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The complete process :

Early investors Liquidity Dump on retailers

Official agents will contact Once you are ready to invest

Blockchain chat - Status application
you via social media download this application

After the dump the eth 06810e9752cf06e267a377019091aaba24
will be sentback to you 64d44b070e57f0b532d3ec2e739b2e332c
with profit on the same
We will send one eth Start chat with this adress
adress to you over chat
Reciving eth back :
after dump we will start the rolling out the profit of retailers as soon
as possible in the same order of submission. Eth will be sent to
investors on the same adress they have deposited.

Social Media Use:

If you're using social media, ensure that your posts are factual and
don't misrepresent the nature of this investments. Avoid posting
information that could be construed as market manipulation.

Privacy: Safeguard investor information and respect their privacy.

Any data you collect should be handled responsibly and in
compliance with privacy laws.

No Misleading Claims: Avoid making false or misleading claims

about potential returns on investment. Overhyping returns can
lead to misunderstandings and legal issues.

Disclosure of Information: Token name will be not disclose to any early

investors to protect the pump , we strongly believe that transparent
reporting helps investors make informed decisions but if we disclose it
then what will be the difference between retailers and early investors!

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