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Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 03 Listen to a conversation and complete the sentences.
1 Manufacturers of common food products consumed in cafés, such as ____________________________,
force children and adults to work.
2 Instead of going to school, the cocoa plantations’ underaged workers do unsafe jobs for which they
____________________________ money.
3 The ____________________________ personally checks on the use of toxic chemicals on the organic farms.
4 The main aim of the photography exhibition in the café is to educate people about
5 The management of the café hates ____________________________ and therefore they give away any
that is left over.
___ / 5

2. Complete the table.
Umieć, potrafić (can) Uznany
Sprawca Naczynie krwionośne
W niewoli Wstrząśnienie mózgu
Sprzedawca (seller) Układ krążeniowy
Cieszący się złą sławą Siedzący (np. Tryb)

3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1 It’s high time we _________________ (examine) the safety regulations.
2 You must _________________ (underestimate) the value of the tickets. They were much more expensive.
3 I wish convincing Jim to go vegan at least for a month _________________ (not be) so hard.
4 I think we should all _______________ (take) part in the campaign to stop the destruction of the rainforest.
5 If only Olga _________________ (realise) last Saturday that she was getting ripped off by the local vendor.
___ / 5

4 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 We’d rather you don’t rule out the possibility of a strike. The workers are desperate to improve their
working conditions.
2 James wishes he bought a different T-shirt for his sister’s birthday. She doesn’t like it.
3 Chocolate cakes can’t be fattening. They’re very high in calories.
4 You can have told me you were short of money and wanted to borrow some cash.
___ / 4
5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. Use the word in capitals.
1 It was unnecessary for the company to change the packaging of the product. HAVE
The company _____________________________________ the way it packed the product.
2 You really deserve to earn more than the minimum wage. TIME

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It _____________________________________ more than the minimum wage.
3 It’s quite hard for me to make my friends understand the principles of fair trade. ACROSS
I wish I could _____________________________________ fair trade to my friends.
4 I hate it when Tom buys useless plastic items. WOULDN’T
I _____________________________________ useless plastic items.
5 The tour operator has always had very good prices for its loyal customers. VALUE
The tour operator has always offered its customers _____________________________________ money.
___ / 5

6 Read the article and match paragraphs A–D to questions 1–5. One paragraph matches two statements.
A History of the Olympic Games
An athletics competition was held every four years in Olympia in Ancient Greece. It formed part
of the Panhellenic Games, a series of similar contests which were held throughout Greece on a four-year cycle.
Athletes from all over Greece used to travel and compete in all the competitions, just as modern athletes take
part in a season of events. The various sports would appear familiar to spectators at today’s Olympic Games,
apart from races between chariots pulled by horses and the pankration, a form of fighting with very few rules.
Women, who were not allowed to take part in or even watch the Olympic Games, had an athletics competition
of their own from the 6th century BC onwards, which was known as the Heraean Games. The event involved
running races, and the women competed in age groups. As in the Olympic Games, the winners were celebrated
and given a crown of olive leaves.
The games in Greece continued until the end of the 4th century AD, by which time the Ancient Greek
civilisation had declined, natural disasters had damaged the places where the games took place and invaders
from other countries had reached Olympia. From the 17th century onwards, various attempts were made
to bring back the Olympic tradition, including the Cotswold Olimpick Games in England. These games,
which included dancing as an event, were banned for a time. The tradition started again in 1966 and continues
to the present day.
It wasn’t until Greece gained its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821 that people began to take
the idea of a modern Olympic Games seriously. A rich Greek businessman, Evangelis Zappas, organised a series
of athletic events in Athens in 1859, 1870 and 1875. However, these games are not included in histories
of the modern Olympic Games because they were not organised by the International Olympic Committee.
This was founded by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who had been inspired by watching the Wenlock Olympian
Games in 1890. Those games, which were a regional attempt to bring the games back, originated in the small
English town of Much Wenlock. When London hosted the Olympic Games in 2012, one of the mascots was
named Wenlock in honour of this connection. The other mascot, which was called Mandeville, was named
after Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where the forerunner of today’s Paralympics was held in 1948.

In which paragraph does the author Answer

1 describe why the ancient Olympic Games eventually stopped?
2 state where the founder of the Olympics’ governing body got his idea from?
3 suggest the ancient Olympic Games were very much like the modern Olympic Games?
4 mention who was excluded from the Olympic Games?
5 refer to a powerful force that ruled Greece for many centuries?

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