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C105 P06 KARE - Lecture notes

Coding (Republic Polytechnic)

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Knowledge Attainment Review Exercise (KARE)

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Q1: Smaller numbers

a. Write a function smaller_num that takes in
two number parameters to determine and
return the smaller number of the two.

b. Write a program to do the followings:

• Ask user for two numbers
• Use the function to determine the smaller number and
display the result.

Sample Output 1 >

Sample Output 2 >

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Q2a: Buffet Price

• The cost of the buffet meal is based on the age and gender of
the person. See table below:

Age\Gender Male Female

>= 12 20 18
< 12 12 10

• Write / Define a function named getPrice that takes in gender

and age parameters to determine and return the price that a
person has to pay for the meal. Sample output of calling the
function in Wing IDE Shell is given below.
Sample Output 1 >

Sample Output 2 >

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Q2b: Total Buffet Price

Write the code to do the following
• Calculate the total cost for a family outing with the
following members using the getPrice function that you
have defined in the Q2a.
• Display the total cost for the buffet meal.

Member Gender Age

Peter “Male” 42
Mary “Female” 42
Alan “Male” 11
John “Male” 10

Sample Output >

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Q3: Area of Circle & Triangle

• Write/define a function area_circle that takes in the
radius parameter to calculate and return the area of a
(Note: You can take pi to be 3.142)

• Write/define a function area_triangle that takes in the

base and height parameters to calculate and return
the area of a triangle.
(Note: Area of triangle = (base * height) /2)

• Write the codes to use the above functions to

calculate the total area of the shaded region in the
figure below and print the result. Expected Shell
Output is given below Base = 10, Height = 5
Base = 3, Height = 2
Radius = 6
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Q4: Explain the Code

a) Explain what does the follow python code do by answering
the questions below:

i. What is the name of the function?

ii. What is/are the parameter(s) of the function?
iii. What does the function do?
iv. What is the value returned by the function?

a) Write the code to call the function in a python file.

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Q5: Explain the code

Explain what does the follow python code do by answering
the questions below:

i. What is the name of the function?

ii. What is/are the parameters(s) of the function?
iii. What does the function do?
iv. What is the value returned by the function?

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Q6: Catch the bug

With reference to the function given in Q5, explain what causes the
errors based on the scenarios given below and provide the correct
code to call the function without causing errors:
a. Scenario a:

b. Scenario b:

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P07 Preparation
• Go to the Youtube video “Python for Informatics - Chapter
8 – Lists” via the following link:
• Refer to PDF-Book “Python for Informatics.pdf” in
Resource folder of P01 problem package. Go through the
following Chapters & sections:
• Chapter 8 List – Section 8.1. to 8.2

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