue team had no impressive sweeping staircase with beautiful, gilt
choice but to call off the search and return to framed family portraits adorning the walls. We
base camp. followed our guide and discovered that the house
3 We got to the station just in to catch our was used for residential workshops. It’s strange to
train – it was such a close call! relate now, but I distinctly recall feeling as if I’d
4 During our training session we were taught to only lived there before. It all seemed so familiar and yet I
ever reasonable risks and to never put knew I’d never been there before. I felt a sense of
anyone, including ourselves, in danger. peace and knew that this place would somehow
5 My father keeps a first aid kit in the boot of his car feature in my life. Without thinking, I heard myself
because he believes it’s better to be safe than utter the words, ‘I could really see myself living
. here.’ ‘We’re always looking for people to work
6 When given the option of working either the early here,’ was the immediate reply.
or late , Sylvia opted for the early one so I contacted the estate’s office the next day with no
she could collect the children from school at the clear idea why I was calling, but was asked to send
end of the day. in an email explaining what skills and experience I
7 Every time Jesse listens to his Rolling Stones had and what I felt I could offer them, which I duly
albums, vivid memories of his twenties did. A few days later I was invited to stay at the
flooding back to him. house for a probationary period, during which time I
8 There’s no rush. We have all the time in the helped out in the office, the kitchen and the grounds.
, so just relax and take it easy. Having successfully completed my probationary
month, I was offered a permanent position as events
7 manager for the estate. Who could have predicted
that a chance encounter with the gardener would
lead to such a life-changing experience?
10 Read the competition entry below. Underline
true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
A chance encounter
I remember the day as clearly as if it were yesterday
even though the events I’m about to relate took
place fifteen years ago. A friend and I were driving
along those wonderful, winding English country
lanes on a crisp, winter’s afternoon. The sky was a
deep January blue and frost lingered on the bare
branches. We’d been on the road for a few days just
going wherever the mood took us, with no plan and
no deadlines. I was at a metaphorical crossroads in
my life and was looking for a new direction, so this
road trip had been arranged to help me clear my
head and show me the way forward.
As we approached a hidden turning in the road, I
spotted an old wooden sign with barely legible
writing on it. Intrigued, we decided to explore and
drove up the path to find ourselves in front of an
imposing old country house on a beautiful green
estate. We parked and got out, wondering whether
we were trespassing but curious to find out more. As
we were looking at the majestic façade we heard
some rustling behind us and we turned to see a
dishevelled old man with wild hair and staring eyes.

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1 The author’s recollections of the day

in question are hazy at best. T/F/NG
2 It was sunny on this particular day. T/F/NG
3 They were following an itinerary. T/F/NG
4 The writing on the sign to the old
house was pretty much indiscernible. T/F/NG
5 Their sense of inquisitiveness far
exceeded any concerns they might
have about being on private property. T/F/NG
6 The house they came across had once
been a grand, impressive building. T/F/NG
7 The author and her friend were
approached by a man dressed in
flamboyant attire. T/F/NG
8 On entering the house the author felt
a sense of déjà vu. T/F/NG
9 The author felt as if the place
emanated serenity. T/F/NG
10 The author decided to ask whether
there happened to be any vacancies
at the house. T/F/NG
11 If the author hadn’t met the gardener,
she would be doing a very different
job now. T/F/NG


11 Read the text again and choose the correct

answer, a), b) or c).
1 The author recalls c .
a) how the hedgerows looked on that day
b) turning left at the crossroads
c) her mission to get her life on course
2 The author and her friend .
a) duped the old man into giving them access to
the property
b) were given brochures on the history of the
c) were able to explore the house
3 The hallway of the house .
a) fell short of their expectations
b) had a stately charm to it
c) was full of vulgar pretention
4 The author had a premonition that .
a) the house would have a bearing on her future
b) she’d seen the house in a dream
c) she’d end up working there
5 Within a matter of days she .
a) had been contacted by the estate manager
b) found herself returning to the house
c) had been invited for an interview
6 She believes that her life changed .
a) due to a road diversion
b) because of an incidental meeting
c) as a result of her proactivity

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