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a. Explain how electronic music is created

b. Listen perceptively to selected electronic music
c. Identify the composition of Edgard Varese

The advent of electronic equipment, gadgets, instruments, and other technological
advancements pose somewhat limitless potential and possibilities of creating and controlling
not just music itself, but also sound of any sort. Engineer-composer Pierre Schaeffer used
the magnetic tape recorder to record sound.

Developmental Stage of Electronic Music

A. Tape Music Stage:1940s-1950s

 During the World War II, the Germans used the magnetic audio tape that Italian composers and
technicians also used in exploring possibilities in music.
 Live or concrete sounds are recorded
 Sounds recorded can be treated by (1)Altering the speed of the tape (2) reversing its direction (3) cutting
and splicing the tape to form new combinations
 The result of this efforts is called musique concrete
 The role of the human performer is either diminished or eliminated
B. Analog-Synthesizer Stage: 1970s
An analog (or analogue) synthesizer is a synthesizer that uses analog circuits and analog signals to
generate sound electronically. 

Examples of Analog Synthesizers

1. RCA The RCA Sound Synthesizer was the first

Electronic programmable electronic synthesizer.

2. Moog The Moog synthesizer is a synthesizer developed by the

Synthesizer American engineer Robert Moog.
3. Buchla

4. ARP ARP synthesizers are loved by countless musicians for their

Synthesizer innovative sound. The classic models had an enormous impact
on the the overall history of music.

Composers of Synthesizer Music

1. Milton Babitt (1916-2011)

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2. Charles Wourinen (1938)
3. Wendy Carlos (1939)
4. Morton Subotnick (1933)
5. John Eaton (1790-1856)

C. Digital – Synthesizer
A digital computer is used to create electronic music in this stage. A digital synthesizer is
a synthesizer that uses digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to make musical sounds. This in contrast
to older analog synthesizers, which produce music using analog electronics, and samplers, which play
back digital recordings of acoustic, electric, or electronic instruments.

Pioneers of Digital Computer Music

1. Lejaren Hiller – first to use a computer in music

2. Max Mathews – pioneer of computer music
3. James K. Randall – one of the first to adapt electronic music
4. James Tenney – music theorist
5. John Cage – pioneer of electroacoustic music
6. John M. Chowning – invented FM synthesis
7. Iannis Xenakis – pioneered the use of mathematical models for the development of electronic and
computer music
8. Salvatore Martirano – invented electronic musical instruments
9. David Behrman – also a pioneer of computer music
10. James Dashow – composer of electroacoustic music
11. Paul Lansky – composer of electronic music until this day
12. Jean-Claude Risset – credited for experimenting synthesis techniques such as FM synthesis and
13. Jon Appleton – known for creating meritorious works such magnetic field data to musical sounds
14. John Strawn – developed synthesis for electronic music
15. William Buxton – designed musician – computer interfaces

Edgard Varese (1883-1965)

Known as the father of Electronic Music, was born in France in December 22, 1883. He spent
most of his career in the U.S. He wrote music that stresses the elements of rhythm and timbre. He believed
that noise is subjectively any sound one does not like. He invented a way to transform noise to music.

Some of his compositions include the following:

Large Orchestral Works

 Ameriques and Arcana
Voice and Instruments
 Un grand sommeil noir – for voice and piano
 Offrandes – for soprano and chamber orchestra
 Ecautorial – for bass voice, brass, organ, percussion, and theremins
 Etude pour Espace – for solo soprano, chorus, pianos, and percussion

Elecronic Tape
 Deserts – for wind, percussion, and electronic tape
 Le Procession de verges – a soundtrack for Around and About Joan Miro
 Poeme electronique
Other Instrumental Pieces
 Dance for Burgess – for chamber ensemble
 Hyperprism – for wind, brass, and percussion
 Octandre – for seven wind instruments and double bass
 Integrales – for wind and percussion
pg. 2
 Ionisation – for thirteen percussion players
 Density 21.5 – for solo flute




a. Define the different styles in Postmodernism and Contemporary Art

b. Identify the characteristics of each Art styles; and
c. Create an exhibit that showcases the different styles used in Post Modernism and
Contemporary Art.

Art continues to evolve overtime. New trends and aesthetics are formed. Advances in
technology and changes in ideology result in new art movements and styles.

