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29 March 2023

Dear Mr Gill,

I am writing this letter to voice my disagreement to your article; ‘Fur and against’, there
are some points that I would like to contend.
While you are advocating the use of fur, millions of animals are suffering and die in fur
farms. You stated that they are well taken care of and under stressed, but in reality, all
confined animals suffer from tremendous boredom, causing them to become neurotic, such
as pacing, turning in endless circles, even self-mutilation, and at its worst, cannibalism. You
should research more on how cruel and inhumane the fur farms treat the animals.
Another point that you wrote in your article was that the argument against fur has always
been more about class and money than about dumb critter, and fur is now symbolic of
wealth and power. However, the process of animal skinning is the opposite of “class and
money”. The animals have to suffer anal electrocution, literally burning their innards. Which
part of that process is glamorous?
You expect animals to keep you warm but they cannot even keep themselves warm.
During the process of hunting, hunters will often beat or stomp animals to death to avoid
destroying the fur. Some animals actually chew off their limbs in order to escape from
steel-jaw leghold traps, they suffer immensely. The process that you mentioned in your
article is the opposite of reality. Animals did suffer; they are not farmed ethically.
I believe that every creature with a will to live has a right to live free from pain and
suffering. Animals should not suffer for our benefit, especially since we have other means to
warm ourselves.

Your Truly,

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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