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Republic of the Philippines

Region VII, Central Visayas
Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines


Subject: TLE_ WELLNESS MASSAGE Grade: 10 Quarter: 3 Week: 1

MELC: LO1.Apply wellness massage techniques Competency Code: TLE_HEWM9-12WT-111a-j-3
1.1 Observe health and safety procedures in wellness massage
Name __________________________________________________ Section ________ Date ___________
School __________________________________________________ District ________________________

A. Readings/ Discussions

Health and Safety Procedures in Wellness Massage

All health care practitioners must follow all public health and safety regulations to ensure the protection
and well-being of each patient. Massage therapists are no exception. Client welfare is the foundation of an ethical
and professional practice for the massage practitioner.
Creating and defending a secure environment for our clients to receive treatment ultimately is based on the
practitioners' routines in the clinic, office or spa. These healthy habits prevent accidents from taking place.
Review these guidelines to guarantee the safety of your clients:

Consistently wash hands thoroughly between clients and prior to resuming treatment.
 Wash all linens in soap and hot water. Store and transport them in a sanitary manner.
 Always thoroughly sterilize table, headrest, equipment and other tools between clients.
 Know all local ordinances and health department regulations regarding the type of clinic you operate or work
The Therapist’s Role in Maintaining Health and Safety in their Place of Work
Employees are required to:
Take reasonable care to avoid harm to them or to others by their behaviour or working practices cooperate with
and help employers/managers to meet the statutory requirements refrain from misusing or interfering with
anything provided to protect the health, safety and welfare of all persons as required by the Act.
 To comply with these requirements you must: not put yourself or others at risk by your actions abide by salon
rules and regulations know who is responsible for what in the salon and to whom you should report problems
always adopt good working practices and follow correct procedures
 Be alert to any hazard that may pose a risk to you or to others and promptly take the appropriate action to
minimize or eliminate the risk.
 If you are unable to, or unsure of how to deal quickly with a hazard, then you must report the situation to
someone else immediately. Seek advice from a supervisor or someone qualified to deal with the situation
 Be competent in selecting appro Follow the correct technique for all treatments, understand the effects, and be
alert to contra-indications and contra-actions.
 Adopt high professional standards of dress and appearance.
 Maintain the highest standards of personal and salon hygiene.
 Report faulty equipment to the person responsible for dealing with these issues
 Do not ignore any hazard or risk; make sure that corrective action is taken.
 Keep a record of client and report any problems that you have identified and cured.
 Inform your supervisor and colleagues and be prepared to discuss issues of health and safety with all other
workers, as shared knowledge makes for a safer working environment priate treatments and in administering
them correctly and safely to the clients
In medicine, anatomy, and massage therapy, the Endangerment site is any part of the body that is close
to the surface area of the skin and is unprotected by connective tissue or muscle.
These areas of the body are very easy to injure and are always handled with care. Damages to the organs
at the Endangerment site may be lethal or permanent.
Endangerment Sites of the Face and Neck
Anterior Triangle of the Neck. The anterior triangle of the neck consists of the medial border of the
sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, the inferior border of the mandible and the trachea. It contains the jugular
vein, the carotid artery, and the vagus nerve, which are located deep to the SCM.
Posterior Triangle of the Neck. The posterior triangle of the neck consists of the posterior border of the SCM,
the superior border of the clavicle, and the anterior border of the upper trapezius muscle. This area contains the
brachia-cephalic artery and vein superior the clavicle, the sub-cephalic vein, and the nerves of the brachial plexus
Posterior to the Mandible. The area posterior to the mandible contains the facial artery and nerve, and the
styloid process of the temporal bone. The styloid process is the bone that can be broken from extreme pressure.
Sternal Notch and Anterior Throat. The area of the sternal notch and anterior throat consists of the medial
heads of the right and left clavicle, and their attachment at the superior edge of the sternum. This area contains
the vagus nerve, and nerves and vessels to the thyroid gland
Axillary Triangle of the Under Arm. The axillary triangle of the under arm consists of the anterior edge of the
pectoralis major, the posterior edge of the latissimus dorsi, the superior head and medial shaft of the humerus, the
upper ribs and the medial aspect of the serratus anterior. This area contains the nerves of the distal brachial plexus, and
the brachial artery, the axillary nerve, vein, and artery, and the cephalic vein

Deltoid-Pectoral Triangle. The deltoid-pectoral Triangle is a narrow area between the medial aspect of
pectoralis major, the lateral aspect of the anterior deltoid, and the superior border of the clavicle. This area
contains the cephalic vein.
Endangerment Sites of the Elbow
Medial Elbow. The area between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and olecranon process of the ulna. This
area contains the ulnar nerve.
Lateral Elbow. The area between the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon process of the ulna.
This area contains the radial nerve
Endangerment Sites of the Abdomen
Umbilicus Area. The umbilicus area, to either side, contains the descending aorta and the abdominal aorta.
Dorsal Body Area, 12th Rib. The dorsal area in the region of the 12th rib, is located over the kidneys, in the
lower back.
Endangerment Sites of the Lower Ext remit
Femoral (Inguinal) Triangle. The femoral or inguinal triangle consists of the lateral aspect of the Sartorius
muscle, the superior aspect of the inguinal ligament, and the medial aspect of adductor longus muscle. This area
contains the femoral nerve, the femoral artery and vein, the great saphenous vein, external iliac artery, and the
inguinal lymph nodes.
Sciatic Notch. The sciatic notch is located in the area in which the sciatic nerve passes out of the pelvis through
the greater sciatic foramen, under the pirformis muscle.
Popliteal Fossa. The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped area at the posterior knee. The superior area consists of
the lateral tendon of the biceps femoris, and the medial tendons of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and the
Sartorius muscles. The inferior area consists of the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. This area contains the
popliteal artery and vein and the tibial and common perennial nerve
Deep Calf. The deep calf region of the lower extremity can be located between the two heads of the
gastrocnemius muscle. This area contains the posterior tibial artery and vein.
Tarsal Tunnel. The tarsal tunnel is located in a groove on the medial aspect of the calcaneus and inferior to and
posterior to the medial malleolus. This area contains the posterior artery and vein, deep to the flexor retinaculum
The following are precautions and responsibilities when dealing with hazardous substances.