Let’s Explore!

Postmodern and Contemporary Art

Postmodernism and Contemporary Art are not the same. Postmodernism refers to a wide category of
art created from about 1970 onwards. The hallmark of "postmodernist art" is its rejection of the aesthetics
upon which its predecessor - "modern art" (1870-1970) - was based. One of these rejected values is the idea
that "art" is something "special" which should be "elevated from" popular taste. Coinciding with a raft of
new technological developments, postmodernism has led to almost five decades of artistic experimentation
with new media and new art forms, including photorealism, various types of Performance art and
Installation art. In Postmodernism, the meaning of the artwork is given much emphasis than the artwork

Contemporary Art on the other hand refers to art of the present. It include painting, sculpture,
photography, installation, performance, and video art produced today. Though seemingly simple, the details
surrounding this definition are often a bit fuzzy, as different individuals' interpretations of “today” may
widely and wildly vary.

Examples of postmodern and contemporary styles are the following:

A. Pop Art (1955-1970)

The name Pop Art was invented by Lawrence Alloway, a British Curator. Pop Art
(Popular Art) is an art movement that began in the mid-1950s in the United Kingdom and
1950’s in the United States. Pop Art made use of easily recognizable objects and images
from emerging consumer society like advertising, comic books/strips, packaging, movie
stars, celebrities and mundane cultural objects.
B. Happening (1960s-present)
(Andy Warhol)
Happenings were the forerunners of performance art and in turn emerged from the theatrical
elements of dada and surrealism. The name was first used by the American artist Allan Kaprow in the title
of his 1959 work 18 Happenings in 6 Parts which took place on six days, 4–10 October 1959 at the
Reuben Gallery, New York. Happenings were events where artists come together and plan out the event
pg. 3
and presents spontaneous performances. Happenings typically took place in an environment
or installation  created within the gallery and involved light, sound, slide projections and an element of
spectator participation.


C. Performance Art (early 1960s-present)

Happenings gave way to another similar art form called performance art.
Performance Art is an art form where the artist uses himself /herself and his/her live
actions to express his/her art. It is presented at any venue performed in front of a live
audience. It often incorporates other media in their artwork such as dance, music,
body contortion, costume, etc. Happening is an art form that combines visual art with
dramatic performance.


D. Installation Art (1960 – Present)

Installation art is a contemporary art form that uses sculptural materials
and other media to modify the way the viewer experiences a particular space. It
allows the viewer to be “in” the artwork. It allows interaction between the
audience and the art and move around the art. Usually life size or sometimes
even larger, installation art is not necessarily confined to gallery spaces. It can be
constructed or positioned in everyday public or private spaces, both indoor and

E. Graffiti Art (1970 – Present)

One of the most radical contemporary art movements, "graffiti art" (also
called "Street Art", "Spraycan Art", "Subway Art" or "Aerosol Art") commonly refers
to decorative imagery applied by paint or other means to buildings, public transport
or other property. Graffiti, form of visual communication, usually illegal, involving
the unauthorized marking of public space by an individual or group. Although the
common image of graffiti is a stylistic symbol or phrase spray-painted on a wall by a
member of a street gang, some graffiti is not gang-related. Graffiti can be understood
as antisocial behavior performed in order to gain attention or as a form of thrill
seeking, but it also can be understood as an expressive art form.




a. Determine risk factors related to lifestyle diseases(obesity, diabetes, heart

b. Examine poor eating habits that must be avoided
c. Determine ways on how to prevent lifestyle diseases


Lifestyle diseases nowadays are very common because of the different risks that the human
body is exposed to, this is the reason why many people acquire such ailments. It is very impor6tant
to practice precautionary measures to prevent the occurrences of these diseases through various
pg. 4 physical activities and proper eating habits.
Common Lifestyle Diseases:

A. Obesity
Obesity is the excessive fat gained from food and inactive lifestyle. If a child
is still obese at age of 13, there is an 80% chance of staying obese in his/her adult
life. Likewise obesity is also hereditary; it can be inherited by other members of the
family. If not given much attention obesity may lead to High blood pressure, heart
disease, diabetes etc.

The Don’ts of Eating

• Skipping Breakfast - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A person
should make sure to have breakfast daily most especially to children.

