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In the canvas of my heart, a girl I've known,

A yearning crush that's silently grown.

Yet words unspoken, a chasm wide,
I watch her from afar, my love to hide.

Her smile, a symphony of bliss,

Her eyes, two stars I dare not miss.
Her voice, a melody, soft and clear,
In its gentle cadence, I could disappear.

Kindness radiates from her soul,

A tender heart, making others whole.
She spreads compassion like a gentle rain,
A beauty that knows no bounds or chain.

But in the shadows, my love must stay,

A one-sided dance, a price to pay.
Regret may linger as days go by,
For the chance I lost, and tears I'll cry.

Yet, in this unrequited affection, I find,

A bittersweet solace, a love undefined.
For even in silence, her presence is art,
Forever etched in the tapestry of my heart.


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