1. Consider any hazardous substances in your workplace. For the therapist these will include any fine powders
such as face powder or talcum powder, oils, creams or lotions, cleaning agents, sterilising agents,
microorganisms, blood. 2. Read the labels and manufacturers ‘instructions on all the products that you use.
Manufacturers are required by law to state the dangers and issue guidelines on storage, use and disposal.
3. Ensure that products are clearly labelled and stored correctly and safely.
4. Ensure that the highest standards of hygiene are implemented to prevent cross-infection (this is dealt with later
in the chapter).
5. Avoid blood contamination. Cover any broken skin with a plaster and wear gloves.
6. Ensure the safe disposal of ‗sharps ‘into a ‗sharps box ‘and dispose of in accordance with the correct
The following are precautions and responsibilities when using electrical equipment.
 Annual testing of electrical equipment is required by law.
 Ensure that people using electrical equipment are trained and competent to do so.
 Follow the correct procedures when using electrical equipment
 Purchase equipment from a reputable dealer who will provide an aftersales service.
 Ensure that all equipment is regularly maintained and in a safe condition for use.
 Examine leads and cables regularly to ensure that they are without splits or breaks that may expose bare wires.
Use proper connectors to join wire and flexes; do not use insulating tape.
 Examine all connections making sure that they are secure.
 Ensure that the cable is firmly clamped into the plug to make certain that the wires, particularly the earth wire,
cannot be pulled out of the terminal.
 Do not overload the circuit by using multiple adaptors. If you find others overloading the circuit, explain to
them that this is dangerous practice.
 Plug the machine into a near and accessible identified socket so that it can be switched off or disconnected
easily in an emergency.
 Keep electrical equipment away from water; do not touch any electrical part with wet hands.
 Ensure that flexes and cables do not trail over the working area: fix them along the wall.
 Examine all equipment regularly, especially portable machines, as they are subjected to wear and tear.
 Remove faulty equipment from the working area and label clearly ‗FAULTY DO NOT USE‘and inform
others that it is faulty.
 Keep a dated record of when checks were carried out, including all findings and maintenance
B. Exercises 1.Answer the questions briefly.
A. What are the areas of endangerment in massage?

B. What is an endangerment site?

C. What three triangles are considered endangerment sites and should be avoided during massage?

D. What safety precautions are being observed when giving massage services?

Exercises 2

Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase ―Wellness Massage

E. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Multiple Choice. Direction: Read and analyse each statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and write the
letters before the number then justify your answer. 2 points each.
1. Plug the machine into a near and accessible identified socket so that, a. it can be switched off or disconnected
easily in an emergency. b. It will lessen your time from walking from time to time if you want to unplug it c. You
can sleep anytime you want and confident that it is safe d. It is easy for you to just reach out if you want to
unplug it. Justify: _________________________________________________

2. Follow the correct procedures when using electrical equipment,

A. to avoid accident
B. to show your expertise boost your capacity to operate the equipment d. to play safely
Justify: ____________________________________________

3. Ensure that people using electrical equipment are trained and competent to do so a. They can easily be hired
abroad b. They can operate the equipment without reading the procedure c. They can prove that they are trained
operators d. Keep safe in using the equipment

Justify: _________________________________________

4. Training and supervision to all staff will a. Ensure that all employees understand the risks from all the
hazardous substances they have to deal with. b. Inform them of the rules and regulations for using, storing and
transporting or disposing of hazardous substances. c. They can be easily be accepted in their field of training to
other salon d. Keep your salon clean and orderly

Justify: _____________________________________________

5. Prepare procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies. Immediate steps must be taken to
minimize the harmful effects and damage. These procedures should be a. clearly written and placed in a
prominent and accessible place. b. clearly written and placed inside the cabinet c. clearly written and placed at
the back door d. clearly written and placed on the table

Justify: __________________________________________

C. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies.

Watch a video on you tube on how to observe health and safety procedure in wellness massage during
Covid 19. Write a five sentence-reaction about the video you have watched.



Prepared by:


Reviewed by:



For the Teacher: Please advise the students to read the discussion carefully to ensure total assimilation of the
topic. In doing so, they will be able to answer the given exercises smoothly.

For the Learner: Read the self-learning home task carefully from the first part to the last part. This will help
you get a clearer understanding of the subject matter.
For the Parent/Home Tutor: Please guide your child as he/she go through with the whole self-learning home
task. Make sure that he/she handles her time properly in order to prevent any deviations of the whole learning
B. Exercises

C. Assessment/ Application/ Outputs

D. Reinforcement Activity

In an oslo paper, draw or sketch at least ten kitchen tools, materials and equipment.

E. References

K to 12 Commercial Cooking Learning module . com (images)

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