--- Practice healthy eating habits.

--- Balanced meal.

• Weight Targets – Setting weight targets will put pressure and stress to a person.
• Not eating fruits and vegetables – A person who refuses to eat fruits and vegetables is prone to sickness.
• Night, social, and emotional eating – Unplanned eating must be avoided to prevent unhealthy weight

How to Overcome Obesity

• Exercise daily – Start with a short, low intensity workout. Follow the FITT principle.

• Avoid overeating – Is not a good habit. Make sure to eat only during meal time.

• Reduce Passive Pastimes – Watching television and playing computer games may lead to obesity.

• Eat Balanced Meal – Eat variety of food from all food groups.

B. Diabetes
Diabetes pertains to a disorder in which cells are unable to obtain glucose from the blood. It is a
person’s condition wherein the amount of sugar in the body is too high and the body cannot use it properly
because it cannot enter the body’s cells.

How to overcome diabetes:

 Maintaining a healthy weight, reduction of stress, avoiding sedentary life, avoids foods with too
much sugar, and prioritizes exercise because it reduces insulin resistance.

C. Heart Diseases

Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heat and is the leading global cause of
death and major disabilities are heart diseases.

How to avoid heart problems:

1. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

2. Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
3. Practice regular physical involvement.
4. Stay happy and avoid life stressors.

pg. 5


a. Classify the different types of Sports (Individual, Dual and Team)

b. Identify the nature and background and basic skills in Badminton


Active Recreation is a leisure time physical activity undertaken outside of structured

competition sport. It is a set of activities within the wider range of physical activity options that
also include active living, active transport, and sport.

Classification of Sports

A. Individual Sports - Requires Self-monitoring skills.

Ex. Running, Walking, Gymnastics and Swimming.


The beginning of athletics started in the prehistoric times when people use skills for survival. Over
time, these skills were developed into sports called “individual sports”. The word “athletics” comes from the
Greek word “athlos” meaning “contest”. Track and Field is another term for athletics. Examples are
running, walking, throwing, and jumping.

Events in athletics:

1. Throwing Events
a. Javeline b. Discus c.Shot d.Hammer
Throw Put Throw
2. Running Events
• Sprint - is a short running race. • Middle Distance
• Ex. 100m, 200m and 400m dash. • Ex. 800m and 1500m
• Long Distance • Hurdles - A hurdles race is one in which
• 3000m, the 5000m, and the 10,000m run obstacles are placed at intervals along the track
that the runners must jump over on their way the
finish line.

B. Dual Sports - These are partner play to achieve the success of the game.

Badminton has its origin in ancient civilization in Europe and Asia. The ancient game Known as
battledore (bat or Paddle) and shuttlecock probably originated more than 2000 years ago.

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Modern badminton can be traced to mid-19th century British India. It was created by British Military
officers stationed there. As popular as it was in the British garrison town of “Poona” or Poona this game was
taken by retired officer who get back to England. It was introduced as a game for the quest of the Duke of
Beaufort at his stately home “Badminton” in Gloucestershire, England where it became popular Hence, the
origin of the name Badminton.

Badminton Facilities and Equipment

1. Badminton Racket - made of wood/steel. It can be made up to 68cm long and usually weights 4-5 oz.
2. Shuttle cock - also known as birdies or birds. it could be a feather which consists of 14-16 goose feathers.
And the other one is made up of plastic one.
3. Post and Net - 6.1m length of the net, 1.55m height of the post (5 ft. 1 in.),1.524m height of the net from
the floor
4. Badminton shoes –are designed to give you better traction and grip to stop in time to return a shot.
5. Badminton Attire –A comfortable pair of shorts and cotton or dry-fit t-shirt is sufficient
6. Court

Basic Skills in Badminton

1. BASIC GRIP – the way the racket is help is as important as the way racket is swing to play a stroke. If
the racket is held wrongly the production will be wrong.
2. SERVICE – Service is a stroke to initiate play.
a.) High Serve – the aim of the serve is to force the receiver so far back in court that he is not able to smash.
 Long High or High Single Serve
 Long Short or High Double Serve
b.) Low Serve – A quick flip that makes the shuttle fall directly just beyond the short service line.
3. STROKES – how the shuttle is hit
Basic Strokes
1. Forehand stroke – those shot played in front or to the right of the body.
2. Backhand stroke – shots played at the left hand of the body.
3. Overhead stroke – striking the shuttle above the head
4. Drop Shot – is performed by dropping the shuttle immediately after it crosses the net.
5. Drive – To strike the shuttle with the fast flat trajectory to pass slightly above the net.
6. Smash – It is an attack shot that requires power and speed.

