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As I close my eyes and envision a field of sunflowers, a sense of tranquility

washes over me. The vibrant golden petals stretch towards the sky,
capturing the essence of unwavering determination and boundless
positivity. Each sunflower stands tall, a testament to resilience in the face
of challenges.

I imagine myself amidst this serene landscape, feeling the gentle breeze
rustling the leaves and the warmth of the sun's embrace. The sunflowers
teach me the art of mindfulness, as they effortlessly turn to follow the sun's path, an
embodiment of embracing life's changes with grace.

I am reminded to seek God’s light within, just as the sunflower seeks the sunlight. I absorb
the beauty of this natural symphony, finding solace in the simplicity of existence. The
sunflowers whisper a gentle reminder: amidst life's twists and turns, I too can find my
center, stand tall, and radiate positivity, casting my own unique light upon the world.

Gracious God, the beauty of nature is such a positive reminder of your care for this
creation. Help us to remember we are stewards of that creation, here on borrowed time.
Give us the strength and determination to right the damage done in the mistaken belief
that we are the authority over all we survey. Guide us to find our own unique way of being
in love with all creation. Amen.

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