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Wondered how a flower can teach you more than a professor…? Look keenly, look intricately….
Just look; there is much comfort to be found in the world surrounding us. In particular, flowers
with their open, generous beauty have much wisdom to share with those willing to listen.

“…Consider the flowers of the field, how they grow; … even Solomon in all his glory was not
arrayed like one of these”. Matthew 6:28,29 KJV

“…create your own sunshine…”

There is a reason we flock to sunflower fields. Even on the rainiest of days, sunflowers manage
to radiate beauty, opening their golden petals to the world. Similarly, when people radiate
positivity and hope, it fosters a warm presence that attracts all the right people.

When you stop searching for peace in your environment and realize that true happiness comes
from within, nothing will be able to stop your spirit from shining for the world to see.


“…there is much beauty in a strong spirit”

Nobody waters wildflowers, yet still they exist. The wildflowers flourishing between our
pavement cracks are living proof you can grow in the most unlikely places. If you feel like the
whole world is against you, understand that you possess the inner strength to transform your pain
into beauty.
Follow your instincts, do what is best for you, grab hold of the blessings around you and have
faith that beautiful times are on the horizon. If you have the courage to make the best of what
you're given, you will become a little stronger and a lot spunkier than before. After all, we can
agree that wildflowers are the spunkiest flowers of them all.


…the presence of thorns indicates there's something to protect…

Roses are one of the most widely admired blossoms, but one must handle them with delicate care
to fully appreciate their beauty. Similar to humans, roses arm themselves with all kinds of
weapons to protect their precious inner selves. It takes patience to hold someone with thorns
around their heart, but there is a valid reason these thorns exist. Once you appreciate someone
enough to treat them with the delicacy they deserve, you will be rewarded with beauty that is
well worth the wait.


“…beauty can arise from deprivation.”

The lotus, a symbol for purity and rebirth in many cultures, grows in muddy swamp waters far
from any sunlight. Yet somehow for thousands of years, the lotus has continued to flourish in
one of the foulest environments imaginable.

Overcoming great obstacles yields beauty of the highest quality. If you are going through a tough
time, nourish the seed of hope inside your soul with inner strength. You will burst forth above
your struggles into a splendid blossom unsoiled by your past...just like the lotus.

“…nothing worthwhile comes instantaneously…”

We plant rock-like bulbs into the dirt during fall and wait months until spring to see a tulip
blossom. Tulips are finicky; you must plant them at exactly the right time. If the earth hardens,
it's too late. The same is true for many decisions we make in our lives. Timing is everything.
Plants possess a biological clock that tells them when to blossom. Similarly, humans have an
internal clock called our instinct. Listen to your soul and don't rush what seems unnatural,
because nature is never in a rush. If you try to open a bud before it is ready, the bud rips apart.
Never stress that the results of your actions aren't coming fast enough, you're doing the best you
can. Take a deep breath, look at all the beauty around you and smile.

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