Basic Rules of Badminton

1. A game starts win a coin toss. Whoever wins the toss gets to decide whether they should serve as
receive first or what side of the court they want to be on.
2. At no time during the game should the player touch the net with the racket or his body.
3. The shuttlecock should not be carried on or come to rest on the racquet.
4. A player should not reach over the net to hit the shuttlecock.
5. A serve must carry cross court (diagonally) to be valid.
6. During the serve, a player should not touch any of the lines of the court, until the server strikes the
shuttlecock. During the serve the shuttlecock should always be hit from below the waist.
7. A point is added to a player’s score as and when he wins rally.
8. A player wins a rally when he strikes the shuttlecock and it touches the floor of the opponent’s side
of the court or when the opponent commits a fault.
9. Each side can strike the shuttlecock only once before it passes over the net. Once hit, a player can
strike the shuttlecock in a new movement or shock.
10. The shuttlecock hitting the ceiling is counted as a fault.

pg. 7
Scoring System

• Rally system
• Each game is played in 21 points.
• If the scores reaches 20-all then the game continues until on side gains a two point advantage.
C. Team Sports – These are group activities where players are organized into opposing teams who are
competing to win.




a. Identify the different health professionals

b. Describe health care facilities in one’s locality
c. Know the different categories of PhilHealth membership.
Are you ready?

Healthcare Professional means any member of the medical, pharmacy or nursing professions or any

other person who in the course of his or her professional activities may prescribe, administer or dispense to
an end-user a medicinal product.

a. Doctors - Doctors, also known as Physicians, are licensed health professionals who maintain and restore
human health through the practice of medicine. 
b. Nurses - Nurses provide crucial support. Some will provide physical care if it is needed. Others may
provide advice and support. They can talk about any medication that you need to take.
c. Dentists – A health professional qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and
gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.
d. Nutritionist/dietitian - Dietitians can help patients with what they are eating and drinking. Thy can
develop a plan which focuses on the patients’ needs and wishes. Dietitians also provide education for the
patient and family.
e. Psychiatrist - a doctor trained in the treatment of people with psychiatric disorders
f. Surgeon- a doctor specializing in operations that involve gaining access to the patient's body
g. Pharmacist - somebody trained and licensed to dispense medicinal drugs and to advise on their use
h. Prenatal - Pregnancy & women’s reproductive disorder
i. Radiologist - X-ray and related procedure ( such as ultrasound, CT scan and MRI)
j. Physical Therapist - Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through
prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education.

Health Facility

Health facilities are places that provide health care. They include hospitals, clinics, outpatient care
centers, and specialized care centers, such as birthing centers and psychiatric care centers. It is categorized
in three (3) levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

a. Primary level – the first line of contact between the people and the higher levels of health facility.
Examples are Brgy. Health Stations and Rural Health Units.
b. Secondary level – Considered as referral centers for the primary level facilities. It consists of district
health care institutions that have 50-100 bed capacities.
c. Tertiary level - Tertiary care is specialized consultative health care, usually for inpatients and on referral
from a primary or secondary health professional, in a facility that has personnel and facilities for
advanced medical investigation and treatment, such as a tertiary referral hospital.
pg. 8
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation was created in 1995 to implement universal health
coverage in the Philippines. It is a tax-exempt, government-owned and controlled corporation of the
Philippines, and is attached to the Department of Health. There are six (6) categories of PhilHealth
1. Formal Sector – Includes formal and contractual employees.
2. Informal Sector – Includes self-employed and overseas Filipino workers.
3. Indigent members – Includes people with no definite income.
4. Sponsored members – Members whose contributors are shouldered by another person.
5. Lifetime members – Include members who have reached retirement and successfully paid at least 12
monthly contributions.
6. Senior citizens – Members who are sixty years old and above.




a. Define quack and quackery

b. Explain the nature and dangers of quackery and
c. Enumerate the common attitudes of quackery victims
Pre – assessment

Your first task in this lesson is to test your knowledge of the lesson. Answer the following multiple
choice test and know how well you know about quackery in health. Write your answers on the space before
each number.

_____1. In availing health information, products and services it is important to

evaluate the reliability of the source to avoid________.
A. Bias B. duplication C. quackery D. loss
_____2. Is a form of quackery that includes cures, treatments, and remedies of
various health conditions that is drugless or bloodless in nature.
A. Medical B. nutrition C. Device D. product
_____3. This refers to a form of quackery in food products and other nutritional practices claiming to be
A. Medical B. nutrition C. Device D. product
_____4. A form of quackery that makes use of miraculous gadgets, believed to cure
A. Medical B. nutrition C. Device D. product
_____5. It is explained as a form of health fraud in any advertisement, promotion, or
sale of products which are not scientifically proven safe and effective.
A. Diet B. quackery C. physician D. Medical jargon
_____6. Which might happen if a person supports quackery?
A. gain money B. jailed C. cured D. famous
_____7. Who is the person responsible to question a quack when someone files a
A. Barangay captain B. Medical council C. Health council D. Police
_____8. It is an example of a medical quackery;
A. hilot B. dentist C. water therapy D. neurologist
_____9. Which is an example of nutrition quackery?
A. food supplements B. lemon-honey juice
C. banana D. fruit salad
____10. Which is an example of device quackery?
A. Thermal scanner B. inhalator

pg. 9
C. massage roller D. sphygmomanometer

1. A form of a health fraud, in any advertisement, promotion, or sale, of products and
services, that have not been scientifically proven, safe and effective (Meeks, et al, 2011)
2. It is being practiced by a quack. A quack is an individual that has little or no professional
qualifications to practice medicine. He/she is also pretentiously uses medical jargon and
relies on scare tactics, paranoid accusations, and quick fixes.

Common attitudes of quackery victims:

1. Gullible - easily persuaded or to believe at something without verifying it.

2. Desperate - Overwhelmed with urgency and anxiety, to the point of losing hope.
3. Isolated - Isolated means far away from everyone or everything else. Far away from other places,
buildings, or people; remote.
4. Belief in the supernatural – Belief in the influence of mystical power.
5. Overconfident – Firmly believes that they are knowledgeable and skilled than scientific researches or

Types of Quackery

Medical quackery - It includes cures, treatments, and remedies of various health conditions that are
drugless or bloodless in nature. Examples are Hilot, Espiritista, Herbal medicines, Whitening ointment
Nutrition Quackery - It involves promotion of food fads and other nutritional practices that claim to be
all-natural. These are believed to have beneficial properties of multiple plants in one product. Examples
are Food Supplements, Diet foods, Slimming beverages.
Device quackery - It makes use of miraculous gadgets that are believed to cure certain health conditions.
Examples are Electrodes, Magnets, Massage roller, and Slimmer pads.

pg. 10

pg. 11
Name:___________________________________________ Year & Section:__________ Score:_____

Activity 1

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the arrival of various electronic gadgets and nowadays?

2. If you were a composer, would you use early forms of electronic gadgets to create music?
3. Identify the following. Write your answer on the space provided.

__________1. Father of Electronic Music

__________2. Developed synthesis for electronic music.
__________3. Computer is used to create electronic music in this stage.
__________4. It was the first programmable electronic synthesizer.
__________5. Invented electronic musical instruments


Activity 2: Identifying Art Styles

A. Identify the following statements being described. Write you answer on the line.

__________1. A contemporary art form that uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the way the viewer
experiences a particular space.

___________2. This art style used images and subjects from popular culture and products.

___________3. It is an art that is performed spontaneously and catches the audience off-guard.

___________4. Is an art form where the artist uses himself /herself and his/her live actions to express his/her
__________5. Is an art of writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission
and within public view.
__________6. It is also known as “the art of the present”.
__________7. He is a British curator who invented the name Pop Art.
__________8. It is an art form that allows the viewer to be “in” the artwork.
__________9. This refers to a wide category of art created from about 1970 onwards.
__________10. This contemporary art form involves the arrangement of objects in a space.

Activity 3: Pop Me Out (Pop Art)

pg. 12
1. Gather your materials – Water colors, acrylic paints, poster colors, crayons, or pastels, paintbrushes
or sponges.
2. Select a “popular” subject for your artwork (e.g., a product, a celebrity, a movie or television
character, a sport, a place, a brand name, etc.).
3. Have your own Pop art and start painting the subject

pg. 13

A. BMI is a way of assessing if a person is underweight, normal, overweight or obese. Compute

your own BMI and identify your body’s classification.



B. Time to Reflect: Explain the following

1. What is the connection between proper eating habits and proper exercise in preventing lifestyle
diseases? _______________________________________________________

2. From the classification of your BMI what will you do to improve/maintain your weight to prevent
lifestyle diseases? __________________________________________________________


Name:___________________________________________ Year & Section:__________ Score:_____

Activity 4: “Arrange Me “

A. Analyze and arrange the scrambled letters to form a word. This is the test where you can
remember the benefits in participating in recreational activities.
2. ROPEW – -is the ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release maximum force at a fast rate.
3. THSTRNEG – is the ability of the muscle to generate force against physical objects.
4. YTLILBIXLEF - is the ability of the joints and muscles to move through its full range of motion.
5. DPESE-– is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest period of time.
6. ALITYGI - is the ability to move in different directions quickly using a combination of balance,
coordination, speed, strength, and endurance. ___________________

B. Write 5 examples of individual, dual and team sports

Individual Sports Dual Sports Team Sports

C. Speech Perfect
pg. 14
If you were a sports media advocate, and you were asked to give a 2-3-minute talk to address and
encourage the people to participate in sports, what would be the content of your message?






Activity: GUESS WHO? Health

Directions: Identify the different health service providers based on their medical specialization.
Write your answer on the next column. You may refer to the different types of physicians and their field

1. Treat emotional or mental disorder

2. Help patients with what they are eating and drinking
3. Eye disorder and surgery
4. Provides medical drugs and its usage
5. Provide crucial support
6. Movement experts who improve quality of life through
prescribed exercise
7. A doctor specializing in operations
8. Pregnancy & women’s reproductive disorder
9. Treat the diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and gums

10. X-ray and related procedure ( such as ultrasound, CT scan and


Activity: Campaign for Safety

B. Directions: Make a slogan about the present health problem we are currently facing.

(Make your output here)

Activity 5.2: Thanks To You!

Directions: Make a creative output to thank our frontline health service providers for their effort and
sacrifices, like painting, poster, sketch, picture collage etc.

pg. 15
pg. 16
Health A. Activity 6

Directions: Identify the modes of practice whether it is legitimate or a quack. Write Q if it is a form of
quackery or T if it is not.

1. A person sells you miracle potions that claim to treat different forms of body deformities.

2. A group of specialist doctor offers free operation for glaucoma for the unfortunate
individuals who could not afford the operation.

3. A person who claims to have the cure for COVID-19 with the use of UV lights to kill the
virus cells.

4. When the FDA approves a medicine proven to alleviate the symptoms of the common

5. A salesperson claiming to provide the services of a dentist, but without proper training and
did not enroll into a school for dentistry.

B. Activity 6.1: Quackery: A summary

Fill in the blanks with the necessary words to make the statement correct. Choose your answers from
the words given inside the box.

Quack Quackery Medicine effective fraud scientifically

Money spreads jargon Business

(1).___________, a form of health (2)_______, in any advertisement, promotion, or sale of products

and services that have not been (3)__________ proven safe and (4)_________.(Meeks, et al, 2011). It is
being operated by a (5)______. A person who has no professional qualifications to practice (6)________.
He/She also pretentiously uses meaningless medical (7)________ and relies on scare tactics, paranoid
accusations and quick fixes.

There are three major characteristics of health quackery (Schaler&Caroll, updated). First, it is a big
(8)_______. A huge amount of (9)______ is spent on fraudulent health products and services. Second, It
multiplies and (10)_______ fast. Lastly, it thrives on individuals who are diagnosed with illnesses that are
known to have no cure.

Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, and Maria Gracia A. Fulgencio
MAPEH – Music, Arts, Physical education, Health 10
The Phoenix Publishing House Inc., 2017

pg. 17

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